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CAN Has It's First Green Party MP

"We are too close to the edge of a global apocalypse," May said in an interview. "We have got to grab the opportunities we have. And, clearly, the contribution Canadians can make to a global solution is to get rid of Stephen Harper."

And the Liberals have had such a great "track record" with the environment, while in power?  She's been sniffing glue again.
I'm sure the NDP would do much better - just ask Bob Rae about his experience in Ontario.... Oh.... wait a sec.....  Uh, never mind...
If I were a Green Party member, I would be quite upset at my leader basically telling her party supporters to vote for someone else.

Why are we not hearing from angry Green Party members?
Why do I get the feeling that I'm watching the Three Four Stooges debate the Prime Minister?

An early political commentator might have described the process as being "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".  Of course, we can always rely on the CBC to divine Harper's hidden agenda from his simple, clear platform - just as they gush without embarrassment for the progressives' dream sequences.
Thucydides is bang on ref the Libs, NDP, and Greens all being arms of the same left-wing monster, aided and abetted by the media. The "debate" was little more than the other parties trying to dog-pile Harper, and coming out looking like idiots in the process. No surprise there...

What I find more disturbing than the inanity of the so-called "debate" is the level of base nastiness that is running behind the scenes in this election campaign, at the grassroots level. The idea of people using the internet to "vote swap", for one example, strikes me as an attempt by the left to do an end run around the will of the majority. Hardly ethical or democratic in my books... There has also been a lot of press in the riding I live in about campaign signs being stolen or vandalized. It goes without saying that it is only the Conservative candidate's signs that this has been happening to ::). Seems to be a real "brownshirt" mentality building out there, and it doesn't bode well for the future of this country...

As for the newly-minted Green MP, I wonder how his constituents feel about all of this, since they elected him as a Liberal, and now have a member of a fringe party instead. As far as I am concerned, ANY MP who crosses the floor should have to face an immediate byelection, as his mandate to speak for the members of his riding is no longer legitimate. Let the voters judge his choice directly...

He is in the riding next to mine and I had to listen to him talk at an all candidate meeting, he is slick and a bit of a blowhard, he claims that everything he was accused of was false and his launched lawsuits, since much of the stuff has to do with his family, Christmas dinners must be quite interesting. Mind you he is heads and shoulders over my NDP candidate who is flaky as a loon, my riding will be a tough race between Don Bell (Liberal) and Andrew Saxton (CPC) both have strong support, but the NDP and Greens (who's candidate comes across as  fairly normal except for the squeaky voice may cut into the liberal vote.
And so ends Mr. Wilson's 46 days as a green MP:

West Van-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country Polls Reporting: 116/249

Conservative      Weston, John            44.8%    11238
Liberal              Sutherland, Ian        28.5%      7338
Green                Wilson, Blair            15.1%      3897
NDP                  Forst, Bill                  12.0%      3094

Hmmm...appears that the Greens made no significant gains despite the increased awareness and media exposure.

If I were a Green, I'd be might PO'd.
No, they didn't do so well nationally but they did come in third place above the NDP in the Guelph riding.  I'm not a fan of the NDP so I found that amusing.

Hopefully we can keep the Greens around a bit, they make for good comic relief... Personally I would like to see them at about 10% support.

Anything that splits the left-wing vote is a good thing IMHO ;D

As for the ex-Green MP, I guess his constituents were NOT impressed. Serves him right.
I am late on this as always

Colin P.: I am in the same riding, i had my money on Don Bell. He woulda had another good chance of taking that seat if not for stephane dion. I like Don Bell's style however, he was very active in obtaining donations for the n.van school board while he was the mayor.

The greens are good for a laugh and thats it. I do agree with their idea of taxation on junk food items and tobacco; however, elizabeth may has zero credibility when you look at her portfolio. One of my International Relations Profs worked with her while they were environmental legal council to Brian Mulroney in the late 80's, early 90's, and even he was saying her credibility is lacking: then again, so would his if he was running on an environmental platform.
I don't have anything bad to say about Don Bell other than his choice of party, I had many good talks with him and have seen his work while chairing the Transportation committee. He told me that he was asked by the CPC to run for them, but choose the Liberals. I suspected he wanted to be on the winning side, but he gambled poorly. To his credit he didn't walk across the floor because of it. He also did a lot of hard work keeping in touch with people in thearea, showing up for all of the events, always taking notes. I think this is the best for him as he was looking worn out. I am sure he will still be serving the area in some fashion or other.