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ERYX Misfire

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I would be needing a fresh pair of undies after this.

Jeez...  :o

I woulda jumped too (as the camera man did)

As a side note:  Why is that video tagged as being a "New French Anti-Tank Missile... France's latest anti-tank missile, reputed to be as advanced as the American "Stinger" & "Hellfire". "

They look a lot like Canadian Soldiers to me... and that looks a lot like a ERYX (as in the title of this thread)... and from what I understand (and have now observed) about the ERYX system, they're far from as advanced as 'Stingers' or 'Hellfires'....  ::)

Good video though. It's not often you get to see a live ERYX out of the tube (when not in flight).
Oh, you should go on to read the comments.

Started out as a France bashing farce based on the vid...which you and I know are not the French, but our guys...then it spiraled rapidly downward into a comical rendition of Canadians and Germans teaching Americans their own history...then to finalize with "Haha, only a Canadian would see a video showing how incompetent and ghetto their military is, and true to their I AM CANADIAN beliefs, say "HEY, IT ISN'T THE FRENCH MILITARY IT'S THE CANADIAN MILITARY!" This pretty much sums the country up, a total joke. "

At first it angered me, then I realized the level of ignorance involved and just chuckle to myself.
RHFC_piper said:
Jeez...  :o

I woulda jumped too (as the camera man did)

As a side note:  Why is that video tagged as being a "New French Anti-Tank Missile... France's latest anti-tank missile, reputed to be as advanced as the American "Stinger" & "Hellfire". "

They look a lot like Canadian Soldiers to me... and that looks a lot like a ERYX (as in the title of this thread)... and from what I understand (and have now observed) about the ERYX system, they're far from as advanced as 'Stingers' or 'Hellfires'....  ::)

Good video though. It's not often you get to see a live ERYX out of the tube (when not in flight).

You mean other than the fact that Stinger is a SAM, not and Anti-tank missile and that Hellfire is not shoulder-launched...........As for the "French" part, well, the missile is made in France.
cdnaviator said:
You mean other than the fact that Stinger is a SAM, not and Anti-tank missile anf that Hellfire is not shoulder-launched...........

Well... I was going to make the whole "Apples and Oranges" speech... but this is more like "Apples and Toaster ovens"

Oh well... Still a good vid...

CdnArtyWife said:
Oh, you should go on to read the comments.

Started out as a France bashing farce based on the vid...which you and I know are not the French, but our guys...then it spiraled rapidly downward into a comical rendition of Canadians and Germans teaching Americans their own history...then to finalize with "Haha, only a Canadian would see a video showing how incompetent and ghetto their military is, and true to their I AM CANADIAN beliefs, say "HEY, IT ISN'T THE FRENCH MILITARY IT'S THE CANADIAN MILITARY!" This pretty much sums the country up, a total joke. "

At first it angered me, then I realized the level of ignorance involved and just chuckle to myself.

That's why I don't read the comments on any video posting sites...   It's a lot like plumbers trying to explain brain surgery only to be mocked and "corrected" by used car salesmen...  Only in this case it's a bunch of kids with computers and lots of time on their hands.   ::)

That's why monkeys eat their young.
Future Unknown said:
anyone here see it live?

A misfire where the rocket dumps 3 ft from the tube, or just an ERYX firing in general?

I've seen an ERYX fire (and miss... by a lot), from a hill 20 meters away from the firing point.  It was a 'firepower demonstration'.
Future Unknown said:
anyone here see it live?

I've seen the Eryx being fired.  I've never fired it, though.  They don't let us officers play with the goods.  Trust me, there's a reason for that ;)
surely someone on this site can determine the unit and when this happened?
Was there any real danger of it blowing up? I would assume theres safe guards in place to prevent that.
The contents of my bowels would probably go farther than the missile did if I were to witness that.
Future Unknown said:
Was there any real danger of it blowing up? I would assume theres safe guards in place to prevent that.

The big warhead inside the missile is a pretty real danger of blowing up.... and the safe guard is that its supposed to blow up when it hits its target, unfortunately for users the missile doesn't know which what is what in the perspective of what the target is..whether it be ground or a tank, the impact of hitting ground is sure (and obviously did) to get people running.  ;D
midget-boyd91 said:
The big warhead inside the missile is a pretty real danger of blowing up.... and the safe guard is that its supposed to blow up when it hits its target, unfortunately for users the missile doesn't know which what is what in the perspective of what the target is..whether it be ground or a tank, the impact of hitting ground is sure (and obviously did) to get people running.  ;D

Most AT missiles have a minimum range until which they are not armed......I cant remember off-hand what it is forthe Eryx
yes I understand that it blows up when it hits the target, but is there a programed arming distance? a certian distance it has to be away from the launching point for it to be able to explode?, you'd think with a newer advanced system like this it would be possible to do that.

Edit: answered my question before I asked it
Eryx range, from a quick google search, is 50-600 meters......... no blow up before that IIRC
cdnaviator said:
Eryx range, from a quick google search, is 50-600 meters......... no blow up before that IIRC

Just as well, I'd still be runnin and praying.  If it managed to foul up that bad who knows what else is faulty inside.
As others have said, there is a 50m arming safety on Eryx.  The crew carried out proper drills in getting out of there asap because there are other dangers.  Leave it at that.  Good video, everyone at work has had a chuckle about it.
I've seen a similar live-launch malfunction.  Back in 1999 I was running a combat team live fire attack range in Wainwright as part of 3 PPCLI's validation for Op PALLADIUM.  To make a potentially long story short, the booster motor exploded on launch while the missile was still in the tube.  Fibreglass shrapnel from the launch tube caused minor injury to the gunner and his #2.  The missile came to rest on the ground (smoking) approximately 10 feet in front of the launcher. 

Yes, we all ran....  :o

There was a moratorium on live Eyrx launches for quite a while after that particular incident.  It was also the reason that blast blankets now have to be employed when live firing.
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