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CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

worrow said:
In relation to $1035/month for the renter of 3 BDRM Duplex in PMQ's...... Thats a decent price. Check out the cost to rent a 3 bedroom apartment in town, and you get no yard with them. I rent in the slums at $830/ month for 2 BDRM 900 sq ft. I worry about someone shanking me or stealing my car or breaking into my apartment daily. Cops are always here aswell as firetruck and ambulances. twice a week minimum. I currently applied for a PMQ and will gladly pay $1035 and get bonus yard, definately larger than 900 sq ft. and no worries about thugs. The only downfall to Kingston's PMQ's is the fact you have to go and buy all of your utilities. fridge, stove, washer, dryer, lawn mower. But I do look forward to them. now #20 on Priority list #2 but only really seen a few. Plus maybe I'll get one that is being updated.

Haha where do you live? I live off Montreal on Markland, and yah its pretty bad, my neighbors are huge druggies and the cops are always there.  There is a lot of petty crime going on, one of my buddies had his car broken into something like 3 times this past year.

The police role around in multiples all over my neighborhood, not to mention there are girls at the street corner offering a variety of "special" services, Kingston is a nice city in the tourist areas but anything North of Princess and it gets a little dicey in some spots.
Supersonic Max - 5-10 years ago your advice may have been sound, but in today's economy, unless you can afford to make a decent downpayment, buying isn't always the best option. True Zero down mortgages are now a thing of the past (there are still some cash back offers, but they aren't really good deal), and CMHC is changing the rules to qualify for a mortgage. Mortgage rates are going up, and advising our young soldiers to fall into the trap of buying when they don't have the money is only asking to start them off on a poor financial path. And to buy anything decent in Kingston where you can let your kids out to play is pricey. Probably starting this year, and next year for sure, I think this forum will start hearing stories of people taking a loss on their homes.

But, I'm not an economist, so I could be wrong.
I do see where your coming from SupersonicMax about the equity. It does make sense if you are financially capable. But the $0 down, your looking at spending alot more that what it will cost for the PMQ. Also it is hard owning a house when your living on a single income supporting 2 people and planning on #3. I am definately out of the window for entitlement to buying expenses from Royal Lepage.

As for Stymiest, I live on Compton in the heights.
SupersonicMax said:
PMQs:  Being ON base is really an advantage.  Really?!

I lived in KTown for 4 years.  I know what it's like.  Lot of people do the commute from the other side, heck, even Wolfe Island.  20 minutes ain't that bad.

Downpayment:  There are mortgages with 0$ down.  Granted they have a slightly higher interest rate, it's still not too bad.  These days, the interest rates are really not that bad..  Wait until August and we may see a different situation.  If you lock in an interest rate now, it's guaranteed for 120 days.  Come August, the hike in interest rates will drive the market down and as a buyer, you'll be in a far better position.  Right now, 100% of your housing budget goes down the drain.  At least with a mortgage, you are making some equity.  The earlier you buy, the earlier you'll be mortgage free.  Renting doesn't make sense financially in the long term for any renter.  You are paying someone else's mortgage.

Yes, owning a property comes with more responsabilities.  But guess what. That's life.

Well the calculation is more complicated than that Max... you have to take into account the savings from renting...sometimes. For example, I calculated that, at current interest rates and without accounting for house appreciation (which has been red hot but artificially so), any mortage of more than 160000$ on a 20 yrs repayment schedule in North Bay will generate less equity than the mortgage+tax/rent differential if you religiously put it in the bank. Of course religiously is the key here. For example: a 250K mortgage in Cold Lake will get you an OK house. At 4% on 20 yrs, after 3 yrs you'll have repaid 27K capital. That is with a payment of 1515$. In a 900$ Q you would save 22K. Add to that the taxes you don't pay And you break even. Now of course with appreciation you're better off with a house.

I'm not saying it's equal in the end. Just that sometimes, depending on Q rent vs housing market it's not necessarily as good an investment as you think.
Timbit:  we all know how easy it is to spend money when you have access to it.  Most people won't save religiously.
True. I would personally advise anyone attempting that to have the savings deducted on the pay and put in saving bonds straight away.
Would be nice if someone has a .pdf floorplan for the 3 bdrm semi or duplex and single. Something I can use to compare. Your welcome to email me in order to recieve an email address if you have the file. Unfortunately only floorplan I found was for the 4bdrm semi w/crawlspace
CFHA website now has a search function for the PMQs and they also have floor plans as well. Not sure how long this has been available, but I just recently noticed it 2 weeks ago.
  If anyone has any info on the Naval base in Halifax, please give me some insight.  I am 8 months away from finishing  my college part of my contract for NWT.  My wife wants to go and visit Halifax and get info on the PMQs and the surrounding area.  I was wondering if there is anyone that I could contact to get info and maybe a quick tour of the PMQs.  Do I need to go through my CPL for this? or is it something I can do alone.  Thanks for the Help.
1.1.3 Allocation of DND Housing

4. DND Housing Application Processing

  1. Start of Process

  2. The allocation process begins with the receipt of a duly completed and signed Application for DND Housing. These may be provided directly from the prospective occupant or through the Integrated Relocation Program (IRP) Service Provider, or other means.

