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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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hey y'all i just got my date set for the aptitude test and trying to find a way to practice, any suggestions? since the following sites they give you to use are down www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ppc/gct2_test_e.htm and                    www.psc-cfp-gc.ca/ppc/grt_test_e.htm the following comes up when i try to access the sites. Skip to English content | Passer au contenu Français Error 404: File Not Found
The file you have requested cannot be found on this server. Please check the URL to ensure it is correct, or take a look at our main menu to find what you are looking for. If the problem persists, please contact the server administrator: infocom@psc-cfp.gc.ca
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Date Modified: 2007-01-05
any ways thanks evilcat
Ok...because you are new here ( welcome BTW) i will make an effort to be unusualy nice,

Take several minutes to look around the site, specificaly here :


This ought to get you started, since your question is a common one.

I will also advise you to use the search function provided on this site. A simple search for "CFAT" would have provided the answer you are looking for and, without a doubt, others you might have.

milnet.ca staff
I am available to help.  I am a Physics and Math teacher and I am qualified by the University of Toronto to teach
Math from Grade 9-12 (Basic, College, University) and as well I am an electrical engineer.

I know many are preparing for the CFAT and have difficulty with math (some have been out of school for years) and others that haven't graduated from highschool.  No worries, I've taught hundreds of highschool students and I know exactly how to teach you.

I also have written the CFAT and I know what to expect.

Don't hesitate to contact me even with the most "simplest" or "hardest" of questions, I'm glad to help you out.

Just leave me a PM and I can help.
I'm just here to help people on specific questions they have.  I will not volunteer questions or guide them with any particulars.

If you have a math question, just ask.  If it is the kind of question found on the CFAT, that isn't my problem, as long as I am not the one that brought the question up.   

I am glad to answer all questions, even if they are on the CFAT, as long as you don't tell me it is a CFAT question.  If you do, I will not answer it.

Answering math questions is my full-time job anyways.
xtreme said:
I'm just here to help people on specific questions they have.  I will not volunteer questions or guide them with any particulars.

If you have a math question, just ask.  If it is the kind of question found on the CFAT, that isn't my problem, as long as I am not the one that brought the question up.   

I am glad to answer all questions, even if they are on the CFAT, as long as you don't tell me it is a CFAT question.  If you do, I will not answer it.

Answering math questions is my full-time job anyways.

Sorry but "Ignorance of the Law is no excuse."  Any Lawyer reading your above statement would tell you the same.  You are proposing a 'criminal act' and hoping that you can use your lame excuse as a defence.  Wrong!
Take this scenario.

A student is in grade 12, and his math teacher prior to becoming a teacher was a member of the CF.
I ask him for help on a math question, and he knows I'm going into the CF. 

Does he help the student?  Or say nope, can't do it!

Just curious.

George Wallace said:
Sorry but "Ignorance of the Law is no excuse."   Any Lawyer reading your above statement would tell you the same.  You are proposing a 'criminal act' and hoping that you can use your lame excuse as a defence.  Wrong!

I did my CFAT many years ago and for sure do not remember precisely any of the questions on the test (I doubt many people do). According to you, if someone comes to me and asks me to solve a question that he took from the test, I could be in trouble? Keep in mind I don't remember any of the questions on the CFAT and he does not tell me it comes from the test.

It was very kind of you to offer your assistance like that. I'm sure you'll come in handy. however it is critical that you inform anyone wanting in the cf some of the math problems on the test. I had a problem my first time around, and I had 10 days to learn basic math!

To everyone;

  math on the cfat will surprise you. If anyone gives assistance, such as xtreme, don't detail it. Teach basic division and decimals/fractions.

There are many problems in the math section, and they forumlate the questions differently in the questions so you would think that each question is a different aspect of math. Study every chance you get. Don't say "I did math last semester and got an 84%", that doesn't change a single thing. I was decently skilled in math in highschool, so I thought I would be fine. But people most of the time forget that in math class, they had the wonderful aid of a calculator. Get used to not using one because you're not allwed one on the test.

Good luck to you all.

I recently did the CFAT and was informed, in no uncertain terms, that nothing about the test was ever to be discussed.
I did it back in Sept 06 and was advised the same thing...to not discuss outside the room at ALL.  Helping getting a base knowledge in math is one thing, advising what types of questions to study is another.  Id consider that cheating.
As are all who have done the TEST.  As has been mentioned in nearly every Topic on CFAT that has been posted on this site.

Do we need to go any further?

The usual CAVEATS.

L O C K E D !
I wrote the CFAT this morning. I'm 37 and have a university degree and work in a professional field and man, it was a lot harder than I expected. I was nervous going in and I am still a bundle of nerves after. There was no "slam dunk" section. The math part was hard. You have a lot of time pressure there and its easy to get bogged down on one question at the expense of giving the other questions enough time. Study basic math over and over. I thought I'd know how to do it all (I studied up a bit in advance) but some of the math questions were trickier than I thought they'd be. Thank god I finished the last part a few minutes early and had a chance to go through and review some of the tough ones and ended up correcting 3 in the last minute.
In any case I passed. Thank god, I would have been embarassed if I didn't.
Wouldn't need math in the infantry?  Lets see my young paduan... 8 rifle men x 5 mags x 30 rnds ea x 4 grenades  you starting to get the picture cause I can go on about the WRM rule next if you wish.

Good Luck.
BernDawg said:
Wouldn't need math in the infantry?  Lets see my young paduan... 8 rifle men x 5 mags x 30 rnds ea x 4 grenades  you starting to get the picture cause I can go on about the WRM rule next if you wish.

Good Luck.

X4 grenades doesn't make sense to me ;)

Lets just say that I've seen Pl WO's with great honkin' white boards and pocket calculators figuring out the re-org. Nuf said. Math is important to all trades and therefore is no small part of the CFAT.
It seems we've lost Derek.

I wonder how he is doing, and I also wonder if he ever took the cfat again and passed.

Anyway, Derek if you read this I happened to fail my cfat the first time I took it. I was embarrassed, yes, because many people constantly say "it's so easy, you'll pass". I felt like a complete idiot.

however, that shouldn't be an excuse to just give up. After the cfat, I was pulled into an office and informed that I didn't qualify and that I could either accept a waiver, or obtain 2+ yrs in post-secondary.

I didn't want to wait that long so I took the waiver, and a month later I had my cfat again. This time I studied harder. I was so motivated to show up everyone at the recruting center and to prove to them that I could take something that I failed, turn it around, and pass it with flying colours.

You can do it, just keep at it.  :salute:
I suck really hard at math (I don't do calculus, etc.), will I be failed? :crybaby:

(Moderator edit to correct spelling of and clarify title.)
You might, math and spatial concepts are on the CFAT according to reports here on the forum.  (My own CFAT was far too long ago for me to remember any specifics.)  Suggestions have been made that getting some General Equivalency texts and doing a diligent review of the math at high school levels may help.