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Canada Considering Sending Phalanx to Afghanistan

rmacqueen said:
Can't really see this happening.  The mechanics of having to remove it from a ship and then modify it for land use would make it very impractical.  You can't just get out your wrenches and lift it off the ship and plop it on the ground.  It would require a specialized platform, electronics and a power source.  As well, once removed, the ships would have to be modified to fix the area where it had been to make them sea worthy.  We are now talking a lot of $ for something that is really not much more than a nuisance.

If the CF were really considering this idea it would be more cost effective(and probably faster) to order them from the manufacturer where they would already be fitted out for for this type of role.

I know, maybe we could get some and mount them in place of the turret on some of the old Cougars ;D

Sorry Mac, 

The CIWS was specifially chosen because it doesn't have any through-deck penetrations.  Removal of the CIWS and associated electronics cabinets from the uppers takes a couple of hours of un-bolting, plus a crane.

There's no holes left in the deck, just some cables to seal up.

The operator consoles are a bit heavier, but not hard to move, as compared to say a Hull and fire-pump.

Removing a CIWS is conceivable, and if you were to visit the Halifax Harbour today, you'd see more than 1 ship there with no CIWS on top....going into or in the midst of refits....the CIWS is removed and sent ashore for re-furbishment.

As for the stand-alone use of it?  Well, the US runs everything they need on a single flatbed trailer...take the electronics cabinets, the mount, the operator console, load it up and off you go....add a generator with the right output, and you're fine.

*shrug*  I mean, to fit them to the ships heading to the gulf in 92 only took them 10 days....

Nothing confirmed to date, but talking to the CIWS LCMM indicates that this is not a total pipe dream, and that he is actively looking at all options.  As the navy is currently converting 1A mounts to 1B there are some available.  The process to purchase a weapons system would take longer than our deployment in Afghanistan will last.  There is a new 20mm round that is available to Canada now that has a greatly reduced range.  The information I have on it indicates that the mount with the new software would engage a target at under a 1k yds .
NO CIWS, and the tanks will never be deployed either, And we won't buy C17's nor Chinooks.

Heard it all from here, yet it all seems to be comming true.
I am no expert by any stretch on the requirements for Afghanistan, but where exactly do they plan to put a CIWS system? On top of this, aren't RPG and mortar rounds fairly small when compared with a missile? As for going to sea without a CIWS, I wouldn't worry too much because we aren't sending ships into Korean waters just yet.
CIWS is more then just defence against missiles, the Block 1Bs are used to counter the small boat threat as well.
Was talking with one of the other roundsmen on duty with me tonight.  He is a NWT, in their world there is still some fear in those quarters that this is a definite possibility.  So much so, that there have been a rush of several POs putting their release in so that they could avoid being deployed should it come to pass.  Needless to say, he is pleased with the off shoot of this as there are some projected promotions in the East coast for the upcoming season.  And he is sitting pretty.....
I don't think that the current releases from the NW Tech trade have anything to do with possible deployment to Afghanistan.  On both coasts there have been a number of positions opened at FMFs and technicians are taking advantage of their experience and applying.
Talk about fools.  Anyone with half a brain would not be putting in their release because of this.

I knew a guy who got out based on the speculation that his ship was the next to go to the gulf.  He was wrong, but he still got out.

I will be extremely surprised if I we see the CWIS sitting in Kandahar, as well as a bunch of No Work Today's sitting around timmies with their shirts off.......
I don't know if you guys have read the open source stuff on this system, but the C-RAM is reportedly hitting 70+ percent of 81mm mortar rounds fired into it's area.  An RPG is similar in size to the Mortar ammo if I recall correctly.

Not to mention the fact that the moment this guy starts shooting, people are going to start ducking and heading for cover.

So, you have better warning for personnel, plus a good chance of shooting down the incoming.

Hey, in the 80's, the Brits were apparently able to engage incoming 5" shells with some of their defensive armament on ships...

As for the Non-Working-Trade having to go overseas, well, that'd probably be a short term thing until the army had some of their guys run through the CIWS course at NAD.

I herd a good one today by some combat PO. Ok in quotes:

1) "Were sending NWTs and NESOPS because they are putting the CWIS on trucks"  :eek: thats right on trucks. Hmmm ever seen a CWIS PO ? Well its pretty big, to big for a tuck Id gather.

2) "The combat dept would be the best guys to send because we spend our carrers working with guns"  :brickwall: Hmmm sitting in the ops room pushing buttons does not make you over qualified to work with the Army. Ever seen a NESOP on the range ? C7s allot differnt than pushing a button.

You I just got back from Afghanistan in August, and some of the stuff my fellow saliors come up with is so far out in left feild that I just walk away from the conversation...
There is nothing worse than a sailor with opinions on how things should be run in Afghanistan...... 

I have been around many army bases, and I have never once heard anything from anyone sporting an army uniform on how the Navy should do things (other than more exercise!)  My point is that our senior rates should be tight lipped and don't offer speculation because many junior personnel will take what they say and run with it.

It drives me nuts, but if they are going to send NESOPs/NWT's then do it, but for crying out loud DON'T speculate because all you have now are gung ho young sailors who are jumping to go over, and you will have those who are so scared they will release (go ahead IMHO that shows lack of dedication anyway).

I would love to be a fly on the wall when some Killick addresses a RSM as Chief as opposed to sir.....  Although I hear some RCR Warrant Officers would love to be called PO......
Dig deep Sub_Guy and I gurantee you will find posts on here from various army types on their concept on how the navy should be ran, what it should have etc. I have seen it all pretty much.
I have personally called a MWO "Chief" on an army base, but only after he called me by an army rank....mistake was "mutual" and I have lived to tell the tale.

(he was probably deraming ofr the promotion and you caught him off guard)
Ex-Dragoon said:
Dig deep Sub_Guy and I gurantee you will find posts on here from various army types on their concept on how the navy should be ran, what it should have etc. I have seen it all pretty much.

I thought correcting opinionated army guys was your hobby.  Or is it your career? ;D
After comming back from Afghanistan even as a Naval person myself I have to wonder what is the Navy all about? What exactly do we do ?

Right now I dont.
You are on the wrong ship and maybe the wrong trade if you feel like you are not doing anything. I know me and my shipmates have worked our collective asses off.