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Engineer Songs


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We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the Engineers.
We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers.
So come, so come, so come, so come, so come along with us,
for we don't give a damn for any old man who don't give a damn for us.

Godiva was a lady who through Coventry did ride,
a'showing all the villagers her lovely lily-white hide.
But the most observant villager, an Engineer of course,
was the only one who noticed that Godiva rode a horse.


I've come a long, long way she said and I would go as far
for the man who'd take me off my horse and lead me to the bar.
And the man who took her off her steed and led her to her beer
was a blurry eyed surveyor and a drunken Engineer.


The Engineers of Peter The Great, who was a Russian Czar,
While remodeling the palace, put a throne room in the bar.
He lined the walls with vodka, rum, and 40 kinds of beer, and
Advanced the Russian culture by one hundred and seven years.


We did a piss-poor job on the timber trestle bridge.
We lost the fourth platoon out a'fighting on the ridge.
We zeroed in our rifles with precision and with care,
but when we fired for record Maggie's drawers were in the air.


An Engineer and his lady were spooning in the park.
The Engineer and his lady were spooning in the dark.
His scientific manner was a wonder to behold
for his left hand took the readings while his right hand turned the knobs.


Venus was a lady made of entirely of stone,
There's not a fig leaf on her. She's as naked as a bone.
On seeing her misfortune an Engineer discoursed,
She's a broken hunk of concrete and she should be reinforced.


The Engineers and the Infantry were downing a gallon can.
The Infantry said to the Engineers, "Out-drink us if you can."
The Infantry took three drinks and died, their faces a ghastly green.
But the Engineers kept drinking, it was only gasoline.


My father was a miner on the Upper Malamute.
My mother was a hostess in a house of ill repute.
My brothers all were fairies and my sisters all were queers.
So I told them all to go to hell and I joined the Engineers.


2023 said:
We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the Engineers.
We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers.
Drink Rum, Drink Rum, Drink Rum, Drink Rum, so come along with us,
for we don't give a damn for any old man who don't give a damn for us.

had to make the change, it conflicted with the one I had to wright out on my 3's  ;D
O man that brings back some childhood memories, hopefully I'll be singing it with some fellow sappers soon. I dont see why i wont get in, no drugs, I'm healthy, Ive got a 100% understanding of militairy lifestyle, Ive got a strong upperbody and I'm good with math. wish me luck

CHIMO :cdn:
Just finished my CT process this morning, going PRes Engineer to Full fledged Cbt Engineer, just waiting for my offer now.  I can't wait to get out on training.  Looking forward to having a beer with you guys and singing the engineer song... 


I'll be seeing some of you soon...
Here is the full Engineer Song as provided to me while on course from CFSME:


1. The Army and the Navy, they went out to have some fun.
They went to all the taverns, where the fiery liquids run;
But the bars they found were empty, for the engineers had come,
And traded all their instruments for gallon jugs of rum!

We are, we are, we are, we are
We are the engineers
We can, we can, we can, we can
Demolish forty beers
Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum
And come along with us
For we don’t give a damn for any old man
Who don’t give a damn for us

2. Godiva was a lady who through Coventry did ride,
To show to all the villagers her lovely lily white hide.
The most observant man of all, an Engineer of course,
Was the only one to notice that Godiva rode a horse.

3. She said I’ve come along, long way; the man will go as far,
Who’ll take me off this bloody horse, and lead me to a bar.
The man who took her from her stead, and stood her to a beer,
Was a bleary eyed old Sapper from the Corps of Engineers.

4. Sir Francis Drake and all his men set sail from Calais Bay,
Waiting for a Rum fleet that was headed out that way;
But the Engineers had beat them by a night and half a day,
And though as drunk as they could get, you still could hear them say.

5. My father was a miner from the upper Malemute.
My mother was a hostess in a house of ill repute.
At the age of ten they kicked me out and never shed a tear,
So I said the hell with them and I joined the Engineers.

6. My mother peddles opium, my father’s on the dole.
My sister used to walk the streets, but now she’s on parole.
My brother runs a restaurant with bedrooms in the rear;
But they won’t speak to me because I’m an Engineer

7. An artsman and an engineer once found a gallon can
Said the artsman “match me drink for drink and prove that you’re a man”
They drank three drinks, they artsman died, his face was turning green
But the engineer drank on and said “It’s only gasoline”

8. A maiden and an Engineer were sitting in the park
The engineer was busy doing research after dark
His scientific method was a marvel to observe
While his right hand wrote the figures down his left hand traced the curves

9. She wears her flannel nightie in the summer when its hot
She wears her silk pajamas in the winter when it’s hot
And sometimes in the springtime and sometimes in the fall
She climbs right in between the sheets with nothing on at all

10. Now Venus is a statue made entirely of stone
There’s not a fig leaf on her, she’s naked as a bone
On noticing her arms were broke an engineer discovered
Of course the damn things broken, it should be reinforced!

