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I sure hope to god I make it in for this summer. I am far more excited about getting into the reserves then about graduating!

  All tests (CFAT, physical, medical) and interview were completed at the end of March. I recieved a letter in the mail stating that i have to complete a extended medical (letter arrived May 19th) due to my partially flat feet, and having a doctor state how i can preform without insoles. So, I have to send in my extended medical this monday (May 30th) and I was told the medical staff would place a "Urgent" sticker on my file so that it could get processed in time.

July 4th is only a month away! shit, it will be close, or not at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
from what i was told about a month ago, i have been signed up for July 4th BMQ at C-wack. i'm just waiting to hear that the list has been approved and i'll be good to go. Mcteer, you should ask around. are you sure you're going to wainright this summer?
so it would seem that there are a few of our respected units all sending troops to chilliwack, so why am I know hearing that we may be sent to wainwright? would this mean that all the lowermainland units are sending to wainwright?

think I may have to call the orderly room.  ;D
I've heard that it all depends on the number of instructors they get for Chilliwack.  I don't know if that's the reason or not but I figure there's no sense in trying to guess where we're going to go until the boots are on the ground.  I first heard Wainwright, then maybe Winnipeg, then Chilliwack, now perhaps Wainwright again....

There seems to be a bit of confusion and misunderstanding of things here, so will try and clarify things.

1.  A couple of weeks ago there was some risk that the courses in Chilliwack would be cancelled due to a lack of instructors.  This was because few instructor names had been entered in CFTPO (a computer program that regulates tasks).  This caused alarm bells to ring (figuratively) and conversations to occur to sort the issue out.  The end state is that there is instructors, it was just a lack of communication issue and the courses should happen as planned.

2.  Regarding where you will go for BMQ and SQ, its simple.  You will go where you are told.  The reality is that there are several courses happening in a variety of locations across Western Area.  These include Chilliwack, Edmonton, Wainwright, Dundurn and Winnipeg.  Each course will have a maximum of 44 students at the beginning.  Therefore, assuming 39 CBG produces more than 88 recruits, some of them will not be trained in Chilliwack (as there is only two serials scheduled there).  Someone in Wainwright has the job of deciding who goes where and part of the decision is based on when people joined (i.e. people that joined a while back get priority course loaded while those who were processed recently get slotted into an empty hole wherever it may be).

3.  There was some talk earlier in this thread about getting kitted at the ASU Chilliwack.  Whatever works with your unit, but the important thing is to get your kit before the course starts.  Don't show up on day one and expect the staff to jump through their anal orifices because you didn't pay attention to the joining instructions.  Not only will you become and instant administrative burden and miss classes, but it will make your name known very quickly to the staff and that's not necessarily a good thing.

On a personal note, I find some of the attitudes about where you are going to be a little strange.  These days BC kids seem to have an aversion to crossing the Rockies.  While I appreciate the attractions of Chilliwack (I spent a fair bit of time there as a Reservist in BC from 82-86 and was posted there 89-93), you should be taking advantage of the Army sending you someplace/anyplace so you can see other parts of Canada.  Even if you don't end up liking the location where you end up, it is still an experience.  Besides BMQ is only 4 weeks long.  I've been CBed longer than that a few times!  Finally, if you don't feel you can handle being more than a couple hour drive from home, than don't put your name in for an overseas tour anytime soon.

Best of luck in your training and regardless of where you end up, I will see you sometime this summer.
Thankyou Warrant, that was presicely the answer I was looking for.

As for not wanting to 'cross the rockies', I dont have a problem with it, its just that when certain arrangments are made with families, and plans get changed, apprehensive tendencies tend to take over a bit, (this would be the families tendencies, not mine :) ) I was just wondering if this was going on in some other units within 39 CBG, and not just my own. Personally I would love to go else where, as I have most of my carreer as a reservist in the lower mainland to train in Chilliwack, I feel the experience would be worth well worth it.But like you said we will go where ever we are told.

We'll just have to wait and see I suppose.
I think the training is over rated. I don't think 1 should worrie about there medical you could end up cannon fodder anyway. My medical went fine the asset who did mine was an idot your is problely too so don't worrie. While your at it read "Ol Norths" UNDER FIRE.

from: Gomer pyle
I think the training is over rated. I don't think 1 should worrie about there medical you could end up cannon fodder anyway. My medical went fine the asset who did mine was an idot your is problely too so don't worrie. While your at it read "Ol Norths" UNDER FIRE.
from: Gomer pyle

The only "idiot" around here is you. Go back and read the forum guidelines, and pay attention to them. Stop posting about things you have no real experience in. No one here is impressed with your weak attempt at humour either. And if you can't form the basic Grade One sentence, use punctuation, or spell... don't post. Or if you do, at least use the Spell Check button. Your about to board a rocket up the Warning ladder. Your namesake should be glad, your making him look like Einstien.
Just got the word today, that ill be in Chilliwack this summer for BMQ/SQ should be good times, anywho hope to see some of you out there, and if you see me be sure to stop and say hey.

I got word today that I have been accepted in, but may not make the BMQ as I may not be able to get kitted in time.  I got a call from my local recruiter say that the CFRC Vancouver has now mailed out my application to my local detachment but until he actually gets the papers in his hands we can't do anything!  Come on Postal Workers get a move on!

P.S.  It looks like I will not be getting kitted at my local detachment  it seems that the person in charge of that is leaving on Friday and i may have to be driven all the way to chilliwack to get kitted.  I hope i have nice travel companions then.  Getting closer and closer everyday!
yes we(me and some of the other recruits), had a quick tour of the place on the weekend, while we were doing some pre-BMQ training, they look cozy enough :) the food was amazing though ;D
Some how reminds me of the Abbey out in Mission... :P

Got a call three days ago from a WO saying I might be going for the BMQ/SQ courses this summer as long as there's still room on the list.  Hope to see some of you guys there!