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Bring Back the army Forage / Peak Caps ... ?

Should the army bring back the peak cap for wear with our DEU's?

  • Yes'sir . . . makes the troops look sharp & professional

    Votes: 71 45.2%
  • No flerking way . . . only green berets touch my skull

    Votes: 86 54.8%

  • Total voters
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Could we quit calling them "forge caps?" I just get an image of a bug guy with an apron hammering on a piece of metal. It's a "forage" cap.

That being said, I think officers should wear it - we have few enough uniform distinctions.  >:D
Acorn said:
I think officers should wear it - we have few enough uniform distinctions.   >:D

What do you have against Officers?

Haggis said:
Only if there's a Timmy's within walking distance.

I think forage caps are a great idea!!!   Just like the greatcoat, they go really well with a kilt.    ;D
well.... Highlanders don't wear forrage caps. They may wear a Feather Bonnet, a Glengarry or a Balmoral BUT NEVER a forrage cap..... you sure you're in the highlanders?

Years gone by, the Regular CF got the forrage caps while the Reserves got only the berrets... and then someone figured out that the Reserves got the better deal ;)

Maroon for the Airborne
Scarlet for the Infantry (colour stolen by the MPs.... call the police!!!)
Black for the Armoured (colour stolen by the US Army)...
Navy blue for the Artillery, the Engineers, and pretty much all the other support trades.....

Ah - and then there's the Airforce with their grey/blue berrets

Then again..... Remember when the armoured insisted in wearing a scarlet topped forrage cap (in days of Patrol blues)???? (all flash - no cash ;))
I agree, officers should have to wear it, all the time, with all orders of dress, PT gear included.  :D
I agree, officers should have to wear it, all the time, with all orders of dress, PT gear included.   


maybe i should order a bigger size so i can fit a sweat band underneath.


oh, just to make it clear: do NOT get caught wearing your forage cap backwards, DEU pants pulled down over your undies, and shirt undone from the bottom up, with only the very top button done up, and a Browning stuffed in the waistband.

Sar'nts-Major look so sad when they cry.
One of the best days , dress wise was when the Army went to comabat as dress of the day. The principal WRT to uniforms is KISS. You shouldn't need a seperate storage shed to keep all your stuff.

Forage caps are dead and buried as they should be. (thats is except for IGs and AIGs so dignity can still be bestowed on the black arts).
I look at pictures of troops in what used to be the Eastern Block and am amaazed by the LP sized flat tops those gentlemen wear......... wow

Think back to old reruns of "12 O'Clock high" and the headphones clamped down over those forage caps worn by the flyboys.......... just picture them after some 80 missions - the tops reaching down to their ears........ Ugh

there are the two extremes.... and I find neither very appealing.

When you consider the Beret - we've probably seen 10,000 ways of wearing them - some good and some bad - but if the Section Commander & the Tp WO are worth their salt, they've invested some time in showing the troops how it should be done.

It's a simple issue of discipline to ensure that last year's beret is relegated to field use while a spanking new one (c/o clothing on line) is ordered & broken in with TLC.

geo said:
well.... Highlanders don't wear forrage caps. They may wear a Feather Bonnet, a Glengarry or a Balmoral BUT NEVER a forrage cap..... you sure you're in the highlanders?

Clearly sarcasm is lost on you.....

Hmmmmmmmmm...... might say the same

then again, tried to get a friend of mine, who transfered from the BW to CGG to get photographed wearing, Kilt, scarlet jacket & Busby............ for some silly reason - he wouldn't comply???? Odd!!!!
geo said:
Hmmmmmmmmm...... might say the same

then again, tried to get a friend of mine, who transfered from the BW to CGG to get photographed wearing, Kilt, scarlet jacket & Busby............ for some silly reason - he wouldn't comply???? Odd!!!!

Seems that some "normal" items of CF headress simply were never meant to be worn with a kilt. Certainly the forage cap and the beret.  Have yet to see a Highlander in a turban though.

