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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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Last time I checked, they do make you agree to non-disclosure when you write the CFAT.  Just a word to the wise to be careful when discussing this here, as there are recruiters who look at this site, so you may want to CYA just a bit.
Hey, The math portion of CFAT is pretty difficult, they try and put these HUGE numbers at you, the thing that i did was just round each number to the nearest whole, and do ti like that, and pick the anwser nearest to what i got, it may not be a good method for you but it worked for me...
CF_MacAulay said:
Hey, The math portion of CFAT is pretty difficult, they try and put these HUGE numbers at you, the thing that i did was just round each number to the nearest whole, and do ti like that, and pick the anwser nearest to what i got, it may not be a good method for you but it worked for me...

thats what i didi too.  I finish the whole thing 5 seconds before the end  :)
Yeah that's where I fell hard too, I had 20/30. Remember to do what the other guy said, and round your numbers up or down to the nearest whole, and choose answers like that.
I think everybody did that , you got to be a real genious to find the real answer if you dont round your numbers
The test is designed to focus what abilities each applicant has, and the most applicable position in accordance to your abilities.  What I found worked well, was the tests online for government employees. (The practice GTC, OST, etc.)  :)  I've taken hoardes of those, and had no problems with the CFAT.

If you need help with math problems drop me a PM with a specific problem(s) and I will try to help you
I am not sure, I think you need to just focus.  I got 30/30 and when I worked it out on the paper I got the exact answer.  I only got 9/15 on the first section though
Where are those online tests Torlyn...even though I'm taking grade 11 math right now, couldn't hurt to take a look ahead at the kind of questions I'll eventually be looking at.
My CFAT experience was quite pleasant, even though I was very nervous about the whole test.  I actually found the Math part to be the easiest (even though math has always been very weak for me for my entire life)  However I practiced on my simple math weeks before my CFAT which really prepared me.  I also did a lot of those Canadian government tests and other online IQ tests which helped a little.
They don't show the results for several reasons..  One being that the tests are designed by psychologists/psychiatrists, and unless you have similar training, the results will mean nothing to you.  (And by you, I mean all of us potential CF members)  As well, showing you specifically what you did wrong would allow for "cheats" on re-tests...  You wouldn't know the info any better, you'd just select proper answers through trial and error.

For officer testing (DEO) the results themselves are used by the selection board to decide on personal suitability to your requested MOC.  (If you've got better scores than recruit B, you've got a better chance, etc.)

For the NCM positions, the tests are marked and a printout of suitable positions listed.  (At least, that's what I noticed from the 2 NCM hopefulls who passed the test when I wrote)

Also, in Calgary our tests are done on computer (are all centres like this?) so our results are available immediately.  (ie. they tell you right there if you passed or failed, or what potential trades you are eligible for)

As for the online government tests, the following link shows the most frequently administered..  PLEASE keep in mind that it is only my own personal experience that these tests helped.  I believe I did very well on the CFAT, and I know that much of that derives from having practice tests like these under my belt.  As well, I've written the actual tests for the work that I do in the government.  This is just a tool, not a "this WILL be on the CFAT".  Anyway, hope this helps, and if not, fire a PM and I'll see if I can't be more specific.  (To a degree.  We're not allowed to talk about specifics on the test, so don't ask)

Did the recruiter show you your actual mark on each three section, or a printout with a list of MOC's?  Were you applying reg or res?

He show me my actual mark on each three section, I had 48 overall
Wow.  Our recruiter informed us that we weren't allowed to know our specific marks...  Did you apply NCM or DEO?

I haven't written the CFAT yet.  If I did go write it and some occupations were excluded due to my score would I still have to wait a year to rewrite?
Don't know what trade your applying for but no worries on passing.From what I was told(3 yrs ago )its not marked per say like in school.It has something to do along the lines of national or regional average.When I component Transfered to reg force the only thing the recruiter said to me was "well this tells me your a smart guy"and that was that.I did'nt get to see what trades I qual'd for,just was told that I qual'd for the one I picked.

Mare said:
Could anyone tell me how to prepare for this test.  I am not asking you to tell me what is in it, because that would be cheating, but I know some people who failed it and they don't know why ( one hade a 90% average .)  This test is very important and if you fail it, you have to wait 1 year to take it again.  Is the examples that the recruiting site give on the CFAT are representitive of the test?  I found IQ  tests on the internet and I am doing them but I don't think this will help me prepare for the test.

thank you for your help


I wrote the CFAT 2 years ago.  I spent many afternoons going to the public library and going over sample Public Service exams as well as reviewing GED books. The "Getting your GED" books were very helpful.

I just had my CFAT, interview, and medical yesterday at CFRC Winnipeg. Here are my observations (for what they are worth :P).

I have heard a lot of stuff about the CFAT ranging from "oh my God it was the hardest thing I have ever seen" to "it's so easy, don't even worry about it." I would suggest the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and the examples you have seen for the questions are FAR easier than the real thing. Take the test seriously, but don't lose sleep over it. If you are applying as an officer, I was told there is a higher standard, so it's in you best interest to get every possible question you can right.

I have a BA in Russian and like to read about history and study languages as a hobby (yeah, I'm a dork, I know) and a few of those vocabulary words from the first part were pretty difficult. 

The spacial tests were fairly easy until about halfway through and they just got mental. I guess something like that, you either know, or do not know.

As far as the problem solving stuff, the government tests that everyone mentions (especially the GCT) are good practice. I have written a few of them in federal gov't job competitions and if I hadn't seen them before, I would have been dead in the water on the CFAT.

As far as the interview, mine was very long according to the super-friendly med tech whom I saw later (it was for DEO and done by an air force Capt. and a naval LtCmdr), but like other people have said, it really is more of an informal chit-chat than anything, but be prepared to answer lots of questions about your education, extra-curricular activities and job experience.

I hope this is helpful to anyone reading these threads. In case anyone is curious, I passed everything, now I just need to pass my PT in 2 weeks and I'm on my way to being a PRes Infantry officer.  Cheers.