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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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Do they judge it by how many questions you get right or just if you pass, and is the interview nervraking or do the interviewers do a good job of getting you to speak feel at home because if never really been one to give a long drawn out answer when i can answer questions in a few sentences will that hurt me or no?
USSRsovietsnake said:
Do they judge it by how many questions you get right or just if you pass.
When you are done the test they talk to you one on one and you get a list of all the jobs you qualify for. Depending on that you may have to change what job(s) you chose.

USSRsovietsnake said:
and is the interview nervraking or do the interviewers do a good job of getting you to speak feel at home because if never really been one to give a long drawn out answer when i can answer questions in a few sentences will that hurt me or no?
I guess it really just depends on the person who interviews you, I felt very comfortable during my interview though. Try not to get to worried or worked up about it, stay calm and relaxed and you'll do just fine.
If you have talked to anyone else bout wanting to join the military then you have pretty much already had an interview for everyperson who expressed interest or intriuge on your enrollment. Why do you want to join?What makes you a good candidate? All questions you've probably been asked before. Go in, be calm, and tke it as any other person asking questions. If you don't know, then you don't know - no problem. If you don't understand any of the fancy politically correct phrases used, ask for clarification. If you need to elaborate, then elaborate (but don't storytell). The interview isn't a "yes, sir. No, sir" interrogation.

My 2 rubles,
make sure you go over fractions. add subtract, multiply, divide, the works

practice algebra, word problems

very broad what you need to know, but u cant really practice for the test

do your best.. refresh yourself on what you use to know and youll do fine

Good Luck

Spr. Richmond

here is the link for the practice aplitude test  http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ppc/gct_test_e.htm  also what kinda score do u have to get to be a combat engineer  or infantry
im pretty sure that the engineers are about the same as th infantry. i dont think ive seen a result that had infantry and not engineer.
as for test results they dont tell you what you scored but how well you did in each area.

Don't make any assumptions about the aptitude test. People do fail - quite regularly, and they are often very good people who would make excellent soldiers. Moreover the higher your score, the more opportunities/options that are open to you. As Spr. Richmond pointed out above, brush up on basic arithmatic skills; the best test-taking strategy is to guess-timate rather than working through calculations on a piece of paper. (you won't have time to work out elaborate problems) If you're weak on math, then practice, it does make a difference and you can improve your overall score.   There's plenty of information on it in the recruiting Q&As.
Just to clarify, they do not do negative correcting.  You get points for right answers and no points for wrong answers.
Hi, I have to say the test was shall we say more simple the second time round. I just re-took my Aptitude test today. I was really disappointed and just as confused as you are when I failed it my first time, but I was given a site to go to that had a practice Aptitude test. I must say it helped me out a lot when I tried the Practice test. My best advice to you is to try not to worry about it too much, when you retake your test go into it thinking it is just a review, and you will most likely ace the test. May ask what you are trying to go for?  :salute:
I found this very interesting.....     http://www.purplemath.com/      good for brushing up your math skills...problem solving in particular.
I liked the sample tests in this book from Chapters:


As well there are lots of sites with practice tests if you search Goggle with:

gatb test practice
on the government competency test link above I just scored 92 is this going to be a good score in relation to the cfat?  Is it even a realistic comparison?
The competency test is not an accurate substitute for the CFAT.
However, scoring 92 on that test does indicate that you do have the ability to do well on the CFAT.
jcschild said:
You mean they don't allow you to use a pencil and paper for the test.  It's all mental? 

No, you get paper and a pencil, but you're on a fairly tight time schedule...  IF you can't do the basics in your head fast, it'll take up too much time.

Okay I understand.  That is good.  How much time do you have for the entire test?

It's broken up in to three segments, and you get a certain amount of time to answer the questions.  I think the total test in an hour, but remember that there's a bunch of talking during that... scroll through this thread from the beginning, you'll find the answers.  :)  Good luck!

Well they gave me this website, the Recruiting Office that is as a means to practice.


But really all I can suggest is to know your Grade 10 Math.  The practice site is for practice.  You can't really be prepared for what to expect.  I found it to be pretty easy except for the math section because I wasn't good in that area.

I think it also depends on what you are applying for, where NCM's don't need to get as high as Officer's do.

Good luck.

Hi, my gf applied for infantry res and failed and she is studying to be a vet, and she gets no lower then 70 in anything in school. the army infantry is what I have wanted to do my whole life and it is the only thing I think I can do and will enjoy doing, right now I am 18 in adult ed finishing up my enlish math and french, (I live in quebec  but I'm english) any ways I'm having a hard time gettiing my high school leaving and if my girl friend who is much smarter then me can not qualify to be infantry then what are my chances? I am getting mixed feed back about this test, I hear some people say it is super easy and then others who say them and every one they know fail it when they take it, is the test diff in diff parts of canada? or what..... my girl friend did that little test that the recruiter gave her and said it was nothing like the real test and gave a false sence that the test is easy when infact it is not, is this fair? shouldn't someone do something about that..... anyways any info is greatly appreciated, thank you.
