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CadetPat field uniform

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In the off chance a Cadet goes on a FTX to a US base, there is NO way a US Soldier, Marine, Airman or Sailer will think a Cadet wearing CADETPAT is a US Marine...

CADETPAT is designed after the current CADPAT Combats(only CADETPAT is printed in MARPAT), not US BDUs, MARPAT cammies, etc.

What are the chances a Canadian or US civvie will even see a Cadet in CADETPAT? When Cadets are out collecting money they wear their dress uniform, 98% of the time(atleast from what I've seen) they wear there Dress Uniforms to their parade night.

We try to get the point accross, Mike, but it always falls on deaf ears with some. Never mind...
The only time a cadet in combats is going to be in the public eye would be to and/or from a weekend exercise.

For my unit's FTXs, we sometimes meet at the armoury and then have parents carpool us (or get a DND vehicle) to the location. I have quite a few cadets who rely on the BC transit system to get them to or from their houses.
I'm on the side that cadets should have a DND issued "combat" get-up to wear on FTX's.  But I'm realistic, I'm not whining about wanting Cadpat, would I wear it if it was given to me, you better believe it.  Hell, its a reason in its self to join the Army.  (Not the only reason)

So heres my vote, Cadetpat - good
Are the general public still going to mistaken us for Res/Regs, you better believe they will.  Is there any army related uniform that would be able to stop that, definently not.  Unless we get C-A-D-E-T painted in big bright letters across our backs.

To all current members of the CF, I apologize for those within the cadet organization who feel they should be on the same playing field as you.
FuBaR said:
  Hell, its a reason in its self to join the Army.


If anyone sees a cadet in CADETPAT an asks you if you are a soldier, or whatever(I can't believe they would think this, especially for 14-16 year old cadets) simply say you are not a member of the CF an you are a Cadet. Too easy.
Then that would go for any uniform.  But id bet that people would just assume, and not come up to ask you if youre in the CF.  That would only happen if cadets were doing something really good, or really bad.
My God, we are going to argue this from every conceivable angle, aren't we? This thread is wearing my patience thin.

Im not trying to force an arguement into whether or not cadets should have Cadpat.  All that I'm stating is cadets should have a field uniform, and no matter what it looks like, people are going to mistake cadets for CF members.
I think this thread seems to have run its course. Its pretty sad when we're in a situation where kids get mistaken for professional soldiers.
I am going to lock this one and open a new one for discussion about CADETPAT and discussion about CADETPAT ONLY.

I'll echo Bigfoot's sentiments. Maybe once in a blue moon a kid will get mistaken for a soldier, uninformed people may make that mistake, especially if the kid looks a bit older than his age. But it is not going to happen near enough to warrant the useless debate of it in here.

This horse is dead. Look for the new thread about CADETPAT ONLY.
OK, the last one went off the rails so here's a new version so you can yap about CADETPAT.

The discussion will be limited to CADETPAT only. I don't want to see any more talk about Cadets being mistaken for Marines or any of that crap. Discuss your uniforms, revisions, etc. Leave the rest out of it.

Have fun.
OK then.....
  what is your oppinion on Air cadets wearing the new cadetpat uniforms? (seeing as they're designed for army cadets) :salute: :cdn:
cadettrooper, grow up here. Cadets are cadets, plain and simple. CADETPAT is for cadets. Quit trying to destroy this thread before it gets started.
I'm still curious how close the CADetPAT uniform is to the CADPAT uniform. Are the upper pockets reinforced with cordura? Do the trousers have velcro waist pockets? etc..
all the pockets are fastened with velcro.  As far as the cordura, I have no idea
- The pockets are also designed to fit FMP Books as appose to the Chest Mag pockets in the Cadpat / OD's

- Strings and buttons dont even go with the uniform

- No strings to blouse the Pants
- Cadetpat Boots look funny
- Cadetpat Hat doesnt have a removable protective strip of cloth for the back of neck to prevent you from getting a sunburn
I was in Cadets not to long ago, got up to FSgt. in Air and had lots of fun. Theres two ways I look at this idea of CadetPat....One, I think its really cool for the cadets to have these "spiffy" uniforms, it would certainly boost moral and esprit de corps ten fold. But I also see it as a huge Money problem for the DND (they've got their work cut out for them just providing kit for Reg and PRes. members). Don't forget that we are citizens of Canada.....(some civilians)....and Canada isn't a third world country that has child soldiers......I could see Cadets getting these new uniforms and then the day after on the news "Canada's little soldiers". I again think its an OK idea as long as the uniform doesn't look like the CF Cadpat because thats where the problem would come into hand. Correct me if I'm wrong in anything I've said....

Lets be clear here, Cadetpat is a League initiative not a cadets canada initiative.  It is optional purchase designed for the needs of the cadet program, and using non-public funds.  So the CF has spent not one red cent producing this pattern.  Furthermore at this time I believe it is a BC League intiative, and has not yet been sanctioned around the country (as I understand it).  It is a great option for cadets looking for a distinctive uniform, I've seen only one cadet in it, and I think it looks pretty good. 

As for "canada's little soldiers", I've heard worse things in the last couple months.  After the Macleans article this summer I don't think the argument could be made beyond the wearing of any uniform, as they all represent some form of military support.  I'd much prefer to have all my cadets in one common uniform than the smattering of OG, Cadpat, and civilian clothing, but that is not likely to happen.  Outside the Summer Training Centers, all combat or field type clothing is personal purchase and considered civilian attire.  Provisions have been made to allow those cadets buying CF pattern OG to wear accoutrements from the cadet system, and everything else is just civilian clothing.  Cadetpat will be no different.  I'd encourage the standardization, but unless the league is going to do a bulk buy and donate it to the various corps, I think it has an up-hill battle to fight to gain acceptance.
its not that i see a problem with cadets wearing military issued clothing, as long as its not clothing that is being currently issued out to reg or reserve members, thats where i get problems with it, because no one should be wearing Cadpat when their out for a weekend with the guys or on a cadet......."exercise" because cadets didn't sign papers swearing allegiance to the crown and his/her heirs.....


P.s- I'd love to know whats worse that you've heard then Canadians having child soldiers....[( 9 YEAROLDS WITH AN AK-47 AROUND THEIR SHOULDER!!!!) do we really want people to see the CF like that]
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