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As long as you dont have any hold ups, for example medical stuff where you might have to get your doctor to approve you, you should be able to get into BMQ this summer. However, I was in the same place you were this time last year and because of a stupid medical hold up I didnt get to do it last year. Instead I get to do it this summer. Do not underestimate the bueracraccy of our government...especially if your file is sent to borden. You may be waiting a looooooong time. Just cross your fingers and hope you didnt say anything stupid to the Doc during your medical ;D
Yot, I've done everything but my 3s, gotta get them done so I can finally get my hook; an than lose it when my componet transfer goes through.

They have screwed up with my file they have recieved everything and i passed everything this is what I was told 3 days ago.  now WO. Marshal calls from Kamloops and says that the CFRC says I haven't done my interview!  man this is going to take a long time.  I told them that its was done in march.  and now i sit and wait again.
I really hope to be going, every one needs an old guy around. ;D
Sivad said:
They have screwed up with my file they have recieved everything and i passed everything this is what I was told 3 days ago.   now WO. Marshal calls from Kamloops and says that the CFRC says I haven't done my interview!   man this is going to take a long time.   I told them that its was done in march.   and now i sit and wait again.
I was in your shoes last year.  I made it a habit to call CFRC Kelowna every couple of weeks.  Keep your name on the top of their minds.  I ended up missing the entire summer training season and was finally sworn in at the beginning of September.  Hope your luck is better than mine...Kloshe Nanitch!
PS - When you say old guy, how old is old?
PS - When you say old guy, how old is old?

I'm 29, young at heart but old compared to the guys that i will meet at BMQ.  so take it easy on me  ;D 

Are there anyone here thats going to the Rocky mountain Rangers (kamloops) or is already in there?
you all ready in the Rocky mountaing Rangers!  what you guys do there on practise nights.  I am suppose to fing out Today what is going on with my application.  last i heard yesterday, was that they were going to station me in Trail.  which is about 10+ hours from here.  But Cpl Kennedy hope thats right said she'd straighten it all out today for me.  Everyone in the front office down there seems very nice and help full.

P.S. put a good word in for me.
my handle is my last name spelled backwards :-)
It's MCpl, they get bent out of shape when you screw up their rank :D 
Where do you live?  Thursday is usually training and/or lectures on a multitude of topics.  We have done SHARP, map and compass review, bayonet, weapons cleaning, etc.  A lot of prep gets done for FTX's as well.
Best of luck with you App, if you have any other questions, pm me.
Pte (R) Legault said:
Just wondering who is going to 'The Wack' for their BMQ this summer?. who's with me? :warstory:

I'm hoping to get in for my BMQ in Chilliwack this summer as well, but I haven't been told anything as to whether I am going or not.  :-\
Battler said:
I'm hoping to get in for my BMQ in Chilliwack this summer as well, but I haven't been told anything as to whether I am going or not.  :-\

If your local they will try to keep you around (in the reserves) in case you get time off you can go see your family. though you can also go to wainwright, Alberta. What unit are you with?
Royal Westminster Regiment, another recruit and I haven't been told yet what courses we'd be taking.  I live in Surrey, so Chilliwack is probably the better choice for BMQ in my case.
Chilliwack is also where some of us get kitted up.  I got sowrn in last Thursday with another recruit and we were almost kitted up, but the RQSM decided to wait two weeks and try and bus the two of us, plus a few other guys being sworn in next week out to Chilliwack for the day to get all our gear.

The other recruit I was sworn in with may or may not be doing summer BMQ, but he has no idea where it will be.  I, on the other hand, have summer classes and have been slated for weekend BMQ starting in October.
Well, in that case I hope that everything works out and the regiment is able to bus us out next Wednesday.
seems everyone's getting there chance,  I'm still waiting and waiting.... I personally would like to go to Wainright Alberta (sp) than Chilliwack.  use to live in the wack plus i like to travel and have never been to Wainright (sp)

Whats the distance before the put you on a plane or make you drive yourself or bus it.  thanks
Your unit would arrange and pay for the transportation to the base.

Sivad, haha you want to go there? I've been there twice, nothing special about it, an the weather changes every few minutes. Theres a reason why its called Wainwrong
I'll prolly be in chilliwack doing BMQ on those dates, then again they said prolly waynewright a month ago, so who knows ???
Update  well my main man in Kamloops warrant officer Marshal called yesterday (well i called him) and he said i get to play the waiting game for about another 2 weeks just for a piece of paper to get signed then i should be able to make the July 4 Chilliwack BMQ.  :threat: