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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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some glimmerings of a light at the end of the tunnel... still glacially slow, and why is it the Communications Branch fails at communication consistently? I know it's a tired cliche, but damn it, what will it take until someone starts stomping on nuts to fix this problem?

Is it just because we're doing too much work spread over too few people to keep up with anything that isn't critical? I'd buy that I guess.
I think its just a matter of people have lost interest.

Its now at the point where spec pay is a unicorn people talk about, but no one actually believes in good conscience exists.

Apathetic people don't take the boss to task on issues he has oversight of.
4 years and counting for a pay review.

But good news ! We have a new march past, Spurs and maybe a blue beret.
Bravo. Great work.

technophile said:
4 years and counting for a pay review.

But good news ! We have a new march past, Spurs and maybe a blue beret.
Bravo. Great work.

They're stuck by a process review by CMP. What do you want them to do, stamp their feet and demand they get the process finished quicker? The decision to seek LCIS to have their pay frozen is long overdue, but that may fall on the shoulders of the old DSigs. We're first on the list, because CMP knows we have people stuck between a rock and a hard place. You also might be surprised to know that people are capable of working on multiple tasks at the same time. Strange concept, I'm sure.
technophile said:
But good news ! We have a new march past, Spurs and maybe a blue beret.
Bravo. Great work.

So you guys are in lock step with the rest of the Army. 
In case anyone isn't aware, the Board Rankings and CM briefing .ppt is up on the Career page through EMAA.

Not really any change to the .ppt, except for the promotion forecast numbers.
PuckChaser said:
They're stuck by a process review by CMP. What do you want them to do, stamp their feet and demand they get the process finished quicker?. I'm sure you ( and everyone else) know(s)s the CMP process review didn't start until the spring 2015. So, what's your excuse for the branch pooching the dog from October 2011 to spring 2015 timeframe ?  Some foot stomping would have come in handy then. We're first on the list, because CMP knows we have people stuck between a rock and a hard place. You also might be surprised to know that people are capable of working on multiple tasks at the same time. Strange concept, I'm sure.  If you believe this latest " the answer is coming soon" story, I have a bridge to sell you. Real cheap too ;)
There was a different command group between those dates. I've served under Col. Sullivan, and I absolutely trust that if something he says is a priority, it will be. I also trust that he's passing on all the info he has, so if he's being lied to, that's not on the Branch leadership.

What none of us have is how long it took to actually submit to TB, and that's on MES IP Team. I think most of those guys are retired now too, so it was a fire and forget.

Also, as a technophile you probably have a good idea on how PHPBB works, and know how to properly quote a post so its not a dog's breakfast, like what you just posted.
Well,  I guess we will all "watch and shoot" .  I'm not holding my breath, but I will give your man the benefit of the doubt.  Getting promoted twice with zero pay raise and 10x the headache takes it tole on the best of us. I listened to a video from the CFCWO who talked about the decade of darkness, and a key contributor to many institutional problems in the CF was the pay freeze .  Well, we have a few hundred living through just that right now. But no heat and light because the percentage is small. Even an answer saying no would be better than the party line BS we have been fed for over 4 years.

As for my knowledge of PHP, I can code with the best of them.  Although, my issued BB is a challenge for even the most technically savvy folks. 
I've said in previous posts here the LCIS guys who went CST and got pay frozen have been done a disservice by the CAF, and I would even argue its grieveable. You guys have been jerked around and although not in your shoes, completely understand your frustration.

The whole non-answer on pay is just one of the many things befalling the trade right now. I see it as the icing on the cake of many institutional issues.
upandatom said:

Still not fixed?

I'm not sure about you, but the rest of the CAF has been on leave for 27 calendar days.... As per the briefing from D Sigs, CMP was to finish by End Nov 15 and commence reviews after that. Which means they finished maybe by silly week and won't start anything until likely next week, as this one is usually a write-off. But then again, you'd know that if you read the posts and applied logic, instead of attempting to troll...
PuckChaser said:
I've said in previous posts here the LCIS guys who went CST and got pay frozen have been done a disservice by the CAF, and I would even argue its grieveable. You guys have been jerked around and although not in your shoes, completely understand your frustration.

The whole non-answer on pay is just one of the many things befalling the trade right now. I see it as the icing on the cake of many institutional issues.

The time limit for grievance has past by for all of us. I'm positive it would not be entertained since it was frozen years ago (Oct 2011 if I recall correctly).
As per QR&O 7.06 (para 1) you have 30 days to submit your grievance.


(1) A grievance shall be submitted within three months after the day on which the grievor knew or ought reasonably to have known of the decision, act or omission in respect of which the grievance is submitted.

