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CadetPat field uniform

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i still say that the uniform looks just like the marines, and i just dont wouldn’t want them looking like marines (personal thought).  as for having them look like the "real" thing and wear the CAPAT version, i am not all for that either.  i do agree that getting the cadets in a uniform so everyone looks the same, and having some kit that is effective is a great.  now as for punctuation and all that, i am at work and i dont get a chance to proof read and edit my posts, i type and send, so get over it.
Yea, its the same camo pattern, but the design of the uniform is Canadian.

I highly doubt anyone will think a Canadian Army Cadet is a US Marine just because the camo pattern is the same as MARPAT. Plus the CADETPAT uniform has a Canadian flag on it.


US Marines

armoured soon said:
now as for punctuation and all that, i am at work and i dont get a chance to proof read and edit my posts, i type and send, so get over it.

No, I won't, it's clearly stated in the guidelines that you will pay attention to those things. Welcome to the warning system.

Edited to add: Everyone else does their level best to post properly in here, I want to keep it that way.
armoured soon said:
i still say that the uniform looks just like the marines, and i just dont wouldn’t want them looking like marines (personal thought).  as for having them look like the "real" thing and wear the CAPAT version, i am not all for that either.   i do agree that getting the cadets in a uniform so everyone looks the same, and having some kit that is effective is a great.  now as for punctuation and all that, i am at work and i dont get a chance to proof read and edit my posts, i type and send, so get over it.

So I guess, if your CIC, you'd be turning in your CADPATS? I know CIC are Reservists, but shouldn't they dress like their charges?
Piper said:
Which is funny, because most CF members DON'T like having cadets confused with CF members (like wearing CADPAT) so the cadet league goes and gets a new distinct pattern for cadets (IMHO a good idea).

IMHO a GREAT idea!

I don't know why they didn't just try and find a way to get more OD Combats out there, but at the same time, this is a good compromise. durable material which helps give a sense of uniformity on Corps FTX's, as well as giving the Cadets something with a decent LCF. besides, at least when I was in Connaught, any cadet, CI, or Staff Cadet on that camp was ISSUED x2 OD Cbt Shirt and Pants, + boots. so one thing to keep in mind is that when you go away for the summer, Cadets Canada will issue out a whole whack of kit for you to use while you're there.

Remember, there is no such thing as the perfect solution, this seems to be the best option for those kids who want to be Gung Ho and wear Camo. Gear...


*edit*  yeah, basically just echoing what Piper said... Darn it Piper, you beat me to the Punch!
I think its a great idea for Cadets to have a uniform to wear when out on FTX's.  I feel we need to something to separate us from just a bunch of kids in the park.  I dont think what the uniform what even matter what it looked like, whether it be Cadetpat or Cadpat.  The people who dont know the difference at seeing a Cadet in Cadpat versus a Reservist/Regular in Cadpat will not make a separation because the pattern is different.  Instead of continuing to punish those who could wear the Cadpat in a respectable matter, I would love to se corps, esecpially mine, hehe, give this Cadetpat a try.
Well, my opinion is that all we need is good ol' O/D's. They're cheap and have a good design, and the material dries very fast. As for Cadets who want to go waste their money on some CADPAT "Fronte's" at a surplus store, that's a whole different story.

But I must say it would be nice to have something that would leave our reputation as Cadets instead of a bunch of crazy kids in a park...
i agree, having a field uniform that is solely that of cadets is a great idea.  Anyway having civilians thinking that the cadets in the cadetpat are little Marines, I highly doubt that Joe Sixpack would be able to tell the difference between cadpat and marpat.  Civies dont know anything about that stuff (by civies I mean you average person who knows nothing about the military)  In anycase some people think the ODs look american too.  You can thank movies like Full Metal Jacket and We Were Soldiers (great movies by the way) that display the americans in ODs.  I've had civies ask me when I was in my ODs if I was in the american army. ::) 
Anyway I think having a specific uniform for cadets is great.  Feel free do disagree but like I said people like it and people dont.  Thats why you have a CHOICE to get them or not.
When I brought my CADPAT Fmp cover to school (don't ask why), some guy said to me "Is that supposed to be camo? That stuff would never work!" I said (not in these words..) "Look civvie, go in the forest in full CADPAT and you would turn into a tree!" 

Lesson: Civvies don't know so don't bother...
If this new CADETPAT jazz wasn't so damn expensive, it might be a good idea. When I was in cadets, we did maybe only 1 excercise per year which called for some type of concealment, those were the 48 hour capture the flag games we called patrolling. Is that worth spending over 100$ on the uniform alone? Not only that, the kids that would be most interested in it would be around 12 - 13, and they'd probably outgrow the things in a year or so. My verdict: if the cadets wanna have their own ninjasniper field dress, go for it, but I don't see it as a worthwhile investment.
Conquistador said:
If this new CADETPAT jazz wasn't so damn expensive, it might be a good idea. When I was in cadets, we did maybe only 1 excercise per year which called for some type of concealment, those were the 48 hour capture the flag games we called patrolling. Is that worth spending over 100$ on the uniform alone? Not only that, the kids that would be most interested in it would be around 12 - 13, and they'd probably outgrow the things in a year or so. My verdict: if the cadets wanna have their own ninjasniper field dress, go for it, but I don't see it as a worthwhile investment.

This has been beaten to death here. Who gives a load of pony if they need it, the CCM obviously doesn't because they've made the CADETPAT available. I guess you could look at it as it's better they spend 100 bucks on clothing than beer...?

