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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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Absolutely, at that point they're likely RSM, CM, or working in a non-technical capacity where grouping everyone together makes sense.
All said and done, I feel it was a waste of everyone's afternoon. Granted he's trying hard to keep us up to date, it was still just a rehash of the February RCCS update.

Actually learned one thing; looks like they're doing another JBS in June for ACISS and the sub-occs  ::) Hopefully the attendees can look beyond today's requirements and focus on where we should be in 5-10 years. Mobile / wireless computing will have taken over by then and will affect the way all ACISS are employed.
LCIS227 said:
All said and done, I feel it was a waste of everyone's afternoon. Granted he's trying hard to keep us up to date, it was still just a rehash of the February RCCS update.

Actually learned one thing; looks like they're doing another JBS in June for ACISS and the sub-occs  ::) Hopefully the attendees can look beyond today's requirements and focus on where we should be in 5-10 years. Mobile / wireless computing will have taken over by then and will affect the way all ACISS are employed.

It's funny how they think they can predict where the IS will be in 5-10 years. 10 years ago there was no virtualization, no Facebook, no smartphones, no tablets (that is to say, none of these things were mainstream or looked to be that big of a deal) and the plan for the military to push data to the trenchline via VHF radio connections.

They've so far been hopeless and picking out trends or determining a long term course of action. They've wasted countless hundreds of millions on various IT programs that were delivered DOA or were just vaporware from the start.

Things work better if they adopt industry best practices on the same schedule that industry does. Why try to be extra clever or reinvent the wheel when the smartest people in the world are setting the trends in silicon valley.

Besides, if I were a betting man I'd say 10 years from now our world is about to be turned completely inside out when viable quantum computers destroy any expectation of secure networks or encryption in general. Even radio TEKs could be broken in near real time. From a defense IT perspective it's the IT Security apocalypse.
PuckChaser said:
If you want Core, you'll probably get it.

No one knows whether you're penalized for not specializing, as we've been waiting 2 years on a spec pay decision. Core is "supposed" to be promoted faster, but I feel the only reason that's happening now is its so far undermanned while IST/LST are at or over manning capacity, slowing promotions.
Sorry for digging up an old thread, but I'm swearing in soon and ACISS Core seems like the most interesting, so I have a few questions :

Is the "specialization" still undermanned? I.e. Would I get it if i choose it?

What do Reserve ACISS units do on training nights and weekend ex.? Almost all the info I've seen are about the Reg force, I'm just curious if we'll be fixing electronics for days (or nights).

Someone mentionned a "tactical sig" earlier. Does that still exist? Or is it Core? A sig op doing infantry stuff while communicating through a radio headset sure appeal more to me than sitting behind a desk...

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

ZKC said:
Sorry for digging up an old thread, but I'm swearing in soon and ACISS Core seems like the most interesting, so I have a few questions :

Is the "specialization" still undermanned? I.e. Would I get it if i choose it?

What do Reserve ACISS units do on training nights and weekend ex.? Almost all the info I've seen are about the Reg force, I'm just curious if we'll be fixing electronics for days (or nights).

Someone mentionned a "tactical sig" earlier. Does that still exist? Or is it Core? A sig op doing infantry stuff while communicating through a radio headset sure appeal more to me than sitting behind a desk...

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

Core is definitely an available trade, and for reserves I believe it's the only ACCIS option (I don't think IST, CST are with the reserves, and LST may not longer as well but I'm sure someone will correct me).

A "tactical sig" would be referring to core, it is possible to be imbedded with the infantry, often it is the infanteers that do that at the section or platoon level and signalers at the company level but that does vary, I know many sigs that did foot patrols with the infantry while deployed overseas.
I think only ACISS Core and LST are available in the PRes. Too much training and equipment costs to make CST and IST viable.
Thank you RADOP and PuckChaser! I'm borderline acrophobic, i.e. I do fine on a plane but on top of polls isn't exactly where I'd like to be. This is reassuring.

Would you also happen to have information on what the res aciss units do? The local unit itself is unreachable by phone.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

ZKC said:
Would you also happen to have information on what the res aciss units do?

This may help,

ACISS part-time

Part-time ACISS is also discussed in the mega-thread,

Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists
57 pages.

See also,


I love how much care and attention they've put into "Part-Time" section of the Force.ca army job profiles
Reserve Force members usually serve part time at an Air Force Wing in their community,

ZKC said:
Thank you RADOP and PuckChaser! I'm borderline acrophobic, i.e. I do fine on a plane but on top of polls isn't exactly where I'd like to be. This is reassuring.

