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Discussion on Israeli Strategy

tamouh said:
What I know is little, what I've learned from here was tremendous and some of the conversations were great. I've no interest in the right nor the left. I'll be on the sidelines watching humanity descend to its final doom (or so they claim this will happen).

c ya around!

Awww, still gonna ignore the questions you don't like, eh?

Buh bye then.

tamouh - why drop into "IM speak" now.  I had a serious question, since you tend to ignore or deflect pointed questions about the Hezbollah using the rules of land warfare as their own "pick-a-part" to use when needed and casually discard when not needed yet to cry foul when attacked.

I personally am not a "Neo-Con" a word that I find gets tossed around an inordinate amount of time.  No one is perfect in this matter.

I for one back the horse that I have most in common with - thus I will continue to support Israel in that endevour until they start hiding weapons in synagogues and sending in suicide bombers into civilian areas.
Tamouh has ingored everthing we have asked him, from backing up his words, to his personal experiences and qualifications (his profile is simply EMPTY) and the only answers I personally get is that I am a rightwing extremist, or my response is baseless  ::). Yes, I find it quite frusterating. Judging by his last post, and last few words, it looks like he is finally leaving us. A littel bit of group pressure, and he folded like a cheap house of playing cards! Implosion!

Although at times I find his points interesting (the enemy's view or denial of the truth), what really shytted me off was his failure to answer direct questions in depth, for example the last one I asked him about the rockets and weapons stashed in the mosque at the vill taken yesterday. I have now seen that on CNN, BBC and FOX, with some video of the items in question. I am sure he beleives this is untrue, and its file footage from someplace else.

Well, it looks like we are all a bunch of rightwing extremists, at least in his eyes. Its also possible he was a fraud, and just got sick of role-playing. He could have been some '40 something unemployed WASP fat boy' living in Milk River Alberta,  for all we know.

In reality if the enemy is using any building as a magazine or weapons cashe, its open slather. Even if its a church of my own religion.

Well fellow extremists, its just before 0700h, here on a winter's Monday morning in tropical paradise, and this hopeless infidel is going to have, yes you guessed it, some BACON and eggs. Thankgoodness I am on leave til Friday!


Infidel-6 said:
The kidnapping showed the Israeli's that not only was their populace vulnerable (the rocket attacks) but that detailed operations where being done on their soldiers to attemot to leverage the government.

Since the Lebanese gov't cannot/will not patrol their coountryside to ensure it cannot be used for attacks the onus fell on the IDF.

....it was a bit of satire, meant to show the thought process of some of these people. ;)
He'll be back.  I am sure that once he figures everyone has forgotten their unanswered questions, Tamouh will be back.  I am sure the Army.ca Monkey on his back will not let him give up this addiction for long. 
You are right George, but since he has cut and run with his tail between his legs, he knows his credibility is now zero with us.

Now to the bacon and eggs!


Don't get all down on Tamouh, now.  He was likely raised in hatred soup,and has been taught to hate Israel since he could first talk.  Even in the face of facts and reality, it is hard to forget your upbringing.  His ICQ profile used to have significantly more info, with info indicating he had been in the reserves,  and that he is from Jordan.  Oddly, his time spent in the CF has not brought him any closer to understanding us "Neo Cons".  Perhaps "time spent on recce" was closer to the motivation? 

If there is anything encouraging coming out of the middle east, it's that they are more western than we realized.  Think about it.  What greater bastion of western liberal thinking is there than to conduct yourself poorly, then complain when someone sorts you out?  Next, if we see Palestine or Lebanon try to sue Israel we can start getting excited.  They will be showing that they are almost there!  All we need to do is airlift in a bunch of iPods and set up HBO, fund a bunch of special programs for special interest groups (other than terrorism) and create a social welfare state that encourages handouts. 
Then, there won't be a shooting war, because Palestine and Lebanon will be sitting back making phone calls and expecting somebody else to do the work for them.  "Hey, Kofi!  WTF?!?!?  Where is my poured concrete driveway?  Get on it, man". 