11. Now Caesar went to Egypt at the age of 53
But Cleopatra’s blood was warm, her heart was young and free
And every night when Julius said good-night at three o’clock
There was a Roman Engineer just waiting round the block

12. An Engineer once came to school so drunk and very late
Carrying a load you’d expect to ship by freight
The only thing that held him up and kept him on his course
Was the boundary condition and electro-motive force

13. Now you’ve heard our story and you know we’re engineers
And like all Jolly fellows we can down our whiskey clear.
We drink to every soldier who comes from far and near.
So grab a seat and a glass and have a jug of beer.


nfld engineer? i lived there a few years, my father was born there maybe you two know eachother. I'm pretty sure he was with 1 CER his names Juinor perry.
lol, I'm not that old ;)

BTW 1 CER was located at CFB Chiliwack, BC and later moved to CFB Edmonton after the close of CFB Chiliwack.
Wile trying to find another version of the Engineer Song to show up NFLD Sapper; not being able to find one I'll post these :D

Now the Lord of the Realms has glorified the Charge of the Light Brigade,
And the thin red line of infantry, when will it’s glory fade?
There are robust rhymes of the British Tars and classic Musketeers,
But I shall sing till your eardrums ring of the muddy old Engineers.
Now it’s all very well to fly through the air, or humour a heavy gun,
Or ride in tanks through the ranks of the broken and shattered Hun.
And it’s nice to think when a U-boat sinks, of the glory that outlives years,
But whoever heard of a vaunting work for the muddy old Engineers?
Now you must not feel as you read this rhyme that a Sapper’s a jealous knave,
That he joined the ranks for a vote of thanks or in search of a hero’s grave.
No, your mechanized is all right and your Tommy has darned few peers,
But where in Hell would the lot of them be if it weren’t for the Engineers?
Oh they look like tramps but they build your camps and sometimes lead the advance.
And they sweat red blood to bridge the flood, to give you a fighting chance.
But who stays behind when it gets too hot, to blow up the roads in the rear?
Just tell your wife that you owe your life to the muddy old Engineers!
No fancy crest is pinned on his chest; if you read what his hat badge says,
Why “Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense”, is a queersome sort of phrase.
But their modest claim to immortal fame has probably reached your ears,
The first to arrive, and the last to leave, are the Glorious Engineers.

The Engineer Prayer: Almighty God, we pray thee to bless the Canadian Military Engineers.
May our bridges always stand, and our charges never fail, our members be ever loyal, and our
officers worthy of their loyalty. May we work diligently in all our purposes and be skilled in our
trades; steadfast for Queen and Country everywhere. Amen. CHIMO

Romulus said:
nfld engineer? i lived there a few years, my father was born there maybe you two know eachother. I'm pretty sure he was with 1 CER his names Juinor perry.

Holy crap!  What's Junior doing these days?
Haha my dad (junior) has got some property in salmon arm he's just relaxing. hes raisin some sheep and building house boats.
Sorry, but seeing as we're on the topic of songs, we gotta have the 'official' song:

Good Morning Mr Stevens and windy Notchy Knight,
Hurrah for the CRE
We're working very hard down at Upnor Hard.
Hurrah for the CRE
You make fast I make fast make fast the dinghy
Make fast the dinghy make fast the dinghy.
You make fast I make fast make fast the dinghy.
Make fast the dinghy pontoon.
For we're marching on to Laffan's Plain.
To Laffan's Plain. To Laffan's Plain.
Yes we're marching on to Laffan's Plain
Where they don't know mud from clay.
Ah, ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah.
Oshta. oshta. oshta. oshta.
Ikona malee. picaninny skoff.
Ma-ninga sabenza. here's another off.
Oolum-da cried Matabele,
Oolum-da. away we go.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. ah. ah.

got a few more if anyone's interested, engineer drinking songs that is.
When my little girl first started teething ( 6 weeks!!  :P), the only song I could think of at o-dark-stupid to walk-and-rock with her was "Godiva's Hymn." At 14 months, it's still one of her favourites, and needed for the occasional bad night.

I can only imagine the effect it'll have if she ever goes to university for engineering, or, god forbid, enlists as an 041!!  ;D
tank recce said:
When my little girl first started teething ( 6 weeks!!  :P), the only song I could think of at o-dark-stupid to walk-and-rock with her was "Godiva's Hymn." At 14 months, it's still one of her favourites, and needed for the occasional bad night.

I can only imagine the effect it'll have if she ever goes to university for engineering, or, god forbid, enlists as an 041!!  ;D

Sorry 041 no longer exists we are all now 043's  ;D
And to make this collection complete. Here is "WINGS"

Where the shot and the shell are falling,
And the bugles are a-calling,
Where the smoke and smell of powder is on the wind;
And the sharper rifle rattle,
Shows the forefront of the battle,
A squad or two of Sappers you will find.

