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CIC Officer Background Checks


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I'm bringing up a topic that has been flogged to death on these forums.  However,I've searched the site for info regarding background checks for CIC Officer applicants but could't find anything related.What background checks would be required for me and what time frame would I be looking at?  From my research it appears all I require is an ERC for CIC entry which only goes back 5 years. Is that right? What is and do I need level I / level II clearance?  I'm only asking for time frame reasons.

I also immigrated to Canada from the UK during May of 2001. This means I've been here almost 6 years so I am now a dual British/ Canadian citizen. Does the 5 year rule still apply to me or are more checks required. I notice on the application it still asks have you been resident in Canada for 10 years continuously. Why do they still ask that if the checks now only go 5 years back.

theyll do a reliability check which is basicly the same as Pres and reg check. perhaps they push further for any "children" related larceny
I can guarantee that you will not require Level I or II clearance.

Try here for more info:


So will the checks only be a 5 year requirement or a 10 year because I moved here from the UK 6 years ago?
I am of the understanding that the 10 year rule doesn't apply anymore. Not sure if that is correct.  If it's 10 years that'll really delay an otherwise simple process.

Planecrazy said:
So will the checks only be a 5 year requirement or a 10 year because I moved here from the UK 6 years ago?
I am of the understanding that the 10 year rule doesn't apply anymore. Not sure if that is correct.   If it's 10 years that'll really delay an otherwise simple process.


First you will be subject to a 5 year background check and if there is a requirement for a pre-sec check, which is 10 years back,  then you will be informed in due time by your CFRC/D.
Recce By Death said:
I can guarantee that you will not require Level I or II clearance.

Try here for more info:



Actually I saw a few documents marked "confidential" around my Corps office, you might require a level I. (dont know what is in them...but they where some folders and cover sheets with the Confidental marking)
Enhanced usually covers that. We're talking about a youth organization, not an operational unit.

If he does require any further security clearances he'll be directed by the CoC and will go through the normal red tape when the time arrives.

Oh, okay, I though enhanced was for "protected" level I for confidential, II for secret and III for top secret.

But I am sure that the CoC and the rest of the system will handle him and take care of whatever clearances are deemed needed.

http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cic/PIP-BOQ406_e.pdf on page 7 it touches lightly on designated information in the CIC, and it seems that one will never/very rare use anything above the "protected" levels, but I have seen the confidential level in use, but that is the bottom of the rung of classified information. So an ERC is probably all you will ever need (as recceguy says) and maybe, you might need a level I, but no higher then that.

You wont need anything More then an ERC for CIC. The chances of you needing anything beyond that is EXTREMELY slim, like it was said, its the CIC not an operational unit. Nothing that you'll ever see will be THAT serious where it needs higher classification.
The only CIC that gets lvl are CO this checks comes later on i your CIC career
I am not sure about the rest of the country, but i am sure it's to follow if not already in place...In Central Region, in addition to  all the checks you do through the military, you are now required to do a civi ERC at your local Police station.  This is because we (CIC) do not get paid for each and every time we train with the cadets.  So for those times when we are not on the Queen's schilling, we are covered.  gotta love paperwork.



Along with the ERC check there is now a VULNERABLE SECTOR SCREENING check that all (CIC/CI/Volunteers) will need to have done by no later than Oct 1, 2007. If you don't have it done by then you are automatically released/contract cancelled and it includes the following which is done by your local police.

The information requested includes the following:

a. Criminal Records (Adult);
b. Criminal Records (Young Person);
c. Record of « Not Guilty »; not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder;
d. Convictions, pending charges and ongoing investigations under federal statutes;
e. Offences on Provincial statutes, where available; (information on traffic offences is not required);
f. Relevant occurrence reports;
g. Findings of guilt where a pardon has not been granted;
h. Absolute and conditional discharges where not prohibited by legislation;
i. Probation, prohibition and other judicial orders; and
j. Record check for a sexual offence for which a pardon has been granted.

This is something new that came in about 6 months ago and it's because of the 'working with youth' thing.


Planecrazy said:
A thank's to everyone for the info, it makes things clearer.