(2) A grievor who submits a grievance after the expiration of the time limit set out in paragraph (1) shall include in the grievance reasons for the delay.

(3) The initial authority or, in the case of a grievance to which Section 2 does not apply, the final authority may consider a grievance that is submitted after the expiration of the time limit if satisfied it is in the interests of justice to do so. If not satisfied, the grievor shall be provided reasons in writing.

(4) Despite paragraph (1), if the day on which the grievor knew or ought reasonably to have known of the decision, act or omission in respect of which the grievance is submitted is before 1 June 2014, the grievance shall be submitted within six months after the day that the grievor knew or ought reasonably to have known of the decision, act or omission in respect of which the grievance is submitted.

(G) [P.C. 2000-863 effective 15 June 2000; P.C. 2014-0575 effective 1 June 2014]


If the delay is caused by a circumstance which is unforeseen, unexpected or beyond the grievor's control, the initial authority or, in the case of a grievance to which Section 2 does not apply, the final authority should normally be satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to consider the grievance if it is submitted within a reasonable period of time after the circumstance occurs.

(C) [1 June 2014]

The issue we have now is the lack of interest from CORE to go IST/CST. At my unit they asked Sig Pl for anyone interested in going CST. ZERO CORE mbrs volunteered. Their reasonsing was; less oppertunity for career progression, back to CFSCE for more "abuse" with little to nothing in return except more responsibilities when they return (fill the roll of a soldier, operator and tech rather than just soldier and operator), and to top it all off no spec pay.

The operators aren't stupid, they see how the CST and IST are running around ragged. We hardly never get off work early  :tantrum: If you do let your guys go home on an early Friday stand-down you feel guilty because you're just shooting yourself in the foot since you'll just fall even further behind. We have hundreds of work orders, a long queue of veh CS inspections and maintenance to conduct on a myriad of equipment while simultaneously trying to get ready for EX after EX with not nearly enough time in between to get the gear fixed. When we are on EX the lack of PM bites you in the *** further and you're running around everywhere fixing/band-aid'ing a bunch of broken comms suites. When you do get back from EX there's triwalls of headsets and work-orders waiting labour because people break stuff (which is normal) but you're "too busy" dealing with the rediculous amount of CFTPOs, duties, unit admin, training, parades, IBTS, etc. I know I'm ranting but it's all true.
LCIS227 said:
The time limit for grievance has past by for all of us. I'm positive it would not be entertained since it was frozen years ago (Oct 2011 if I recall correctly).
As per QR&O 7.06 (para 1) you have 30 days to submit your grievance.

I'm going to disagree with you; it's not that simple.


(1) A grievance shall be submitted within three months after the day on which the grievor knew or ought reasonably to have known of the decision, act or omission in respect of which the grievance is submitted.

(2) A grievor who submits a grievance after the expiration of the time limit set out in paragraph (1) shall include in the grievance reasons for the delay.

(3) The initial authority or, in the case of a grievance to which Section 2 does not apply, the final authority may consider a grievance that is submitted after the expiration of the time limit if satisfied it is in the interests of justice to do so. If not satisfied, the grievor shall be provided reasons in writing.

For argument's sake, we'll say that the spec pay was frozen in Oct 2011, as you say.

The spec pay was frozen pending a review.  A reasonable person would expect that a review would be conducted in a reasonable period of time.  At what point does a reasonable person conclude that the review has been inexplicably and unreasonably delayed, and is deserving of an application for redress of grievance?  6 months?  A year?  Two years?

They put provisions in there to allow grievances to be submitted after the arbitrary 30 day limit for a reason.  The ACISS trade has as good a reason as I've ever seen to take advantage of those provisions.
There is a new letter coming out very soon. But from what the ASP course at CFSCE was briefed, there has been an unforeseen delay, and we shall wait some more.

technophile said:
There is a new letter coming out very soon. But from what the ASP course at CFSCE was briefed, there has been an unforeseen delay, and we shall wait some more.

At least this D Sigs is keeping everyone apprised. He can only fight so hard against DPPD/TB. I wonder when its time to get CCA involved and flex some 3-leaf muscle.
PuckChaser said:
At least this D Sigs is keeping everyone apprised. He can only fight so hard against DPPD/TB. I wonder when its time to get CCA involved and flex some 3-leaf muscle.

Hopefully the new CCA throws some weigh behind this. Previous ones certainly did not.
technophile said:
There is a new letter coming out very soon. But from what the ASP course at CFSCE was briefed, there has been an unforeseen delay, and we shall wait some more.
So, wait out for an update with no additional info?
Unforeseen delay?  I received it on the 28th  through my CoC.

The email chain said to pass it on, so here it is.