The greatcoat and raincoat are dismal fashion failures when worn with a kilt.  In small communities, where everoyone knows what a Highlander is, it's no big deal.  In big cites, however, to some you look like "Freddy the Flasher".

All that being said, with the exception of a Guard's peak cap, the forage cap should be reserved for officers simply because the braid allows for target recognition and the launch of a sharp salute at extreme range.  Great fun in the NCR.  I've seen some officers cross the street to avoid having to return a salute lest they have to balance their Timmys in the same hand as thier briefcase.
OK Guys look, Forage caps are gonzo, get over it, they are not even a blip on General Hillier's distant radar screen.  The whole point I am trying to drive home here is The CF needs many things, lets not waste a single dime or penny on Forage caps.

Hey I like the old british rank structure but I have long accepted its gone the way of the dodo in the candian army...

Lets deal with what the CF needs.
Can any of the Air folks help me out here.  Is the forage cap still acceptable form of head dress at formal parades ? and is still being issued ? just curious.


Man, sometimes this board is hot with about 4 or 5 awesome threads going and sometimes it is in the doldrums.

5 pages of conversation on a forage cap being the highlight of the Army forum is definately the latter.....

And if they did come back, I'd have to pick one to wear:

KevinB said:
Do they even issue them to new troops today -- all pictures I've seen of St Jean has recruits in berets?

Anyone who's gone thru SJ confirm?

The only people isssued anything but berets were the sailors (the forage) and the airmen (the wedge).
Michael O'Leary said:
And if they did come back, I'd have to pick one to wear:


Although I think the forage caps are crap, I like the cap badges. ;)
BTW other than the forage cap on the far left I doubt any were issued during your carreer.

Pro Patria
Haggis said:
Seems that some "normal" items of CF headress simply were never meant to be worn with a kilt. Certainly the forage cap and the beret.  Have yet to see a Highlander in a turban though.

The greatcoat and raincoat are dismal fashion failures when worn with a kilt.  In small communities, where everoyone knows what a Highlander is, it's no big deal.  In big cites, however, to some you look like "Freddy the Flasher".

All that being said, with the exception of a Guard's peak cap, the forage cap should be reserved for officers simply because the braid allows for target recognition and the launch of a sharp salute at extreme range.  Great fun in the NCR.  I've seen some officers cross the street to avoid having to return a salute lest they have to balance their Timmys in the same hand as thier briefcase.

One of our officers wore the maroon beret on parade with his kilt; he was on strength with the Skyhawks at the time.
Infanteer said:
Man, sometimes this board is hot with about 4 or 5 awesome threads going and sometimes it is in the doldrums.

5 pages of conversation on a forage cap being the highlight of the Army forum is definately the latter.....


If you're not interested, why speak?  Inflating your post count?  Some people are interested in uniforms; I personally am fascinated by them.  I seem to recall you posting a few pictures of USMC dress regulations and hotly debating why we should go the same route.  So why piss on this thread about forage caps?  Honestly Infanteer, sometimes you're hard to understand.  If it's a waste of time - why waste your time?
Michael Dorosh said:
If you're not interested, why speak?  Inflating your post count?  Some people are interested in uniforms; I personally am fascinated by them.  I seem to recall you posting a few pictures of USMC dress regulations and hotly debating why we should go the same route.  So why piss on this thread about forage caps?  Honestly Infanteer, sometimes you're hard to understand.  If it's a waste of time - why waste your time?

Well, as Britney so succinctly put it:

Britney Spears said:
Woohoo, DEU reform: Another THREAD THAT NEVER ENDS!!

People actually complain about this stuff? Remember that whol "the side with the simplest uniform wins" thing?

Look through the thread - it is pages of "Looks grate!" or "I hated the effing thing!" with some humour thrown in.  At the time I wrote the post, it was to highlight the fact that this was the only thread that was getting posts on Army.ca - I was attempting to add a little levity to it; sorry if that violated your precious uniform discussion.

There can be serious discussion on uniforms, but it has to be approached seriously not simply "Hey, that's kewl".  Other than that, here is some good reading for you until you decide to get back to trolling by responding to every post I make on these forums with pissy complaints.
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