CBH99 said:could we not purchase more airframes for the same cost as we're paying for the CH-148?
We can only put so many aircraft at sea on one deployement.
CBH99 said:could we not purchase more airframes for the same cost as we're paying for the CH-148?
Dolphin_Hunter said:How about an AF leadership who keeps getting screwed around by the government. Leadership all across the CF are trying their best to upgrade their equipment, this has nothing to do with leadership not knowing what to do. There is so much to do and a limited amount of resources the last thing the CF needs is a supplier demanding more money for a contract that has had so many problems getting off the ground, all of which due to government, not AF leadership.
CDN Aviator said:You go try to fit a Chinook on a frigate. Once your done , come back here and let me know how you made out. :![]()
Ex-Dragoon said:Unfortunately when the Air Force and the Navy gets looked upon as a transportation asset of the Army by certain Generals then both services end up being defanged to the detriment of all.
Good2Golf said:The most cost-effective and pan-AF supportable solution in the big picture for the AF would have been a fleet of EH-101 variants providing: SAR, Maritime and Heavy-lift Transport, each with reasonable and appropriate alterations to tweak them to the missions, absolutely doable. Chinook for heavy list isn't a bad thing, and definitely gets the "right arc" of fire for lifting in extremis. The H92, IMO, was born of a two-fold reason: 1) the Libs wanted anything other than an EH-101 so as to keep Chretien's "legacy" ??? intact, and 2) the navigator mafia were quite vocal about not liking the NH-90 because they couldn't stand up in the thing (even though the NH-90 is arguably a very, nice MH machine by many accounts.) Folding rotors and tail and new FBW should most surely have been portents of the troubles to come on H92/CH148. There is so much legacy pressure on anything "helicopter" in Canada, I am astounded. What is it with helicopters that successive governments feel compelled to screw the Departement over on? ???
Baden Guy said:Ya that sounds about right. The guys at the bottom of the food chain know the right answer but the further up you go the more politics you run into.![]()
Haletown said:and we still don't know why the 92's are late and over budget . . . .
The government side has gone public, we need to hear from Sikorski.
Cdn Blackshirt said:If it were me, I'd be contacting Agusta Westland and giving them a shot at a sole-sourced contract for Merlin's.
They may be willing to fulfill the order at a much lower margin than normal, merely to sink their corporate opponent's primary competitive aircraft.