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Army = My life

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hello Guys,

6 month ago I took my Aptitude Test and I failed, Got in Deep depression because Since 10 years All I wanted is join the army and it took me 2hours to destroy it completely. :crybaby:

Took me 6 month to become myself again, now I decided to try again the Aptitude test before I'm changing Country * If I don't Pass here *

As Many of you said in your topics, the websites that supposed to help us learn & train for the tests doesn't Help for me. :mad:

Now I'm back and ready to study again but any1 got anything better to suggest to train myself?  ??? :-[

I suggest doing a lot of reading, books you've liked you can read again, subjects that interest you, newspapers every day.  Do math prep tests, basic arithmetic and such.  As well, practice using proper grammar.  Whether an email to a friend, text to a buddy, or posting to an online forum.  The brain is a muscle, do these simple things and you'll be amazed at the differences it can make.  Other than that, I believe there are a ton of resources on here if you search for them.  Look in particular for advice from people who have had to take the test again.

No one is going to hand it to you.  Put your head down and do the work and work hard.  It will make it that much more satisfying when you are successful and moving forward with your career.  Most important, don't over think the test.
Drop the xbox controller and read the globe and mail every day - by read I mean comprehend the key issues they are touching on.

Good luck,
It has been over ten years since I did the tests but I think they're fairly generic psychometric tests.  I recommend searching for psychometric test prep books at your local book store or on-line.  I remember preparing for a particularly tough psychometric test after bombing it the first time.  I whizzed through the second time with a high score!  I used the following in a sort of mental gym I set up for myself:

Mathematics, especially arithmetic and speed/distance/time problems.  This was the most painful part for me.

Vocabulary.  Read lots.  Read challenging stuff.  I knocked off keeping up on current affairs at the same time by reading The Economist. 

Spatial ability etc--Get test prep books.  Read up on them on the internet and make sure you get the right kind.  Similar to the prep books guys applying to the cops buy and practice with. 

Mensa-style problem books.  These are great because they allow you to do two things:  You get a little how-to-solve-this somewhere in the book (absolutely invaluable) and these are the ones I used to time myself.  Time management is crucial so get yourself some sharp pencils and get some practice.  The brain freeze you will feel at first is normal.

Lastly, good luck and don't give up.
I will never give up 100% sure.

Yeah I will start reading again and Stop playing Counterstrike xD.

.. anyone know if Reserve Test is easier from Regular Force or it's the same thing?
Jesus wept!!  Do we have to have another fracking CFAT thread?  HandsOfChaos, if the CFAT info already posted does not "help" for you that is unfortunate and there is nothing that can be done but wish you luck on your rewrite.
And be prepared to seek another type of employment.  If failing the CFAT "threw you into a deep depression" for six months, I have doubts on your ability to be in the CF, but that's just my opinion.
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