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BMOQ May 5th, 2014

I am glad I am not the only one that is trying to balance PT and studying for finals, I feel like I am failing! 2 more exams and only 11 days left... :o :boring:
nursekatrina said:
I am glad I am not the only one that is trying to balance PT and studying for finals, I feel like I am failing! 2 more exams and only 11 days left... :o :boring:

Finals over for me, best of luck to you over the summer! I got the academic down, but I think I'll hurt a bit at the beginning PT-wise. Then again, I'm doing fairly well so I'm probably just nervous.
I'll be there May 5th.
Infantry Officer.
I haven't received any information besides that yet so I'm not sure what my serial is.
I'll be there as well! Just received my call today for MARS.
A little bit overwhelming to think that I have less than 1 week to tie up everything here on my end before I head out.
lelliott said:
I'll be there as well! Just received my call today for MARS.
A little bit overwhelming to think that I have less than 1 week to tie up everything here on my end before I head out.

Wow congrats!! It's a very short notice... but better late than never! I hope you worked on your PT in the last weeks. Good luck!
Mab163 said:
Wow congrats!! It's a very short notice... but better late than never! I hope you worked on your PT in the last weeks. Good luck!

Thanks! I'm still kind of in shock that I got the offer, will be swearing in and leaving for BMOQ all in less then a week but like you said better late than never I suppose lol. Luckily I've been running fairly frequently for the past couple months so PT has definitely been coming along well; though I'm sure everyone (myself DEFINITELY included lol) will be relieved when the first couple days are over and we begin to establish a real routine.

The Forces filmed this video series a few years ago and uploaded them to Youtube.
Check them out..a real insight into basic!
Here's the first one.
After two years of waiting, I too, received an offer for MARS DEO. @lelliot, I also opened up my application in Hamilton before moving back to Toronto!
lee465 said:
After two years of waiting, I too, received an offer for MARS DEO. @lelliot, I also opened up my application in Hamilton before moving back to Toronto!

That's awesome! Congrats! I'm hoping for your sake you got a little more notice than I did (and that you didn't just get the offer today). So will you be swearing in in Hamilton or Toronto then?
Hey All

Got the call this morning for MARS - I'll be swearing in and leaving from Toronto.

See you soon!
lelliott said:
That's awesome! Congrats! I'm hoping for your sake you got a little more notice than I did (and that you didn't just get the offer today). So will you be swearing in in Hamilton or Toronto then?

I got the offer Tuesday morning, yes haha. Swearing in in a few hours in Toronto.
lee465 said:
I got the offer Tuesday morning, yes haha. Swearing in in a few hours in Toronto.

Wow I guess all of us MARS Officers were very last minute additions to this BMOQ! Enjoy the ceremony; I swear in tomorrow morning (nothing like leaving it to the last minute lol) and will hopefully find out my travel arrangements then! I would assume I will be flying out of Toronto as well.
for you new MARS hopefuls - check out this video.

The people in the vid are my friends from basic last year.