Seriously though, how hard is it to figure out that if you are lingering in an area in southern Lebanon, you have a pretty good chance of getting fragged.  Time to leave.  Period.  At such time a Hezbollah sets up a missile battery on top of your building, and dumps a bunch of spare ammo in your living room, perhaps you may want to go for a little trip with the family up north.  And can you really bitch about getting bombed when they are sending out warnings first?  (not to say that being bombed isn't a bitch)
Can anyone indicate why the semi-legit government in Lebanon wouldn't take this opportunity to say "sheesh, thank Allah the Israelis are finally doing something.  Guys, smash through and help us keep those Syrian dinks out of here".  Lebanon would have it made in the shade.  Hezbollah would be screwed, and be trapped in Lebanon before they could screw off to Iran, and be exterminated in that part of the world.  Lebanon would be the new target to fire money at, instead of missiles, and would see an instant injection of money and industry.  What western business wouldn't love to tap that new market if stability could be assured?  From what I have heard, Lebanon used to be a beautiful country with heaps of potential.  Too bad they don't want to pick the winning team.  It's gonna cost them huge. 
Personally, I hope Israel rolls right through Lebanon and Palestine, secures the whole mess then turns it over to the UN NATO ummm, someone who can get the bloody thing sorted out once and for all.
So tamouh was a reservist eh?

I suppose he had no problem cashing our country's filthy, blood money cheques in exchange for his service.

I'd say we should be investing a little more in screening our applicants if this is the type of "loyal Canadian" that slips through the cracks.
You're not wrong, he has been active as of 1630 my time today, so he is still skulking about our AO, and no doubt has read this thread.

So we are not rid of him. I guess he did not have the intestinal fortitude to respond.


The IDF has degraded Hizbollah's rocket capability and Syria has been unable to resupply them. Syria will either have to write off Hizbollah or ratchet up the fighting by opening a new front.

Even in that article and on commentary I've heard over the weekend, there seems to be a general concensus that Hezbollah shot itself in the foot. The media is having a hayday bashing Israel right now, but I think you will find that people, especially those in Lebanon will blame Hezbollah for instigating this whole thing.
Hizbullah is organized along military lines, with regional commands in southern, northern and central Lebanon. The unit in the south, called the "Katyusha Unit" by the IDF, consists of some 1,000 fighters who have been responsible for most of the rocket attacks on communities north of Acre and Amiad.

The unit has been able to recruit reserves, but MI has noticed that it has run into difficulty convincing members of the terror group who reside in northern Lebanon to travel south to participate in the fighting.

I think, if this is true, the lack of ability to bring its own "recruits" to the fight within their own borders is more significant than the fact the may eventually run out of rockets.

There are two sides to every story guys.  And "Justice" is not spelled as "Just-us".  Last time I checked this was a free country, with free speech.  Everyone has an opinion, and you will not always agree with what is out there.  That's what makes our society different from one run by a Third World despot.  Why else do we allow a Federal and Provincial party that has the express desire to tear this country apart hold positions of authority within both levels of goverment and work towards this end.  I don't like it, but that is the price we pay to have a free society.

The men of my family have served this country in times of war and peace for over 150 years now and some of them have paid the ultimate sacrifice to ensure we have these freedoms today.  And before you start carping at me as to who the @#$@# am I to stand on the stump and put my two bits in, I am a serving member of the CF in the Reg Force with 5 yrs Res and 17+ yrs Reg and counting.  I continue my family's honour to put myself foreward for this country and all those who are a part of it.  And as a matter of fact am waiting for the word to go to the area as we speak.

Everyone here as long as they abide with the rules and conventions of this forum have a right to speak up, even if you don't agree with where they are coming from.  Tamouh included.  To do so otherwise, negates the sacrifice paid by so many before.  Shame!! :mad:
You're right Jack.

Sometimes it is very easy to get drawn along on the tide.  If I got too personal with Tamouh then he/she has my apologies. 

I do not apologize for my comments otherwise. I was particularly bothered by his/her stated belief that the Arab/Muslim community would be in favour of "war without end".  I don't believe that to be likely.  I hope that that isn't the case.  I believe that such a sentiment is likely limited to the Jihadists, superimposing their own views over their community.  Hence my reaction to that assertion by Tamouh.  It is an imperfect link to him/her and jihadism but it is the link that caused my reaction.

