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Do Canadian soldiers use the PRC 117 radio?

still why would the average grunt need UHF, HF, or Satcom bands or carry the 6 extra antenas in order to use those bands
The 117 does VHF and UHF/SATCOM.

The average grunt is usually only using VHF, but SATCOM is nice to have in case of emergency.  It's not limited to range or LOS and because of that it offers a last ditch means of reaching back to the TOC.  It's not practical for everyday traffic like VHF is (for reasons that shouldn't be described here), but having the capability to always call for help is well worth carrying the extra antenna.

Not to mention the fact that the 117 is over twice as powerful as the 522 on VHF.

The fact that the 117 also talks to planes is really only of use to the FACs, but they're right out there with us so it helps that we're using the same gear and can swap out N/S components in a pinch.
ok so your VHF is FUBAR say shot full of hole your Satcom is in the same unit how do use it to call for reinforcements
Iridium phone... dial 1-800-555-1QRF, follow the automated prompts, help will arrive in 30 minutes or it's free.
as for power go back to your comms training low power for standard use high power only limited use
and I can get more range with a 77 set using the 3 meter antenna and propper terrain location and low power than someone in a depression with a 1 meter blade antenna on high power
if you only want more range the 138 set has HF to give you that or its successor the PRC 150
Satcoms major benefit is if you're in JTF2 deep in the boonies in Afghanistan & are required to talk to Ottawa or Pet it is strategic more than tactical
Recon 3690 said:
as for power go back to your comms training low power for standard use high power only limited use
and I can get more range with a 77 set using the 3 meter antenna and propper terrain location and low power than someone in a depression with a 1 meter blade antenna on high power
if you only want more range the 138 set has HF to give you that or its successor the PRC 150

Since you seem to be on permanent send, how about providing weights of each of these radios plus the total weight of batteries for seven days of operations.
Recon 3690 said:
Satcoms major benefit is if you're in JTF2 deep in the boonies in Afghanistan & are required to talk to Ottawa or Pet it is strategic more than tactical

Actually, most everyone in theater is on satellite or at least has the capability.  It's not just for scuba-ninja's anymore.

Recon 3690 said:
ok so your VHF is FUBAR say shot full of hole your Satcom is in the same unit how do use it to call for reinforcements

if you only want more range the 138 set has HF to give you that or its successor the PRC 150

So you want platoon's to carry 522's as well as 138's?  I pity that poor signaler.  If only there was a radio that had better range AND have satellite capability.... oh, wait.
ok so your VHF is FUBAR say shot full of hole your Satcom is in the same unit how do use it to call for reinforcements

Well in that case it doesn't matter if you're using a 117, 522, 77 set, or two fucking timmies cups and a piece of 550 chord.  If your radio is shot up, it's not going to work. But that's besides the point.

The benefit is this:

If you find yourself cut off from from higher on a VHF (Line of Sight) net due to range or terrain, a SATCOM (Non - Line of Sight) capability will allow you to call for the QRF, medivac, ect, ect, ect.

as for power go back to your comms training low power for standard use high power only limited use
and I can get more range with a 77 set using the 3 meter antenna and propper terrain location and low power than someone in a depression with a 1 meter blade antenna on high power
if you only want more range the 138 set has HF to give you that or its successor the PRC 150
Satcoms major benefit is if you're in JTF2 deep in the boonies in Afghanistan & are required to talk to Ottawa or Pet it is strategic more than tactical

ARGHHH!!! :brickwall:

1.  I ride around in a 21 tonne green machine.  The Taliban know where I am and they are not using direction finding equipment to call massive arty barrages on me.  My high power transmissions don't make a lick of difference. Don't even mention the fact that every single vehicle puts out even more power then a 117 anyways.

2.  The shitty thing about that "move to better ground" argument is that "better ground" is typically higher ground, which is quite often held by the bad guys on the days where you need comms the most.  It's just not always a viable option and we need to the capability to tx beyond LOS without stringing up huge ass NVIS antennas.

3.  SATCOM is employed on tactical nets.
As a former Coy Signaler, a Reccepatrolman and a Recce Pl Sigs NCO I have used all of the above radios in both training and combat.

The ease of use of the 117 for every and all situations is what makes the difference I can have Sat com. VHF, UHF all programmed into a single radio and switch between them in the matter of moments (In some cases a quick switch of antenna required).

To accomplish this with the other sets my patrol would need to carry 3 separate radios, now think weight added to the individual on top of his other mission essential kit.

Recon your way off IMO.
Recon 3690 said:
same as in the day if you have 2 radios you have 2 radiomen to lug them

OK, how about some background for context.  When was the last time you put on a CF uniform?  We do know you were in a Cougar once or twice from another post, though that in itself doesn't tell us your trade.
Recon 3690 said:
same as in the day if you have 2 radios you have 2 radiomen to lug them

Good point.


Man, if only there was some kind of super radio out there that was roughly the size and weight of a manpack, but could do the job of 3 different radio's ... hmm.

Listen, you've just been told by two and a half dudes who have been there and done that in the COE.  The 117 is the bee's knee's and is the absolute right tool for the job.  The radio's your talking about belong in the C&E Museum in Kingston, not taking up room in the modern soldiers ruck.

Step into the 21st century, my friend.  Thanks to global warming, it's quite nice.
Recon 3690 said:
same as in the day if you have 2 radios you have 2 radiomen to lug them

And now I need 1 man to carry what 2 men used to... I can have more batteries, more ammo more water more food etc etc etc...

SATCOM IS a critical requirement on today's battlefield. There is no FEBA there is simply a country that is an battle space and often times you will not have the ability to bring with you the RRB sites required to reach back to your point of origin and that's not just your precious Armoured Recce that's everyone in the TF from the CLP to the FOB to the COPs to the Recce Patrol.

This is starting to be like urinating in the wind...futile at best
Recon 3690 said:
as I stated before my perspective is as armoured recce

OK, then I'm guessing you were a Militia soldier for a few years in the 80s, you might have had a comms course, and other than that you collect kit.  And that's all you're bringing to this discussion except poor writing skills.  You'll find some comments on that deficiency in the Conduct Guidelines which I am sure you read.

Recon 3690 said:
as I stated before my perspective is as armoured recce

Hey guess what capability those guys are using in theater now... I'll give you a hint.... it uses satellites.  ;)