  3. In most circumstances, the IRP Service Provider is to ensure completion of the DND Housing application by the member. However, in exceptional cases where the member wishes to deal directly with CFHA, the request is to be accepted. The member can complete the application at any CFHA office and it will be directed by fax or internal mail to the appropriate destination CFHA office. In these cases, the member is to provide a copy of their posting message along with their application.

  4. Once the application has been submitted by the IRP Service Provider (or the member if they so choose), CFHA will liaise directly with the member.
Hey guys, just looking for some advice here - this was the best place I could think of to post this.

I am single (although that may soon change, I don't see my girlfriend being able to make as much as me) and just got posted as I am in a new trade. I am looking to move out of the shacks and was told I will likely be approved ASAP, but I am not a big fan of renting. I have looked into moving into a PMQ (I would consider that) but there is a waiting list and obviously my friends and I will not get priority.

Many people on here have mentioned how wise it is to "own" and "buy a house at every posting". So could anyone suggest what percentage a down payment should be on a house? I have quite a bit of money saved for someone my age, but I am not really sure of what to expect in terms of hidden costs etc. I don't have a car payment or anything like that, I just would need to look after the mortgage and all that comes along with them, and then feeding myself and other day to day expenses. I have found some cheap houses near the base here, so that's why I ask. I can provide more specifics if that helps someone advise me better.

Any thoughts?


The more you put down, the less of a mortgage you will require to take, allowing you to pay it off quicker with less interest.  Depending how much you actually have, this may leave you with very little in way of "Emergency Funds" and money for living.

The less you put down, the higher the mortgage you will be required to taken and longer and more interest to pay off.  This may or may not leave you with more money to live on and a larger "Emergency Fund".

It is "six of one/half a dozen of the other", and depends on where you want your costs to lie.  Do you want to pay everything off early and enjoy your money later, or enjoy your few bucks now and pay it off over a longer term with more money going to the Loan manager?  How do you want to manage your debt?
George said it best. Also note the higher the down payment the less CMHC fees you will pay.

To help you determine what you may want to do, here is a link for Mortgage <and other> calculators.


And just because a house looks like a good deal, always get a home inspection done. This will save you money in the long run, costs for tradesmen to repair housing issues are quite high.
Costs to consider on purchase of a home (a non-comprehensive list):

Land transfer tax

Lawyer's fees

Hookup fees for utilities

Security deposits for utilities

Window blinds and curtains

Cleaning of the house


Yard tools (lawn mower, snow blower etc)


Refinishing/repair of house (paint, new carpets etc)

Moving costs (movers, or rent a truck and buy pizza and beer for friends.  Voice of experience: Move first, beer later)

They can add up to anywhere from $5-15K, depending on what you want.
Im currently living in Petawawa, and have a major disagreement with a CFHA policy/action they have taken. I have the option of putting a claim against the crown, but would like to know all my options. In particular if anybody has sued, is suing, wants to sue, or if it is even possible. I assume it must be possible since CFHA is a crown corporation, and not part of the military.

Please, only serious comments and thoughts. Dont want to hear peoples speculations
I had rented a row garage. My truck was parked in front of it, un-plated and un insured, which is allowed on private property. Base commanders policy is that all vehicles un-plated/uninsured are towed. Of course I was advised of this after the fact. I went on tour, and 10 days later my truck was ordered towed by CFHA. I was never notified, nor was my wife. No letter was ever sent to my house or attempt to contact my CoC.  The garage is registered in my name, plus I live right across from CFHA. Subsequently it was destroyed a month or two before I arrived home. Had no chance to deal with this at all. My argument is: 1. it was private property (truck and garage as I was renting it). 2 no attempt was ever made to contact me. 3. It goes against everything I have read under the Ontario Tenancy act, especially when seizing property. Thats what has happened.

Im really not interested in anyways "opinions on the above". If you have real facts to provide Im open, but Ive had enough of peoples opinions, usually have as much fact as a rumour.
If you have researched the tenancy act and it is counter to the act then you have a legal right to oppose this and seek compensation it is a s simple as that.

Often it is forgotten that yes we are in the military and yes we do follow orders but some orders (Non combat related I don't want to start this debate) Are against the law. If your truck had been on Base property such as say the shacks parking lot then the Base has every right to enforce Base Commander Policy. However as the PMQ is rented by you and is your property (per say) under the Tenancy laws the the Base Commanders orders are void.

In my opinion this would be like your CoC inspecting you PMQ like they do the rooms in the shacks. They cannot simply because it is your property and they have no right to inspect seize or in anyway touch your personally effects on your property.

My  :2c:

I wish you luck and I hope you do follow through with the law suit or at least push this as far as it can go and get compensation for your loss.