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Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

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Yeah I see that Montreal is not calling their applicants yet. Good luck to you all! I hope you guys get the position that you guys want!
I visited today Montreal CFRC.It  looks like some key people on vacation now.But I received some information.
May be  it can be usefull for somebody.
Next National Selection Board for Construction Engineers will be at August,26,2011.There are 15 places.
About EME.This is Local Selection.I don't have any information about how many they need or when will be  next Local Selection for EME in our CFRC.
But we can see that jmusic88 already got job offer from his local CFRC as EME.
sky777 said:
I visited today Montreal CFRC.It  looks like some key people on vacation now.But I received some information.
May be  it can be usefull for somebody.
Next National Selection Board for Construction Engineers will be at August,26,2011.There are 15 places.
About EME.This is Local Selection.I don't have any information about how many they need or when will be  next Local Selection for EME in our CFRC.
But we can see that jmusic88 already got job offer from his local CFRC as EME.

Special thanks for the info.
At least we know ( Gracias to Ayrsayle) that the next BMOQ will start Sept. 26.
no worries guys, fingers crossed for all of you. I didn't get my phone call til this morning.
Hey everyone!

Applied as an Armoured Officer (DEO) at the end of April and am just now hearing from my references that they have been contacted.  Hoping to see everyone this fall!
Applied as DEO Infantry, my references are being contacted now, everything else is done, so I hope to be there with you guys in Sept. !
There is some updated information.
Montreal CFRC started to make job offer calls for some trades.
I called to CFRC and they said about National selection for ConstrEng 19 August 2011 and local selection for EME at 26 August 2011.
But a few month ago I heard National selection for ConstrEng 26 August 2011.
Are there people who are waiting for Constr Eng or EME?
And one questions to all. Is local selection can be done for specific trades or for any trades local selection can be done anytime?
Just called the Montreal CFRC today. I was told that Armour Officer is closed and that local selection for Infantry Officer will occur on August 25th.
Next French BMOQ will start on October 24th.


I was also told by the Captain who interviewed me at the beginning of July that most of the positions that had to be filled for Infantry Officer were for the French course.
I'm just wondering if anyone has any idea when the Hamilton RC is going to be offering jobs for DEO Infantry? I was just merit listed and was told I ranked high (at what position exactly, I'm not sure). It appears people are starting to get good news, but I cannot find anyone form Hamilton, unless I've overlooked them.
It is the whole "wait and see" game - have you been waiting longer then a month to hear anything (if so, give them a call and ask about the status of your application), if not - patience.

I am in a similar boat - so far the only DEO I know of selected for Infantry out of Vancouver. I don't think location matters all THAT much in terms of when you get the call (unless they are really backed up and haven't even looked at it yet, which is why it is always good to get an update).

Other then that, cross your fingers and keep moving like they will never call. Good luck.
I see- it looks like silence in DEO selection now.
Guys how yours CFRC ?Are there any activities?
Our Montreal CFRC  also keeps silence.
my update for today, important for all those applying as DEO Infantry

They are still accepting DEO canidates for Infantry - However, there are only 10 Infantry NCM positions remaining nationally at this point.
From what I understand DEO infantry is local selection though, so I suppose it depends on where you are. If there are positions open and candidate to fill those positions they would fill those positions for the upcoming BMOQ correct? Or is there a chance that candidates may attend a later BMOQ (if held past Sept 26).
Selections for Infantry are done locally, but the number of positions available are still determined nationally. To my understanding the only difference between Local selection and National selection is that one can be done in house, the other requires outside oversight and approval at some point.

The positions available are ALL national in terms of the numbers - the process for filling those positions is the difference.
Ah, I thought the numbers that were given to me were for the Hamilton area. I would have thought they would give a set amount of positions to each RC to fill. I suppose ensuring that a set amount of candidates comes from a specific area wouldn't make sense as you wouldn't obtain the best candidates for the position
Hey guys and gals (? are there any?)... I put in my application on the second week of July at the Barrie CFRC - DEO Infantry.  Wrote CFAT on the 26th.  The captain said I did very well.  He was especially surprised at the math results, given I am a history/education major.  ;D

I also got my P# boosted from 3 to 5 and was told I could expect to be interviewed in 2-3 weeks.  He also highly recommended a lot of research into infantry, and trying to actually speak to someone in the trade.  The desk Sgt recommended calling CFB Petawawa and talking to someone in the BOR.  Anyone done this?  Anyone got the number?  When is a good time to call?  I want to be very well prepared for the interview.

I'd like to be really optimistic and hope that I can get into the September BMOQ... *Crossing my fingers*

Good luck everyone!
Hey Estoguy I am in the same boat as you.  I had my application in at the end of June but it took CFRC XXX over 2 weeks just to get it entered into the computer!  Luckily for me I have already completed the CFAT and had a medical completed last year (was merit listed for MARS but it was after they ran the final DEO NOAB).  I am also lucky that my brother is about to finish phase 4 of the infantry officer training.  Once you finish basic be prepared for the most demanding experience of your life!  I was told 2 weeks ago that I am being booked for my update interview/medical.  Hope everything moves along.  Best of luck to all candidates.
I contacted my local CFRC in regard to Infantry Officer and Armored Officer options on my application. I was told on Friday that I should be expecting a phone call almost any time now. Hopefully they weren't blowing smoke up my bum. 