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Cooks ( merged )

  • Thread starter Thread starter RebornXmetalhead
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I hear that CFSAL-Cook is rather extreme with inspections...but i also heard that it was not the Cook course, and more the Supp Tech course. Is anyone aware if which might be more accurate than the other?
It'll make no difference either way. If it's your course you'll have to do it. Quit sweating this stuff.
Hello everyone!

I am going to write my story which eventually leads to questions, so please bare with me ....

If you are reading this, thank-you for doing so. For a lengthy amount of time I have been considering joining the military but in the past there were variables that did not allow me to proceed. As a woman, I finally "grew a pair" and decided that this was the career that I wanted. My fiancee is very supportive of me doing this, as others relationships in the past were not. In December of 2010 I completed my application but wasn't 100% sure on what trade I wanted to be in. I put down Sig Ops, Lineman and Acis. I wrote my CFAT (which is an outstanding tool  by the way) and qualified for a bunch of tech trades, cook and steward. There are only a few trades that I wanted to go into as my finacee is NCM Sig Ops and is currently posted  to Petawawa (but who knows where he will end up ) and I am living in Trenton. I am aware that for his trade it is a high demand but there are only so many places he can be posted to do his line of work. It is very important for me to be near him or with him aswell as doing my own thing in the military... thus leaving not many options career wise. He suggested that I do Cook because I am very good at math, being apart of a team and I am wonderful and bossing him around in the kitchen. He told me that as a Cook you can move up in Rank quicker if you prove yourself which could lead to running a kitchen  ( :P eventually ). I thought this was maybe too stereotypical but after doing research on it I found it to be very interesting. I don't really enjoy tech stuff, so it wouldn't make sense to advance in it just because I qualify. So I changed my choice to Cook. This was in January 2011. They told me that the trade was not open at that time so to call back in March/April when the new Fiscal year starts. Well here it is March.... and I am getting antsy :( I have horrible patience when I am excited about a job. The recruiting office informed me that they are expecting it to open in April....

and FINALLY here are my questions ......... :) dun dun dun dah

1. How long does it take the recruiting centre to book a medical and interview
2. Other than knowledge of my trade what else should I be prepared for with the interview and medical?
3. If I doing very well on my interview and pass my medical, how long does it take to hear for a job offer?
4. Are there a lot of people who apply for cook? I know its at the bottom of the list when you get your results from your CFAT, but to be honest I dont think that a job is any better because of how high it is on a list....
5. Because Cook is a purple trade, is it easier to post them as a service couple?

I call them every week to see if the trade has opened up... I dont know if I can do much more than that... When I want something, I make sure I do everything I can to get it...

6. Any other suggestions?

Merci :)
mymusichaus said:
.... As a woman, I finally "grew a pair" ...

Probably mention that during the medical... ;)

mymusichaus said:
2. Other than knowledge of my trade what else should I be prepared for with the interview and medical?

Definitely knowledge of your trade (like you have indicated) as well as experience and skills you have that may be relevant to your trade of choice, or the CF as a whole.  The usual- your strengths and abilities, your concept of what a career in the military is like, anything to make you markettable.  Someone once had a link to a pretty good self-questionnaire for preparing for the interview.  I'm at work, so I don't have time to track it down for you- hopefully someone else will link it for you.

mymusichaus said:
1. How long does it take the recruiting centre to book a medical and interview
3. If I doing very well on my interview and pass my medical, how long does it take to hear for a job offer?