Would you also happen to have information on what the res aciss units do? The local unit itself is unreachable by phone.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
ZKC,  Reserve Signal unit will run their own exercises or often provide communications support for other units on their exercises, usually one or more vehicles and crews for the Command Posts.  Reserve ACISS members spend a lot of time on pre- and post-exercise drills.  Signing for and preparing equipment and vehicles, making sure  it all works and they have everything they need for the exercise.  This stuff takes a lot of time.  Washing vehicles, fixing and returning equipment, hanging canvas to dry, and after action reports will follow after the exercise.

Signal units will also run classes, both on communications and weapon/general army topics.  Add in, the occasional drill and inspections, paperwork and administration stuff, cleaning weapons, and briefings fill up the rest of the time.

As for contacting the unit, are you calling during the day?  There's only a small number of people working during normal business hours.  If you call on the training night, you might have better luck. 
Carbon-14 said:
I love how much care and attention they've put into "Part-Time" section of the Force.ca army job profiles
ZKC,  Reserve Signal unit will run their own exercises or often provide communications support for other units on their exercises, usually one or more vehicles and crews for the Command Posts.  Reserve ACISS members spend a lot of time on pre- and post-exercise drills.  Signing for and preparing equipment and vehicles, making sure  it all works and they have everything they need for the exercise.  This stuff takes a lot of time.  Washing vehicles, fixing and returning equipment, hanging canvas to dry, and after action reports will follow after the exercise.

Signal units will also run classes, both on communications and weapon/general army topics.  Add in, the occasional drill and inspections, paperwork and administration stuff, cleaning weapons, and briefings fill up the rest of the time.

As for contacting the unit, are you calling during the day?  There's only a small number of people working during normal business hours.  If you call on the training night, you might have better luck.
Thank you Carbon-14, it's very detailed and finally gave me some insight into what I'm getting involved in! As for calling the unit... I can't believe I haven't thought about calling on training nights...
PuckChaser said:
I think only ACISS Core and LST are available in the PRes. Too much training and equipment costs to make CST and IST viable.

They've slowly been digitizing the reserves. That being said AFAIK, you can't get put on dp 1.1 for IST, anyone who is filling these backgrounds is either studying comp-sci or working in IT. Could get some OJT but nothing formal (assuming your unit has the kit).

Lst (Line men) is definitely an options in some units, however some reserve units are broken up into two squadrons. I.E 31 Sigs London and 31 Sigs Hamilton or 35e Trans Beauport et 35e Trans Sherbroke. However I've talked to some friends and the people in the smaller squadrons said they didn't have LST spots... Your mileage may vary.

Ive worked in two different units and both had two TPs. One was more Tac Rad (Attach and supporting other units and anything dismounted) the other troop has the satellites, runs the TBG TOC and the linemen are in that as well. It is more of headquarters type troop. They usually ask you what you want to do and if you are lucky you'll get what you want. 

I've only ever worked in tac rad and I've had a lot of fun with it.  ;D

Here is a post that I posted elsewhere:

As a reservist ACISS (Army Communication and information Systems Specialist) I love my job. That being said I only do my job, 1 or 2 nights a week and 1 - 3 weekends a month.

What I like about my job is the variety. While the end goal is always to provide communication support for the army this can be done in a variety of ways. Sometimes I'm dismounted and running around with the infantry (which can be fun when it doesn't rain  :P). Other times we will set up a cp sometimes we operate out of the truck, other times it is literally an antenna out of a window. Or I can I be doing 8 on 8 off in the TOC. I even got lucky and managed to get to participate in an amphibious assault which was pretty fucking cool. I've also been on shift while an amphibious assault was happening , not quite as cool as being on the boat, but nevertheless ;D. One other time I was told that if I wasn't out of an area by a certain time I was going to die as they were going to live fire artillery in the area. Sometimes I sit on a hill for the weekend and relay messages while watching movies on tablet.  I've worked with Service, Engineers, Infantry, MPs and the artillery. Throughout my time with the infantry I've had various roles. I've been the  a platoon sig, an OC's sig, a duty sig in an infantry Cp. One time we showed up and they told us they only needed 1 guy to be the OC Sig and the two of us got to be a C6 Gunner for the weekend 8). I've literally experienced every piece in the puzzle and it has made me a better signaler as a result.

I also like the early opportunity of leadership in the trade. I'm currently a detachment commander and I am responsible for up to three people, thousands of dollars of equipment and I am responsible to liaise with senior officers from other units and at time provides guidance and suggestions with regards to communications. It truly is a lot of a fun.

There some things I hate and sometimes I'm bored (especially on the midnight - 6am shift), but it is what is and the good outweighs the bad otherwise I would of left the reserves.

I wrote that about 8 months ago and I still feel the same way.

