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Bayonets: your essential Zombie killing weapon accessory.

Danjanou said:
It appears we all have to move to the Rock when the Zombie Apocalypse comes. Small population, Island,  cold climate and we can resurrect this place to grow our tomatoes.



Rumor has it there's also a bridge we can blow in place to slow the hordes down.

I hope by 'the Island' you don't mean Vancouver Island because they are already here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fef27IVDnx0
I noticed a mention of the Zombie Apocalypse Academy.org website some of you may have interest in this. I may know something about this and those who run it. If interested contact me for more and I shall share what I know.  :cdn:
I have traveled great distances (from T.V to computer) to receive the knowledge of many, but i also must pass my knowledge of survival....  ???

One must wear


women included with every purchase.  Also if you notice the batman blades on the for arms, they will be useful in last resort in piercing into a zombies brain.

Anyway all things aside, I would suggest wearing a motor cycle suit as armor, I figured it would give decent protection from a zombie bite while scavenging for supplies.  Also maybe a paintball face mask to protect against splatter of zombie guts and protect your face from getting bitten off.
daftandbarmy said:
I hope by 'the Island' you don't mean Vancouver Island because they are already here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fef27IVDnx0

Glad I escaped when I did then.

I know how most of you feel about Deadliest Warrior, but its a mildly entertaining show and with this episode coming up, we might get some much needed info on how to kill Zombies!

In a nightmare throwdown between the fantasy world's two undead superstars,  Max Brooks knows how it would go down.

"For all of a vampire's physical characteristics, they’re still human beings psychologically," he said. "They still fear. They still doubt.  Zombies don't."

Steve Niles is sure, too.

"My call to arms was  'braaaaaaains' - that's one thing vampires have that zombies do not," he said.  "Vampires, unlike zombies, are very capable of coordinating and pulling off strategies."

For those interested in learning about anti Zombie tactics and important survival lessons, I recommend you check out zombieapocalyoseacadamy.org, We are an open minded organization that teaches Zombie Apocalypse survival. We have instructors in Survival, Weapons and Tactics, Medicine and Improvised tools and materials.  You can also follow us on Facebook.  :cdn:
Getting good with a bow takes a long time (which is why crossbows and then firearms were so readily adopted by European armies, it was much easier to train people to use them), so unless you have a secure location with a range that you can train people, I'd go with firearms then devolve to crossbows. Use the stocks of your rifles/shotguns once the ammunition is gone to make your crossbow; the leaf springs of small to medium cars can provide the materials for the bow arms. Truck springs are likely too stiff for a normal human being to draw as crossbow arms.

Growing stuff demands that you stay put to do the planting and harvesting, and protect your crop from marauding pests, wildlife and bandits. Zombies kind of put the kibosh on that unless you can create a solid perimeter fence, and live with the damn zombies moaning outside the barrier 24/7. OTOH, at least they will be able to garnish you with some fresh tomatoes and lettuce once they finally break through....
A secure location far away that is off the road (perferably by a few hundred kilometers) with easy to defend natural barriers and you shouldn't have much of a zombie/bandit problem.  Once this area is secure you then worry about agriculter. Your mission would be to survive, not fight every zombie out there.
I would head north. Zombies would just freeze up and die. Also not many people to get infected way up north.
Food up north is next to nill...

  Decent size 'fortress' is still the best method.

Since I have access to Miniguns and cannon at work as well as millions of round, and suppressed sniper rifles etc., I'm going to further secure the perimiter at work, as 640,000 sqft allows for roof garden (flat roof), and we have bunkers etc.

Kevin's kinda happy in the south now - he neglected to mention that the North is actually quite cold and he's not interested in bundling up anymore  ;D.

medicineman said:
Kevin's kinda happy in the south now - he neglected to mention that the North is actually quite cold and he's not interested in bundling up anymore  ;D.


Damn straight bro.

Too many trips in the cold for The Queen made me despise the cold climates.
  The CF ruined skiing for me as well when I went to Brideport Ca to the USMC Mountain Warefare School, telemarking instead of bangy boards, and beautiful weather...

Pratically however the Southern Climates will be much more survivable without the amenities of society (power being the main #1).  Surviving on the run in Canada in the winter is next to impossible in a non permissive environment.  Just cause a few books beleive Zombies will freeze shut, I would not bank on it.

MM - check out the Juvi hall right behind the hospital.  Tall intruder fences, strong secure outbuildings.  Plentiful water source, migrating fowl, has its own dairy farm and agriculture center.
Fences are good for limited personnel, but will collapse under the weight of a massive onslaught -- need razor wire and low wire entanglements set out a ways from the perimeter fence, as well as shoring up the fence supports.  Overwatch with GPMG's at the minimum.
A moat and a stone/cement wall with pillbox emplacements with mulitple overlaping fields of fire is better.

medicineman said:
I'll let you know how it goes after my first full Manitoba winter...

Uhg, I moved away from Winterpeg as a wee boy, and I remember thinking 'Thats it? This is how cold it gets in BC?' went back for a funeral two years ago, it was damn cold.  Of my non Peg family members I was the only one who brought who brought a toque and they all eyed it jealously.  I wish you luck.

Second thing: we think this over to much, don't we?
Zoomie said:
MM - check out the Juvi hall right behind the hospital.  Tall intruder fences, strong secure outbuildings.  Plentiful water source, migrating fowl, has its own dairy farm and agriculture center.

And it's own supply of damn near Zombies...had to treat a couple already :-) - the CO's are getting warmed up for the event.

KevinB said:
Food up north is next to nill...

  Decent size 'fortress' is still the best method.

Since I have access to Miniguns and cannon at work as well as millions of round, and suppressed sniper rifles etc., I'm going to further secure the perimiter at work, as 640,000 sqft allows for roof garden (flat roof), and we have bunkers etc.

Need any help manning said equipment? ;)
medicineman said:
And it's own supply of damn near Zombies...had to treat a couple already :-)
They're not bad kids - I worked with a bunch of them on the flood effort.  They let a couple platoon's worth out to help fill sandbags.

@KevinB - I hear you.  It would take some work to shore up the fences, but there is good potential here.  :-)
Zoomie said:
They're not bad kids - I worked with a bunch of them on the flood effort.  They let a couple platoon's worth out to help fill sandbags.

The ones that they let out are rated as low risk to escape or assault. The real bad ones....are in segregation and won't be allowed out. They'd be good Zombie Fighters IF they can take the time to stop beating people up or invading elderly peoples homes.