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Contract Lengths (Merged)

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Yup, VIE - 5yr, CE 4yr and then IE 25....apparently it takes awhile to become OFP on the Coyote.  Though if guys would remember to open the hatch before trying to get out they might retain a little more  ;D just kidding!  It's a complex piece of equip
slacker said:
  Also, I don't equate adulthood with gambling away three years.   If I'd been in the army three years already, or knew a single soul who had been, it might be a little bit more of an informed decision.

Three years is bugger all.  Yes at 17 it's 17% of you life, but at 32 it's only 9%.  You could gamble away 2-3 in college, 4-5 in university, 6 months to death in some dead end job.  At the end you will have nothing or even more likely debt which equates to less than nothing.

Here's the true gamble:  Anti-up three years.  If you hate it you will get a certificate (pat-on-the-back) and up to $5,000 to reintegrate into society.  If you love it you get another 3 year contract starting at $49,000 / year (in today's dollars).

Worst case, you travel and work with the best people you'll ever meet.
c4th said:
Three years is bugger all.   Yes at 17 it's 17% of you life, but at 32 it's only 9%.   You could gamble away 2-3 in college, 4-5 in university, 6 months to death in some dead end job.   At the end you will have nothing or even more likely debt which equates to less than nothing.

Here's the true gamble:   Anti-up three years.   If you hate it you will get a certificate (pat-on-the-back) and up to $5,000 to reintegrate into society.   If you love it you get another 3 year contract starting at $49,000 / year (in today's dollars).

Worst case, you travel and work with the best people you'll ever meet.

Well said...
would he or she receive all of the money that they paid into their pension?
Yes he or she would get a return of contributions. The education benifits have undergone alot of change in the last while so they may not be available to a person getting out after less than 10 years
Fusilier, to save me a question to ask the Recruiter I was wondering if you could tell me whats the VIE is for a Material Tech? As I've now I'm just assuming its around 5 years for the ammount of training time involved in the trade.


If you look on the attachment called TOS Sequence by occupation, on one of Fusilier's earlier posts there is a list for the trades.
For MAT TECH it states a VIE of 4 years, then a CE of 5 years, and then the IE of 25 years.

Hope that helps.
Apologies, when I read through this thread I ignored it as a signature and not an attachment.

Hello, I'm sorry if this has already been posted but what I'm wondering is, I would like to join Infantry. I have heard that it's a three year contract. Is that true? If that is, what i'm wondering is, after I fulfill  my contract , after three years, I'm i allowed to leave the army? Because I also have some future goals of coming back to my home town and joining the Police Force. I'm not sure exactly if that's what I would like to do after 3 years of being in the infantry, i might just stay in the army, but I just would like to know what's up before I enlist.

Thank you
Yes, you can leave the army without penalty after your contract is up. I would check with your recruiter about the contract lenght however as they have changed. I don't know what the basic engagement is for 031, for armoured 011 it's five years now. Good luck
I was wondering...

If I had the CF subsidize my university education for a Com Sci, I'd go through officer training during the summer for the next 4 years, and after graduation I'd serve an additional 5 years. So if I would like to renew the contract afterwards, how long would it be? Would it jump straight up to 25 years?

I'm interested in being a communications officer. My understanding of the job is that you are responsible for setting up and maintaining the base's computers and communications equipment and buying new equipment.

Basically after the 5 year contract is up, I'm thinking of applying at IBM or Intel and become a programmer. My question is, since a Comm. officer sets up and uses the computers rather then writing the software, do you think employers would transfer me to networking? Or even worse, not hire me because I haven't used those skills since university?
CF-22 Raptor said:
I was wondering...

If I had the CF subsidize my university education for a Com Sci, I'd go through officer training during the summer for the next 4 years, and after graduation I'd serve an additional 5 years. So if I would like to renew the contract afterwards, how long would it be? Would it jump straight up to 25 years?

I'm interested in being a communications officer. My understanding of the job is that you are responsible for setting up and maintaining the base's computers and communications equipment and buying new equipment.

Basically after the 5 year contract is up, I'm thinking of applying at IBM or Intel and become a programmer. My question is, since a Comm. officer sets up and uses the computers rather then writing the software, do you think employers would transfer me to networking? Or even worse, not hire me because I haven't used those skills since university?

As as ROTP Sigs O you initial contract is for 13 years then you can go for an IE of 12 for 25.
"Basically after the 5 year contract is up, I'm thinking of applying at IBM or Intel and become a programmer. My question is, since a Comm. officer sets up and uses the computers rather then writing the software, do you think employers would transfer me to networking? Or even worse, not hire me because I haven't used those skills since university? "

Seeing as my current civvie job is like an IBM or Intel, let me add something to your idea, In todays job market, where there have been 45000+ layoffs(yes you are reading that number right,  think Nortel, JDS, and alcatel) in the past 4 years, it is uncommon to get a job as a designer/programmer if you do not have the expirence.  It is also very hard to get a job in networking/IT as alot of those people that have 15+ years of work expirence  are also looking.  A lot of low level design work is being shipped to companies like wipro in india, and the integration is being compiled and cleaned up here. Short term contracts are the new way of doing high-tech in canada

A question, and maybe I am looking at it from a different angle as I am in the research and development role and I am waiting to get my job offer with the CF which I plan on a nice 20-25 years of service, do you think its really good to annouce that you are going to use the system and then Jet, after the CF has trained you and spent alot of money on you?

What a bright future we live in!

Fistumo, could you tell me more about the kind of research you do and what trade are you planning to do in the CF?
I am in telecom R&D, right now I am very involved with test engineering but have done traffic and performance testing and product verification, I have acted as team lead, and team technologist( interface with design and verification) the trade for me is FCS( thats what I was selected for).....any other questions let me know via PM and I will answer asap.  Yeah the days of going to university and then getting a great job are not as common as they once were.  Not saying its impossible, but it is not as easy. 

I'm interested in joining the Reserves in the future and I was wondering if the contract lengths discussed here will apply for the Reserves as well. What would the initial contract length for a reserve rifleman be? And What would the length be if it were to be renewed? Also, I was wondering if anybody could tell me what trade the Reserves at the Toronto bases train and if there are any reserve bases in or near Waterloo.

I left a message at the Toronto Reserve recruiting centre, but so far no reply. Is there any way that I could reach them?
Right now you would not get a reply as they are on their Christmas Leave
I was wondering if the contract lengths discussed here will apply for the Reserves as well. What would the initial contract length for a reserve rifleman be? No and you sign up for the reserves for an indefinite period, meaning you can get out when you want and usually stay in for as long as you want.