    Unfortunately the timing is a bit unique and out of your control. It could happen quickly, it could take a long time. The fewer issues that require paperwork (living in another country for a time, medical history that requires documentation, etc.) the quicker things will progress.

mymusichaus said:
2. Other than knowledge of my trade what else should I be prepared for with the interview and medical?
    While I am not in any position of authority, the tone and calibre of your writing leads me to believe that you will be fine for an interview. Mine was the easiest job interview I have had and I imagine that not many well educated, articulate, and dedicated applicants have too much trouble with the interview.
    As for the medical, there wasn't too much to be prepared. It was more or less a doctor's exam where your blood pressure was taken in addition to vision and hearing tests. As well a medical and drug history.
Sapperian said:
I imagine that not many well educated, articulate, and dedicated applicants have too much trouble with the interview.
I knew there was something...different...about the original post, but I just couldn't figure it out. The poster is articulate!!

What a refreshing change.  :)

jwtg: Thanks for the helpful information. It is very much appreciated. Should the forces be concerned about the extra buldge my ego has grown? Hehe... seriously just kidding :P I do not have anything to be concerned about health wise. From a secret source I heard you had to do some sort of duck walk during the medical.... this sounds very entertaining to be quite honest and I look forward to taking part in such activities....  ;D  Does the military do most of their hiring at the beginning of the fiscal year? Or is it spread out? I can imagine I am asking a question that not even a monkey would have the knowledge for... I am crossing my fingers that I have picked the perfect timing :)

Sapperian: Iv'e heard that when you are waiting for something life changing, it's best to keep busy while you wait. I am not used to having to do so, this is teaching me patience :) What job did you apply for? Are you still in that trade? I hope that having the passion and dedication that I already have for the military will benefit me with the interview. Or perhaps they will be just so impressed with my ducky walk that they will be thrilled to have me serve their country.... ;D ;D

Another question to anyone who can answer or wants to share their 2 cents....(you can share as many cents as you wish)

If anyone passes their medical and does great with their interview, does everyone get a job offer ...eventually....even if not today or tomorrow but long as a year?

Journeyman: Do you work for the military? If so, what is it that you do? Do you have any related information to cooks.... other than they cook food :P
Thank-you for correcting my spelling. I will confess that the mistake was my own however I may have abused spell check a few times in the past.  :o
mymusichaus said:
Journeyman: Do you work for the military?
Click on the person's name, in orange, and you go to that person's Profile; you will see that I'm in the Infantry.

All I know about cooks is that they can be good....or bad....for morale. Best of luck.
Oh look at that.... there is spell check... right under my text box...  :-[  no excuses now

Thanks Journeyman...
I went to my CFRC today to check on my application. While I was sitting there I heard four people ask about the cook trade. This was over a 35 minute period.

This information shouldn’t matter. Do your best and make your application stand out. You seem like a bright individual so that’s a step in the right direction.
Depends on your instructor, but it was not ridiculous like BMQ, You will be issued only three sets of cooks whites, (one you wear & one set ready in your locker for inspection) for which is not a biggie except at the end of the day when your all fighting for like one or two washers. Make it a habit to check your pockets for markers etc.

Do order an extra pair of parade boots before your course (So you dont screw up your nice boots from boot camp as you are expected to wear those in the kitchen, once you get posted you will wear a Steel toe boots or re-inforced toe combat boots (the Gortex style re-enforced boot) until then PIA

You will march every morning to CFSAL FS&S bldg. In Cadpat or NCD's
Change into whites have an inspection, they are looking for clean pressed whites (dont worry if there not 100% because it is impossible after a certain amount of use and bleach (and the staff should understand this), clean fingernails, silly paper wedge and name tag that hangs on centre top button, polished boots, haircuts, second set of whites (Pants/Shirt/Apron) hanging on hanger that you hold out for inspection.

After inspection hang 2nd set back in locker (expect to change if you get the set your wearing to dirty)

Small Quantity Cooking in units similar to high school cooking (you have your own Stove, knives, mixing bowls etc
(they show you, you make it) as well as theory mixed in.