Be it bridging or pontooning,
Be it survey or ballooning,
A path through swamps or obstacles to clear;
Then the man they will all beckon,
And the man on whom they’ll reckon,
As serving in the Royal Engineers.

Everywhere our motto where our country needs’
As the Sapper watchword not by words but deeds.
First when bugle summon;
Last to leave in war
Is the proud tradition
Of our glorious Corps.

Wings to bear me over mountain and vale away;
Wings to bathe my spirit in morning’s sunny ray.
Wings that I may hover at morn above the sea;
Wings through life to bear me, and death triumphantly.

Wings like youth’s fleet moments which swiftly o’er me passed;
Wings like my early visions, too bright, too fair to last.
Wings that I might recall them, the loved, the lost, the dead;
Wings that I might fly after the past, long vanished.

Wings to lift me upwards, soaring with eagle flight;
Wings to waft me heav’nward to bask in realms of light.
Wings to be no more wearied, lulled in eternal rest;
Wings to be sweetly folded where faith and love are blessed.
Towards_the_gap said:
Sorry, but seeing as we're on the topic of songs, we gotta have the 'official' song:

Good Morning Mr Stevens and windy Notchy Knight,
Hurrah for the CRE
We're working very hard down at Upnor Hard.
Hurrah for the CRE
You make fast I make fast make fast the dinghy
Make fast the dinghy make fast the dinghy.
You make fast I make fast make fast the dinghy.
Make fast the dinghy pontoon.
For we're marching on to Laffan's Plain.
To Laffan's Plain. To Laffan's Plain.
Yes we're marching on to Laffan's Plain
Where they don't know mud from clay.
Ah, ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah.
Oshta. oshta. oshta. oshta.
Ikona malee. picaninny skoff.
Ma-ninga sabenza. here's another off.
Oolum-da cried Matabele,
Oolum-da. away we go.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. ah. ah.

got a few more if anyone's interested, engineer drinking songs that is.

Just some tidbits from Customs and Traditions of the Canadian Military Engineers

Explanations of some elements of the song (source unknown) are:

a. “Mr. Stevens” was a civilian attached to the Royal Engineers at the time.
b. “Windy Notchy Knight” was a nickname for a lanky and knobby-kneed Engineer.
c. “Upnor Hard” was the Bridging Site at SME Chatham.
d. “Laffan’s Plain” in Aldershot, England, was very muddy and this area was levelled by the
Engineers over a period of years to earn their special rates of pay. The work was planned and carried
out under Colonel H.D. Laffan, RE.
e. “Oshta, Ikona malee picaninny skoff maniga sabenza” is the Matabele way of saying “I am fed up
and glad to be leaving.” The Matabele tribe provided many labourers for the Royal Engineers in South
well, not quite an 'engineer' song per se, but one we always sang in RAF bars to piss em off.

Yogi Bear Song (to the tune of Camptown Races)

I know a bear that you all know. Yogi, Yogi.
I know a bear that you all know, Yogi, Yogi bear.
Yogi, Yogi bear! Yogi, Yogi bear!
I know a bear that you all know, Yogi, Yogi bear.

Yogi's got a girlfriend bear. Suzie, Suzie.
Yogi's got a girlfriend bear, Suzie, Suzie bear.
Suzie, Suzie bear! Suzie, Suzie bear!
Yogi's got a girlfriend bear, Suzie, Suzie bear.

Suzie, she likes whips and chains. Kinky, Kinky.
Suzie, she likes whips and chains, she's a kinky bear.
She's a kinky bear! She's a kinky bear!
Suzie, she likes whips and chains, she's a kinky bear.

Suzie shaves her pubic hair, griizzly, grizzly.
Suzie shaves her pubic hair, she's a grizzly bear.
She's a grizzly bear! She's a grizzly bear!
Suzie shaves her pubic hair, she's a grizzly bear.

*rude verses omitted*

Boo Boo turned up with his friends. Gang-bang, gang-bang.
Boo Boo turned up with his friends, he's a gang-bang bear.
He's a gang-bang bear! He's a gang-bang bear!
Boo-boo turned up with his friends, he's a gang-bang bear.

Now I'm here all on my own...lonely, lonely.
Now I'm here all on my own....I'm a lonely bear.
What can I do all on my own? Lonely, lonely.
What can I do all on my own? I'm a w**ker bear!

I'm a w**ker bear! I'm a w**ker bear.
Every time I'm on my own, I'm a w**ker bear!
I'm a w**ker bear! I'm a w**ker bear!
Every time I'm on my own, I'm a w**ker bear!

Thank you!