Having said that: if Tamouh's assertion truly is reflective of reality then there really is no option other than war to the end and it is best to recognize that and accept it.  Presumably the Jihadists will get joy from their struggles.
jollyjacktar, why shame? Explain? Its a debate. simple as that. We are letting Tamouh have his say and we are having ours. We challenge him on his statements and ask him to back them up. So why should we be shamed? Tell me?
Then Tamouh basically said in one of his earlier post that if i supported Israel then be prepared for more arab suicide bombers. I disagree in a big way with such absolute statements.

What trade are you? Please do enlighten us?
ArmyRick.  Simply put, I noticed there were some here who expressed the desire to censor access to this forum to only those individuals who shared their particular POV.  From my location in reading the replies it was starting to get ugly and leave the realm of reasoned debate and degrade to the hallmarks of the start of a cyberspace curb stomp on someone who did not go with the flow.  That is not what this country is all about, or should not be.   That is not what I stand on guard for thee for, and I hope it is not in your case too.

( I am sorry but my first reply got screwed up and I lost it.  I hope this will clarify my stand for you.)  I am presently 0124, HT.
jollyjacktar said:
There are two sides to every story guys.  And "Justice" is not spelled as "Just-us".  Last time I checked this was a free country, with free speech.  Everyone has an opinion, and you will not always agree with what is out there.  That's what makes our society different from one run by a Third World despot.  Why else do we allow a Federal and Provincial party that has the express desire to tear this country apart hold positions of authority within both levels of goverment and work towards this end.  I don't like it, but that is the price we pay to have a free society.

The men of my family have served this country in times of war and peace for over 150 years now and some of them have paid the ultimate sacrifice to ensure we have these freedoms today.  And before you start carping at me as to who the @#$@# am I to stand on the stump and put my two bits in, I am a serving member of the CF in the Reg Force with 5 yrs Res and 17+ yrs Reg and counting.  I continue my family's honour to put myself foreward for this country and all those who are a part of it.  And as a matter of fact am waiting for the word to go to the area as we speak.

Everyone here as long as they abide with the rules and conventions of this forum have a right to speak up, even if you don't agree with where they are coming from.  Tamouh included.  To do so otherwise, negates the sacrifice paid by so many before.  Shame!! :mad:

Thanks for the big lecture on freedoms.  Maybe try a little more "Jolly" and a little less "jack". 
Tamouh is an agitator and enjoys taking a very contrary view.  I don't think it's unreasonable that on a website full of soldiers that somebody that argues on the side of our enemies is going to draw heat.  I think we can all agree that Israel will not be winning any popularity contests in the middle east any time soon.  However three things from that.
One, they don't give a crap what anyone thinks other than their own people.
Two, the "do nothing" tactic has proven time and again to not be effective.  These terrorists have consistently vowed to destroy the nation of Israel, and anytime they aren't actively killing, they are planning and rearming.  Remember the collective thinking with regards to the Taliban pre 9-11?  The idea that "if we attack them, we make them martyrs and play into their plans" didn't really stop that attack then, did it. 
Three, every time Israel tries to make things right, some clown pulls a suicide bombing or some sort of attack and burns them for their efforts. 
The fight has to run it's course.  No diplomacy, no UN intervention.  A big, bloody fight.  Maybe if the normal people from Palestine and Lebanon get the idea that they are the only ones that can get themselves out of a jam, and don't want to see their homes and families brewed up, they will stop harbouring these terrorist clowns and get with the program. 
Seems the left didn't get this ramped up about Israeli civilian and child casualties.
Well thank you, Sir, for your input.  So what if someone has a contrary view.  TFB.  That is the price you and I pay for enjoying the ability to have this view.  You don't have to agree with it.  I don't agree with extremist views from either camp, but they are out there.  Sorry fact of life I'm afraid.
jollyjacktar said:
  I don't agree with extremist views from either camp, but they are out there.  Sorry fact of life I'm afraid.

and I'm looking for them...
