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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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So Jealous! Best of luck on your interview!  I'm currently waiting on my medical file to come back from where ever they hide those things away. Fingers crossed it doesn't take too long.
Had an interview tomorrow, should be merit listed this week and then here is to hoping for a selection date within November! Good luck to all others.
Sizzle said:
Had an interview tomorrow, should be merit listed this week and then here is to hoping for a selection date within November! Good luck to all others.

When I had my interview on October 16th there were still 129 ACISS positions open. I know this because ATIS is my second choice and the recruiter tried to convince me to choose ACISS as a third. AVS is my primary choice and where my heart is, so I left ACISS off my application. This was because recruiter informed me that had I put ACISS as my third choice I would have likely been hired within days but lose my chance at AVS.

My point is: recruiting detachments in my region seem to be under a lot of pressure to find ACISS recruits.

Good luck!
Brasidas said:
There have been problems with the sig op trade from well before amalgamation. Amalgamation didn't fix those problems.

Meet sig ops, learn about the trade, get an idea of what you'd be doing. Don't expect to be anything other than the "core" stream of the amalgamated trade.

In regards to this some of the guys out at 1 HQ&Sigs who are fresh off their DP1 in summer are getting OJT's with the linemen and being nominated for 1.1, whether it happens is another story I guess.
GrilledLincoln said:
In regards to this some of the guys out at 1 HQ&Sigs who are fresh off their DP1 in summer are getting OJT's with the linemen and being nominated for 1.1, whether it happens is another story I guess.

Yup...and there is a 30% failure rate once they get to CFSCE because there is no official measurement tool prior to going on course to determine fear of heights (or fitness to climb).  This leaves the courses running short and is a colossal waste of time and money ensuring that uptake won't meet the level of attrition.  Some are even being forced on 1.1 with absolutely no aptitude or desire and are asking to be removed from training once in Kingston.  The system is already broken...Go MES!!!  ::)
1984 said:
Yup...and there is a 30% failure rate once they get to CFSCE because there is no official measurement tool prior to going on course to determine fear of heights (or fitness to climb). 

Yeah, I was wondering how they were going to deal with that issue.  If you joined as a lineman, you knew you were going to be climbing and as such, should not have joined that trade if you can't climb.  Now, with someone arbitrarily saying "Guess what, you're now a LST", what the hell do they do now?  If it were me, you couldn't get me up one of those towers at gunpoint, you're going to have to shoot me.
Sort off topic...feel free to PM me as to not derail...but how often are Lineman at 1 Line etc on the road/tour? I know a few guys and they seem to be getting good amounts of TD and some deployments.

Is there a demand civvy side for what Lineman do? Or not so much?
Spectrum said:
Sort off topic...feel free to PM me as to not derail...but how often are Lineman at 1 Line etc on the road/tour? I know a few guys and they seem to be getting good amounts of TD and some deployments.

140 days domestically without a waiver from the CO and often more depending on operational requirements.  My personal record was in the neighborhood of 280 days with a mix of domestic and international deployments.

Spectrum said:
Is there a demand civvy side for what Lineman do? Or not so much?

Depends on where you are seeking employment.  Not so much of a demand as there used to be in Ontario but opportunities exist with most averaging a fair rate of pay.  I can't really speak about other provinces, however, most guys I know that have retired and sought employment in related fields don't have much trouble finding work.
Hey I just got in! they told me on Nov 15, and I get sworn in on Jan 16, 2013 and leave for BMQ on the 19th of Jan. hope this info helps. Im also an ACISS :)
PuckChaser said:
If you ask the implementation team, there are no stovepipes. They got rid of them with the legacy trades to make one big stovepipe with 4 smaller stovepipes inside it.  ::)  You're chosen for a subocc based on technical ability, CF need and personal preference once you've completed your DP1 and do some OJT at your unit. Then you go back to CFSCE for 1.1 in your subocc.

