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EV's, Gas/Oil, and The Future- another swerve split from- JT Hints Boosting Canada’s Military Spending

Rural Canada has no recycling program. Actually, most small towns and small cities don't have a recycling program. Recycling programs are something you only see in Big Cities 100k+ population. Most other places, everything goes in the bin.
No we don't, we burn it or compost it if it doesn't burn. Then the ash is used for fertilizer.
No we don't, we burn it or compost it if it doesn't burn. Then the ash is used for fertilizer.
Most of it actually ends up at a landfill. Less than 20% of stuff thrown in to a Green Bin ends up as actual compost.

Two methods of composting:

Aerobic Digestion: This is what I do in my backyard. Throw a bunch of bio matter in bin and let it break down over a number of months and then use the broken down material as a supplement for gardening.

Great primer on that here:

Some small Cities also do this but you are limited to what you can really throw in. A lot of stuff people think they can compost isn't actually compostable and is a contaminant. This stuff all just gets dumped at the landfill, along with everything else.

Anerobic Digestion: This is what is done is many large cities. It's an intensive process and there is a large decontamination process. The bio-matter that is the end-product of this process is contaminated with plastic and is sold to manufacturers who use it in various products but it needs to be further refined and broken down. It also produces a lot of methane as a bi-product of that process.
Soon comrade you will get your free state supplied methane.....
