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Canadian Soldiers Under Investigation for Video with Racial Overtones

This from an independent MP (via Macleans.ca):
    Edmonton East Member of Parliament Peter Goldring has expressed outrage and disgust over the manner in which the CBC conducted cheap, amateur, yellow journalism of the worst sort against Canada’s proud military.

    The 2010 video of a private party skit in question involves a Canadian soldier dressed up in Taliban attire and posing as Osama bin Laden`s brother, ‘Eugene’. The CBC has latched on to this video and used it to paint the Canadian military and its members as both offensive and culturally insensitive persons.

    “This video was meant as nothing more than a little black humour intended for a private audience,” Mr. Goldring stated. “The Canadian military didn’t make this video public, The CBC did. The CBC, who did the right thing to report it to the Canadian military, then had the opportunity to do the next right thing and simply put this video in the garbage can along with the rest of the copies where it belongs. Instead, the CBC are the ones inciting hate and hurting the Arab community worldwide by blasting this video out through national media to be picked up internationally.

    “By engaging in yellow journalism and irresponsibly disseminating it for the world to see, the CBC hurt Canada’s image, our military’s image, and unnecessarily offended Arab’s around the world. By spinning this and putting it out for international consumption, the CBC is propagating racism. They took a video that was internal, personal, and limited to a very few, and turned it into an outward Canadian racial attitude for the rest of the world to believe.

    “By calling upon CBC comedian Shaun Majumder – a visible minority – to speak out on the supposed ‘cultural insensitivities’ of this video is the height of hypocrisy, as Shaun has portrayed bin Laden as an Arab himself. The CBC attempted to detonate a racist scandal where there simply was none to be found.

    “To frame this in perspective, the late Leslie Nielsen has portrayed Osama bin Laden in film – does that make him decidedly racist or insensitive? No, in fact he is recognized on Canada’s Walk of Fame and has also received an Order of Canada.

    “Shaun Majumder – the CBC spokesperson condemning the actions in this video – has portrayed Osama bin Laden in skits himself, most notably in a spoof video poking fun at both bin Laden as well as the H1N1 virus during the outbreak. Majumder never faced any backlash or criticisms for his portrayal although it certainly could be said that he was propagating racial hatred not in a simple private event but worldwide.

    “This video should not have been news-worthy, but the irresponsibility of the CBC’s reporting has served to define what this harmless skit has now morphed into.

    “In the face of this incident, we have to thank the men and women of our Canadian military who were doing nothing more than relieving themselves of the endless stresses of their jobs with a little bit of black comedy that from time to time many people of all races of all countries enjoy, and ended up showing us where the evil truly exists in this country – the CBC headquarters.

    “God help us if we have a CBC that does harm to our military and to our country worldwide by exploitative sensationalism.

    “I call on the Prime Minister to call up the CBC to issue a sweeping apology to not only our military but our entire country. Their reckless reporting surrounding this non-story has done a great disservice to both our military and out country’s reputations.

    “It’s time to consider whether the CBC is with Canadians or against.”

Here's a link to Majumder's Bin Laden/H1N1 sketch on YouTube, as well as a "Bin Laden Goodbye" video with Majumder as Bin Laden here.
Now another question that everyone seems to have overlooked: "Who was the numpty who sent the tape to CBC, and why?"
George Wallace said:
Now another question that everyone seems to have overlooked: "Who was the numpty who sent the tape to CBC, and why?"
Someone with an axe to grind.  That's always the way.
    “By calling upon CBC comedian Shaun Majumder – a visible minority – to speak out on the supposed ‘cultural insensitivities’ of this video is the height of hypocrisy, as Shaun has portrayed bin Laden as an Arab himself. The CBC attempted to detonate a racist scandal where there simply was none to be found.

Nice try hypocrites. I'm almost tempted to go back on facebook or twitter just to tell Shaun what a douchbag he is.
What aggravated their  (CBC's) conduct was that they know what  a figure of speech was. Satire. Just like "telling that the military does not need intelligence". Back to freshman books! ;D
ObedientiaZelum said:
Nice try hypocrites. I'm almost tempted to go back on facebook or twitter just to tell Shaun what a douchbag he is.

Fill yer boots, but I hear the line up is rather long. ;D
Apologists for Arab terrorism argue that the label "terrorist" was invented. Some of our men and women would sometimes desist to say their opinions on these  matters not out of complacency nor because of acting as a fencesitters. It is the serious and malicious repercussions that it can inflict on them including our loved ones. Hence the label, terrorist.

Right of way! and righteousness maybe suggested metaphors on what we should invoke to these agents of influence or journalists who argue on behalf of terrorists. These are not strong words! These are basic truths!
Whether strong words or basic truths, maybe you could give it a quick edit so that readers could have a hint what you're trying to say. It sounds like a profound statement of.......something.  :dunno:

It could be something simple, like the "pontification" setting on your computer.  :nod:   
Journeyman said:
Whether strong words or basic truths, maybe you could give it a quick edit so that readers could have a hint what you're trying to say. It sounds like a profound statement of.......something.  :dunno:

It could be something simple, like the "pontification" setting on your computer.  :nod: 

So, I wasn't the only one.
Journeyman said:
Whether strong words or basic truths, maybe you could give it a quick edit so that readers could have a hint what you're trying to say. It sounds like a profound statement of.......something.  :dunno:

It could be something simple, like the "pontification" setting on your computer.  :nod: 

I opine that it was not dogmatic, the word to describe pontification. It is true! Judging from experience and those of others. Just look how CBC reacted. Truly unrighteous to scandalize a skit and put malice on them. The satirical play was a complete description of some of the worst terrorists in the world. Driving a wedge between like minded persons is like fomenting "one's son to kill his father".
busconductor said:
I opine that it was not dogmatic, the word to describe pontification. It is true! Judging from experience and those of others. Just look how CBC reacted. Truly unrighteous to scandalize a skit and put malice on them. The satirical play was a complete description of some of the worst terrorists in the world. Driving a wedge between like minded persons is like fomenting "one's son to kill his father".


Can we get a translator in here?

Preferably one from Elizabethan England?
recceguy said:

Can we get a translator in here?

Preferably one from Elizabethan England?

Wouldn't help ... trust me. I can read e.g. William Cecil, Francis Walsingham and Elizabeth, herself, in the original, and I can understand them with relative ease. Busconductor, on the other hand ...  ???
busconductor said:
I opine that it was not dogmatic, the word to describe pontification. It is true! Judging from experience and those of others. Just look how CBC reacted. Truly unrighteous to scandalize a skit and put malice on them. The satirical play was a complete description of some of the worst terrorists in the world. Driving a wedge between like minded persons is like fomenting "one's son to kill his father".

See?  You should have listened to your mom when she said to "stop sniffing that glue!".  ;D

recceguy said:

Can we get a translator in here?

Preferably one from Elizabethan England?

Works a treat if you have Yoda's voice in your head when you read his posts.
.... with the following conclusion:
.... “The Canadian Forces Military Police takes all allegations of inappropriate and improper conduct seriously.  We have investigated the allegations to determine the facts; we have analyzed the evidence and concluded that charges are not warranted,” said Colonel Tim Grubb, Canadian Forces Provost Marshal.  “This investigation further determined that the Royal Canadian Air Force chain of command took prompt and appropriate administrative and corrective actions once this video was brought to its attention." ....
Time to move along, nothing left to see here?
Except that now thanks to CBC trying to fabricate a story about racism the chain of command of the soldiers involved blasted them with charges and made their life shitty for the attention that this caused.