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CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

scas said:
Are the waiting list really that crazy in Edmonton for Q's has anyone had problems who may have moved there recently! were just wondering because each time we call they always have something different to say and its nothing good my wife is waiting back in Borden until something comes available with 2 kids and due in September and September is when they "say" we should have a Q but since things always change when we call we don't really believe it anymore anyone know if this crazy waiting list

We were posted here in September, but didn't move into our Q until November, so we had to live in a hotel until the Q we had signed for became available. From what I heard around base is that the waiting list is 2 years and there are over 70 families waiting for a Q. We were thinking of buying when we first got here and looked around, but our little old house in New Brunswick was only $52k, so we didn't of course find anything comparable for 250k, but we probably should have because the market had still increased a lot since then. Now the plan is to live in the Q, save our tour money, pay off debts and when we get posted back east we will have a good downpayment for a home there. We did find some places at the time we were looking for under 300k but found out they had capital health orders on them or were advertised as "you can either fix it up or tear it down lol" The bottom line.. yes long waiting list maybe you could go restricted posting for awhile?
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
I hope they put a big ass casino there to piss off the richie rich locals that used their swagger to help oust us.

Good one, but how about a 'government low rental' housing project instead! That would really make 'em unhappy'. I do remember the BREN guns in the HQ Bldg, and the SGTs' Mess well. Last there c.1993


I have a friend here in Borden that is waiting for a Q in Edmonton. She says that they change there mind everyday. Her husband is over there now while she is here with 2 kids and she is very pregnant.

As for prices, We are used to London prices which are crazy high. So the $750 we pay for our 4 bdrm semi (no basement 1 bathroom) isn't too bad. What made me a little mad was that we originally had a 3 bedroom single and paid $950, then we moved across the street to 200 sq ft more and $200 less! I guess they are trying to compete with the Toronto prices but its ridiculous.

This is our first time living in a Q. Since 2003 whenever we call to have something done in the house it takes them a LOOOOOONG time to get it done. I feel as thought they get annoyed when we ask. So we have stopped calling them. We can fix it much quicker. I hear that CFHA and the Q's are much nicer and easier to deal with on other bases. I'm hoping so, guess we'll find out next year *fingers crossed*. ;D
scas said:
Are the waiting list really that crazy in Edmonton for Q's has anyone had problems who may have moved there recently! were just wondering because each time we call they always have something different to say and its nothing good my wife is waiting back in Borden until something comes available with 2 kids and due in September and September is when they "say" we should have a Q but since things always change when we call we don't really believe it anymore anyone know if this crazy waiting list


Does this story sound familiar? ;)
Well, in Edmonton my q is available after Aug 1/07.

However with that said, I am hoping whoever gets our q, they will at least renovate it. It is a shambles and good luck getting anything done. We bought an acreage outside of Edmonton. We lucked out and got a great deal.
I really do feel sorry for families getting posted to Edmonton right now, because the rents in Edmonton are sky Rocketing or they are changing rental units to Condos .

I also here through the grapevine the Q rents are going to increase this year. I expected it. I wouldn't mind paying more money, if you would be able to get anything fixed in a timely mannor.

Good luck to all those coming to Edmonton

We sold our house in Nova Scotia for 166,000 last fall before moving out here to Edmonton..My husband regrets taking his promotion..Which he shouldn't be.. He feels quility for us having to sell our home after the nightmare we faced when we were in Kingston and vowed we never live in Q's again..but look where we are now.. I am not upset at the fact that we are back in Q's I missed the companionship and close neighborhood here or on base in general.. I don't get the "I don't know how you do it.." speech. He is getting ready for the 108 Tour and thats the way it is.. So Just like others we are saving our money and looking eastward to find suitable housing for us..

My ex and I just sold out house in NS too. He is now living in Windsor Park Apts (Hfx, NS) and the kids, pets and I are in a PMQ in Work Point (Vic, BC).

Only been in the Q for a week and already I miss owning my own house. We were lucky and I got priority for a 4bdrm, so we actually had less then a month to get everything moving for this place. There was no way that I could afford a 4 bdrm anything on the economy while living with a OS's salary...so a PMQ was the only choice.