I personally don't give a damn, they want it, they have the money, give it to them, I say.
  this new CADETPAT jazz wasn't so damn expensive, it might be a good idea. When I was in cadets, we did maybe only 1 excercise per year 

Sucks to be your unit (or former)

Is that worth spending over 100$ on the uniform alone? Not only that, the kids that would be most interested in it would be around 12 - 13, and they'd probably outgrow the things in a year or so. My verdict: if the cadets wanna have their own ninjasniper field dress, go for it, but I don't see it as a worthwhile investment.

Again, it is better than paying almost the same amount for crap quality surplus.  The Cadets will actually look good and be warmer cause they are not wearing OD combat lingerie.
If this catches on to the CCM as a whole, i see it turning into an opportunity where units will fund raise for their field gear, or obtain money from sponsors to perhaps offset the cost etc.



I'm a bit torn on the issue of these CADETPAT uniforms.. in my opinion, it would make sense to provide cadets with something a little more canadian... most OD combats are getting threadbare by this point and time, but i think it sends a confusing message to the public at large when canadian cadets are wearing USMC MARPAT style BDUs.
LordOsborne said:
I'm a bit torn on the issue of these CADETPAT uniforms.. in my opinion, it would make sense to provide cadets with something a little more canadian... most OD combats are getting threadbare by this point and time, but i think it sends a confusing message to the public at large when canadian cadets are wearing USMC MARPAT style BDUs.

But as we said Joe Sixpack wont know anything about Marpat, Cadetpat, Cadpat etc.  Do a survey.  Ask your friends if they know what Marpat is.  They wont know, the only people who know what is going on with the cadetpat and stuff like that, is cadets, and maybe some reg/reservists and the CIC and they know whats going on.

Go Army
Scott said:
...I guess you could look at it as it's better they spend 100 bucks on clothing than beer...?

I guess that depends on who you ask eh?  ;D

My feeling on this has already been stated.. the readers digest version is simple.

the cadets now have the opportunity to have a standard uniform look at their Corps, with a piece of kit which is new, and of good quality. it also has the look cool factor every cadet wants.. (dont lie guys... even army guys like a little LCF here and there...)

but, it also has the selling point for us CF types, (Reg and PRes) that IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE KIDS IN UNIFORM!

Ive seen kids in the frontenac stuff... cadet in frotenac with headdress..looks alot more like a soldier to joe civy then cadet in cadetpat with headdress... AND CADET SLIP-ONS.

i wont get into that though since im preaching to the choir for the most part here. you guys are all pretty good about not wanting to look like wanna-be soldiers and being proud of your role in cadets without feeling a need to try and be something youre not. (i'll never walk around with Airborne or JTF-2  T-shirts on...)

anyhow in a nutshell

Me think cadetpat = good

Thats fine, Joe civi over here in Canada might not know what MARPAT is.  Lets say you bring your corps to the states for training? then what? everyone and their brother over there knows what MARPAT is, and 16 year old kids these days are 6' plus, and will look like soldiers. i still say something more Canadian would be better. 

I dont understand why they didn't just give the old OD uniforms to the cadets.  That would have been perfect for what they need..

armoured soon said:
Thats fine, Joe civi over here in Canada might not know what MARPAT is.  Lets say you bring your corps to the states for training? then what? everyone and their brother over there knows what MARPAT is, and 16 year old kids these days are 6' plus, and will look like soldiers. i still say something more Canadian would be better. 

I dont understand why they didn't just give the old OD uniforms to the cadets.  That would have been perfect for what they need..

what if, what if what if...

what if ninjas attack them while theyre on FTX?

ive heard enough examples of us going down there and some US citizens and even military didnt know what to make of us. and we're in our own distinctive uniform...

I think OD would have been just find as well. but they decided not to go with that. and chose to take it in a different direction, (probabbly because all the cadets like disruptive pattern.) so they took some marpat, threw a leaf on it, and now its the new thing.

the reality is that people sometimes confuse us for americans.. civies dont know, dont care...

besides... how often does the average Cadet Corps go down and train in the states? outside of a summer exchange where they are issued OD's and all that jazz....

(insert emoticon of person beating horse which is no longer living...)

for now as I see it, this stuff is only going to be used within the cadets home unit. once they all go off to camp for the summer (if the rest of em are like connaught) then they will be issued OD Green uniforms to wear while they are there.
and besides... think about it man. how often will these cadets be just wandering around aimlessly in an amercian base, or on city streets? anytime they left our camp they had to be in their Cadet Dress uniform, or civies. so im not too concerned.
My God, mass produce uniforms for the Cadets based on the slim possibility that they may go to the States for some training. Never mind the fact that, even if you have some six footers in said Corps, there are going to be pint sized "Marines" running all over. I know people like to think that the Yanks are less educated than us but they aren't stupid.

armoured soon, your argument is weak at best. You say you want them to look Canadian but not have CADPAT - what is your brilliant solution? Also, you failed to address recceguy's question, please answer it, I am curious.

armoured soon quote:
as for having them look like the "real" thing and wear the CAPAT version, i am not all for that either. 

recceguy's question in reply:
So I guess, if your CIC, you'd be turning in your CADPATS? I know CIC are Reservists, but shouldn't they dress like their charges?

Seems valid to me.
I PM'd recceguy.  CIC are still in the reserves, and fall under QR&O's.  CIC are Commissioned Officers of the CF.  Why would they wear anything different?
To look like the people they supervise. That was a part of the question...

However, you answered it, somewhat, I'll let it go.
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