Large Quantity will have like 5 or so students (under supervision of an instructor) in Salads, Bakeshop, Mains, Sauces and soups etc, also do time in pots, front of house (a week in each department)

Field Phase in Cadpat or NCD (Stores might of issued Cadpat to Navy pers for that)
When I did it was a week, done in a parking lot during the winter) learn about how too set up, tear down field kitchen, Imersion heater, Gasoline powered stove that looks like it was leftover from Korea

Taking turns serving the steam line, running things as you would a real kitchen, feeding Staff, Visitors, yourselves QL5 students and Stewards

All shifts are about 8hrs, sometimes more
Small quantity 7am - 4pm I think (Breakfast eaten at mess hall before class)
and Large Quantity and Field phase is alternating shifts (so a E-shift and L-shift) Early Shift 5am-2pm Late shift 10am to 7pm or so
but if your late shift you will usually have to get up for PT as a course at 8am or inspections etc

There are differences between other bases
allowed an internet connection/laptop in room!
allowed alcohol in our shacks fridge at the time! remember its a privilege that can get taken away
Some course members were allowed to stay in PMQ's if they had family (not sure the details on that) but my friend going through SQ in Wainwright I'm pretty sure was not allowed those conveniences.
No revile, except your buddy's might throw a pillow at you, no lights out like there is at boot camp, just get a good decent amount of sleep and work as a team.

It was 2006 when I did mine so things have most likely have changed and I was only guessing at what the timings were, been too long ago

they also ran military courses out of Georgian college for awhile as well.

also worth checking out
http://members.shaw.ca/cfcooks/ and http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2384782821&ref=ts

kinda bumping up an old one here.. well, not as old as that> http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/23331.0

I have my papers, about 10years of experience in the industry - including military kitchens.

Does this mean I will be able to "apply the experience to the [Cook] QL3 training" and just do BMQ/SQ?
Once I leave for Borden, which is within an hours drive of my home, will I be stuck on base during the weekdays  for 3 months (similar to St.Jean) or will I be allowed to travel back and forth so I can see my family?
kawa11 said:
kinda bumping up an old one here.. well, not as old as that> http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/23331.0

I have my papers, about 10years of experience in the industry - including military kitchens.

Does this mean I will be able to "apply the experience to the [Cook] QL3 training" and just do BMQ/SQ?
Once I leave for Borden, which is within an hours drive of my home, will I be stuck on base during the weekdays  for 3 months (similar to St.Jean) or will I be allowed to travel back and forth so I can see my family?

The people to talk to about this are the people at the Recruiting Centre. They are the ones that will look at your civilian qualifications and work the system to see where you fit in and what courses, or parts of courses, you'll be required to complete.

When you'll be allowed off base will be up to your particular course cadre.
Hi everyone. I am considering enrolling back in the military as a cook. I was in reserves for about a year in an infantry trade, however decided to quit for some stupid reasons that I now regret. I have a few month to finish my Chef Training program. Can anyone give an advise on what I should do? I feel like a lost pup not really knowing what the hell I should do..
Are you thinking Regular or Reserve?

If you want to be a Chef, joining as a Cook would be a good option because of the practical hands-on training you would receive.  I've also been told, by a CF Cook, that your experience in the Forces would count towards your Red Seal Certification.  Perhaps another Cook on this site could elaborate.

Your best bet is to talk to a recruiter or check the site.

Good luck.
Jaydub said:
Are you thinking Regular or Reserve?

If you want to be a Chef, joining as a Cook would be a good option because of the practical hands-on training you would receive.  I've also been told, by a CF Cook, that your experience in the Forces would count towards your Red Seal Certification.  Perhaps another Cook on this site could elaborate.
Collected my hours in a military kitchen [as civilian]. The Red Seal hours are based upon f/t work over 2.5 years (5280hr / 40hr-wk = 2.5)
In a military kitchen I was able to collect those hours in half the time!

My favorite part of the experience: When someone says, "how are you will stress?" or "..our kitchen here is pretty busy - up to 200 covers a night [dinner]" I can't help but laugh.
I remember Fridays being steak night. Try cooking for 2500-3500 every 6hrs!