Maybe in a few years I will be able to have enough saved to buy a nice cardboard box in Duncan...lol
more like mediocre carboard box up island. I got out of the navy fot the same reason, cant get into the market on even a CPL 4 wage, and a 4 bed half duplex in belmont is just shy of a grand, its time for a low economy market in southern manitoba for me. (ps, I've been trying to get my bayhroom floor fixed since the outbreak of the afghan war)
Well.. we must be getting another pay increase.
My rent went from 550 to 574,just got a notice in the mail.
Apparently this box is worth 675 a month according to the appraised shelter value.

Just when I thought we were getting ahead again.and yes on a mcpl pay with a child and a domestic wife,24 dollars is more money I don't like parting with.
Time to bite the bullet and buy a house.

That was the best advice I got, way back when, from Sgt Rick Smith when he was RSS with us.  Buy a house on every posting you get, he advised, and when you get out you will own a house.  When I got to Pet, before they contracted out the Cleaners, many of the Shacks had former RSMs as cleaners.  They had lived in Q's all their careers, drove the big car, owned the big boat and on Retirement had to sell them all and take out Mortgages that they could not handle.  So start investing in a house as soon as you can.  In the end you will own a house, even if that is not where you want to retire.

I didn't start right away, but on my third posting I had no choice but to do just that.  There was a two year waiting list in Kingston at the time, and I was only on a two year posting.  I bought and made a few dollars when I sold and invested that in a house in Pet.  Eventually when I sold in Pet, I paid off the Mortgage on the house in Ottawa.  Now I, not the Bank or CFHA or some landlord, own my house. 

We have a couple of good topics on this.
I had the shock of my life today.  In the mail was the dreaded CFHA envelope.  Surprisingly though, my rent DROPPED!!  Effective 1 Apr, my rent decreases by $55!!!  :o
Mine is one arm and one leg..... with no insulation by the Altantic Ocean. I'm going to forward my oil bill to CFHA if they don't smarten up. Ah and the neighbour and the drive way I share with them.. quite intresting PSYOPS/civil war we got on the go. All they have to do is pick up their garbage and stop giving my wife dumb ideas. Oh and their mini van attacks my deck... WTF!

Okay I'm ranting again.... ugh...
Gagetown PMQ's are WAY better then here!

Get out the Q's! Now!

Listen to GW!

Get a Duplex in the Passage to start...work up from there. We make too much $$$!
You could be living here in Ft McMurray; I am paying $2500 a month for a two bedroom apartment. Mind you I have earned six figures since I started here 2 May. Trailers are $400k ++, detached homes $500K+. I am buying a house about half way to Edmonton in cottage country next spring and will continue to let out rooms here for $1000 a month. I fully expect the rent will be $3000 a month when I sign a new lease next Jul. I live here,nice one year old complex but not the Ritz, about he size of a smallish PMQ. http://www.nelsonridgeestates.com/
I'll second (or third) George's advice. My wife and I arrived in Edmonton in 92 when the base was fully staffed and we couldn't get a PMQ. We ended up buying a house and have never looked back. I will never go into a PMQ unless there is no other option.
I sold my house in Edmonton in 1992 when my idiot Career Manager, the  Area G4 and  my equally simple CO orchestrated a posting to Ottawa as punishment. $112,500 :crybaby:
That's the same year I bought mine. It's worth 4 times what I paid for it now.
Just got that letter in the mail from CFHA too.  And I think hell must of just frozen over, or maybe the LEAFS will win the CUP, (couldn't help myself:)but in Toronto our rent went from $1414.82 to $1271.96.We are in a 3 bdm rowhouse.  And just in time to be posted this summer!  I think I need to go out and buy a lottery ticket!!!!!
HFXCrow said:
CFHA......what a Mafia!

Yep, charging outrageous fees for apartments and Qs that were paid off 3 decades ago, with old insulation, mold, possible asbestos in attics and other problems.

Try to get something repaired and you are literally waiting 5 months.

Check on the progress every 2 weeks and they give you an attitude like they are doing you a favour.

Fair market value my......        ;)