So I have a quick question relating to sub occs. I'm going on my DP2.0 and classified as ACISS core. I'm looking to go the CST or IST route. where the hell do I go from here to get where i want to be? Haven't done DP1.1 as I was granted my QL3 that I did x years ago. Any clarification on this would be great on how to proceed.
So I have a quick question relating to sub occs. I'm going on my DP2.0 and classified as ACISS core. I'm looking to go the CST or IST route. where the hell do I go from here to get where i want to be? Haven't done DP1.1 as I was granted my QL3 that I did x years ago. Any clarification on this would be great on how to proceed.
You need to talk to your Chief Comm Op/Tp WO and state where you want to go as soon as you can. They can get the ball rolling with careers and find out the process, as its been changed or rumoured to have changed half a dozen times. I would recommend a well written memo that states why you want to be CST or IST and what personal skillsets you think would make you a good fit in one of those trades.
I just accepted my job offer for ACISS; my BMQ starts on the 28 of January 2013.  Any other 'forum viewers' heading to St. Jean for that date?
Got my offer on October 29th, Swear in on December 19th and I leave for BMQ January 5th for the course on the 7th.
A lot of the complaints about the amalgamation in these threads are simply BS.  Quit posting half truths and start stating what is true or state that it is your opinion.

One of my favorite quotes today is one from Colin Powell.  This is not a word for word quote but it goes something like this:

"If you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance even more!"

One person stated that the LST trade was having 30% failures.  The Linemen instructors use to brag about failing half their course.  That would be 50%!  Great, we increased our training retention by 20%.

No one has talked about the fact that we may have training recognized through a college soon.  We could have our apprentice, journeyman and red seals all recognized outside of the military as well.

So now I challenge you to look at what the positives are for this "change".  Tell us what you would do differently!  Lots of people bitch and never come up with an alternative.  People researched this, briefed the country including most of you on this thread and implemented it.  Most of the briefings I attended, almost no one stood up and complained about it, asked questions or said boo.  Now that it is done, you complain.

Those in the LCIS Trade that had their pay frozen, I certainly hope that the spec pay issue is resolved sooner rather than later.  I know that when I did my CISTM course, it was a hot topic as that is when the announcement came out on the freeze.  This trade has always made the impossible work, kept it working and passed on to others how to make it work. 

ACISS may not work but it will not be because of me.  I want it to succeed and I want our people to be doing relevant work with adequate compensation for the knowledge and expertise they need to acquire that expertise.
Just wondering what to expect after BMQ, do I go directly to BMQ-L, and if so what does that involve (what types of weapons, is there any vehicle training), and I believe afterward I head to CFSCE? what does that consist of?
I will start of by saying I am not ACISS, but I see a bunch of stuff to do with training.  Most likely you will have some kind of waiting period before you go on your BMQ Land.  During that time frame you will be put in a PAT (personnel awaiting training) Pl.  As Kingston can't handle all the troops you might get sent to another base.  In Wainwright they have a PAT Pl which has a number of ACISS pers.  Part of the deal is the training centre in Wainwright will get you on your driver wheel course and BMQ Land prior to you reporting for your ACISS course.

For what weapons you learn on BMQ Land, you cover C9, C6, M72 SRAAW(L) and grenades.  Depending on your staff you might do a refresher on C7 also.
In addition to dangerboy's reply.

For driver wheel you would be getting qualified on the LSVW.  I know in the past some Sig Ops did their QL3 course before doing BMQ-Land; they would end up doing it after arriving at the unit.  Not sure if that still happens or not.  I believe some ACISS pers that are waiting their DP1 have done some OJT at a HQ&Sigs Sqn.

As for what happens at CFSCE are you referring to their PAT Platoon or being on course(DP1)?

For info on ACISS check out the following threads on the trade
-Skeletor- said:
As for what happens at CFSCE are you referring to their PAT Platoon or being on course(DP1)?
Either one, I don't know if I will be on PAT at CFSCE or elsewhere, or at all, but I guess I am more curious as to what the ACISS course at CFSCE consists of, i know its a lot of in class, Im more curious about the hands on training and PT, also if anyone can offer me some insight on food, at CFLRS, CFSCE or anywhere, my BMQ date is 4 weeks away and I'm super excited to get going, so I''m just trying to soak in as much knowledge as I can about my training and trade! Thanks for the info so far, you guys have given me the most direct andhelpful answers yet.