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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

paracowboy said:
your high horse called, he asked you to get off him.
What are you expecting? Lynch mobs in the streets bearing torches and howling for blood? Give your head a shake. They were stupid on a grand scale and deserve their infamy and ridicule. Which is about all they'll receive.

If people want to vent their spleen on these boards, they're more than welcome to.

So you spoke to her too?  I though she was a figment of my imagination :-D Although it does explain the smell outside my apt.... wait,  how did she dial the phone, oh dammed operator assistance. How did she get your number I didn't know shoe could speak English - Nur Deutsch ... *where are my meds*   ;-)  (kidding I'm mostly sane)

I was in Chicago when that kid interfeared with that Cub's game.  http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/cubfan1.html I've heard rabble rousing before, it only encourages others to take action.  I guess you have more faith in faceless masses than my experences will let me have.  
Zell_Dietrich said:
 I guess you have more faith in faceless masses than my experences will let me have.  

I think some would argue the kid deserve that kind of treatment, though I wouldn't - if this really was just some insanely stupid mistake or plain ignorant thoughtlessness and not deliberate disrespect.
Michael Dorosh said:
The oldest came forward of his own accord

No he didn't.  He came forward after his picture was published on the Ottawa Police Services website.




the 48th regulator said:
No he didn't.  He came forward after his picture was published on the Ottawa Police Services website.




Quite the incentive, huh? ;D

Thanks for the correction.

This is the result.....


I still await a public apology....


I hope to see those three out there with toothbrushes in hand, scrubbing the memorial.

Thats the least they should do.
Ottawa police Const. Steven Desjourdy said, however, that public pressure did not influence police into laying the charge.

Good, we would'nt want them to represent the public or anything crazy like that.

I fail to see how there will be any atonement from any of the accused if they are permitted to remain anonymous.
Mischief!?  Mischief is a little kid putting a firecracker into a garbage can.  These peckerhands literally and figuratively pissed on a symbol of this nations sacrifices in the past.
Public apology, cleaning the memorial, and apology to all the veterans should be done. But if I had my way, the would have a choice, 6 years of jail or 6 years of the army, with deployment of course.
Why foist them off on the army?  They've already expressed an opinion of us.
why, in the name of everything profane, would we want morons like that in the army? Idiots like that get good troops killed. Forcing anyone into military service is counter-productive to good order and discipline.
mbaker said:
Public apology, cleaning the memorial, and apology to all the veterans should be done. But if I had my way, the would have a choice, 6 years of jail or 6 years of the army, with deployment of course.

Good, they can be in your section!

Why would we want garbage like this?
It will teach them the true meaning of why we remember our soldiers, and why we have memorials for them. Who knows, maby the would be good soldiers  :) NOT.
mbaker said:
It will teach them the true meaning of why we remember our soldiers, and why we have memorials for them. Who knows, maby the would be good soldiers  :) NOT.

I'm for the throat punch as well, along with a public apology, a fine, community service involving the cleaning of the affected area, prohibited from consuming alcohol for 5 years... all on top of the current existing charges.

I think electrifying it would be awesome, just have a mountie waiting at the hospital  ;D
Well, at least some apologies from some of them...

Ottawa teen offers tearful apology to veterans for desecrating monument
Jennifer Ditchburn, Canadian Press, 7 Jul 06

An Ottawa-area teenager showed up at the offices of the Royal Canadian Legion on Friday to tearfully apologize for urinating on the National War Memorial.

Another teen also photographed on Canada Day relieving himself at the monument submitted an apology through the Ottawa police. And a third man, identified by police as 23-year-old Stephen Fernandes of Montreal, was charged Friday with mischief for allegedly urinating in the same area.

Bob Butt of the Royal Canadian Legion's headquarters said one of the teens turned up Friday to offer a "contrite" apology to a senior official.

"The young man apologized to the legion, the veterans of Canada and the citizens of Canada," Butt said in an interview. "The apology was definitely heartfelt. I know that it was real, and I know it was heartfelt and I know the young person was definitely sorry."

He added that the apology was accepted.

"The actual act is inexcusable, but that doesn't mean that if someone wants to come and make amends that we would turn that down; we're not ogres, we're not vigilantes," Butt said.

The two young men did not face any criminal charges because they agreed to formally apologize and to engage in some sort of community service. The legion has arranged from them to do some work with a veterans' group. They have not been identified because of their age.

The three separate urinating incidents were photographed by a veteran who was at the monument on Canada Day. The pictures caused a national uproar, with one unemployed man even standing watch on the steps for a spell.

The National War Memorial with its Tomb of the Unknown Soldier sits right in the middle of downtown Ottawa, roughly in front of the Parliament buildings. On Canada Day, with roads closed, it's crossed and admired by thousands and thousands of revellers and tourists.

The legion and other veterans groups have called on the government to post a military guard to the monument. They point out that this isn't the first time it's been desecrated. Last Remembrance Day, someone spraypainted a swastika on the stone in the early morning hours.

Skateboarders and stunt cyclists have also used and abused the sight, and veterans complain of "amorous encounters" around the site.

They say a lack of education on what Canadian veterans have contributed to the country is largely to blame.

"We've asked for a guard, not only to explain the significance but also to keep guard," Butt said.

"It would be a heck of a lot easier for someone to be there to explain it, for the hundreds of thousands of people who go through here and don't understand."
Those in the Ottawa area can watch the CJOH (CTV) News at six.  One of the three is supposedly going to appear on the news with his apology and perhaps an explanation.
Well, he came on and apologised.  Said that he indulged too heavily in "Canada Day" and actually doesn't remember any of it. 

I've always hated that "excuse". You make the decision to start drinking. Anything that happens after, is a result of that decision. You are still responsible for your actions.

Good on him for manning up, albeit under duress.

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