Since that post, I've got to fire an artillery howitzer, went up to Northern Canada, flew in a twin otter and just missed getting in helicopters. There definitely are some cool options and the more available you are,  the better chance you will get to do some of the really cool stuff. Unfortunately I'm done school now, and I am now working in an office 9-5 as a civvy so I will be more or less restricted to weekends at least for the short term.
Only saw the reply just now, Tapatalk notifications are really unstable...

Wow. Thank you runormal. I didn't know the ACISS trade would be so diverse, and tac rad seems fun as hell. Hope I'll get the chances you got to participate in so many various exercises!
This thread alone keeps me gearing towards ACISS.  I feel the Merged ACISS Thread is pretty bland and should just avoid being even looked at if you want to go ACISS.  Thank you all for your questions and answers.

I will be in BMQ Aug 8th and I cant wait to be ACISS Core.
It happened. I don't know that we are any further ahead... I'm surprised nothing has been posted as max sharing was encouraged.

Consensus was reached on some things: ACISS Core is a sub-occ. It should be called ACISS-Operator. The parent occupation is simply ACISS and the mosid should be 00362.0.

ISTs own IP networking in the RCCS. That being said, everyone has a part to play, some more than others.

There was discussion about avoiding a DPGR review and also the counter to that - inviting it.

No attempts are being made to predict tech trends, but there is ongoing discussion about changing our approaches to the problem. Unfortunately there needs to be some radical changes as CFITES, Occupational Structures and Career Management cannot adapt and change quickly enough to meet our future needs.

There is supposed to be a brief to D RCCS and then some decisions and direction.

I heard some funny stuff that came out of that working group, like LSTs wanting to own Wifi and ISTs thinking they should get 2 sub occs (sub sub occs?) of Servers and Networks....

We've now taken to asking our linemen regularly when they are going to get posted to 1 Wifi Squadron in Kingston.
Yes. All true.

LST made a case for installing bearer systems. In 5 years maybe they will evolve into a bearer system tech. WiFi installation (structured cabling to the AP) appears to be up their alley, however it is definitely done in partnership with IST network designers.

The split of IST in to sub-specialities was suggested as a solution to the increasing complexity of Army C2 systems. The LCSS mobile  domain (CP Topaz) is going to make things ... More interesting. The ACISS Op and even the non RCCS pers will have a part to play. There is some merit in creating network experts and server experts but equal merit in having more well rounded ISTs.

The WG really focussed on DP 1 to 2.1. There remains much to be done.

Our biggest issue is trying to crack system management ....
Yeah, in the whole "network of networks" mentality, splitting the work load out will definitely help some of the over-employed trades, and help trades from becoming extinct when technology passes them by.

Getting DP1 to 2.1 sorted really gets whatever the recommendations are, off on the right foot.

I can see what people were trying to justify with the server/network sub-sub trades, but we're just not big enough to justify that IMHO. It comes down to career management, don't post a guy who's a server specialist for 7-8 years, and drop them into a networks role. That's doing the member, the unit and the trade a disservice, as no matter how many unicorns we pray to, they aren't magically going to be as switched (no pun intended) on about networks as they were about servers for a least a year.
PuckChaser said:
Yeah, in the whole "network of networks" mentality, splitting the work load out will definitely help some of the over-employed trades, and help trades from becoming extinct when technology passes them by.

Getting DP1 to 2.1 sorted really gets whatever the recommendations are, off on the right foot.

I can see what people were trying to justify with the server/network sub-sub trades, but we're just not big enough to justify that IMHO. It comes down to career management, don't post a guy who's a server specialist for 7-8 years, and drop them into a networks role. That's doing the member, the unit and the trade a disservice, as no matter how many unicorns we pray to, they aren't magically going to be as switched (no pun intended) on about networks as they were about servers for a least a year.

I've never seen cross training on things like that ever done successfully, no matter how much people say it needs to happen. Sometimes you need people to specialize to be truly effective.
update of sorts from the D RCCS.

Good afternoon,

Although I am making the rounds and conducting Town Halls, I thought it important to communicate to you on where the ACISS pay review sits as some of the Town Halls are still a few weeks away and some things have changes since the earlier ones.

Unfortunately, despite the subject of the e-mail, there is no real "update".  The ACISS pay review remains within the Director Pay Policy Development (DPPD) review of the pay analysis protocols linked to the Canadian Forces Job Evaluation System (CFJES). DPPD has briefed Armed Forces Council, but has not yet had Chief of Defence Staff approvals to commence pay evaluations.  Regrettably, we are not being given a date by which DPPD expects to recommence the pay evaluations.

As I informed you in my last RCCS update, the Occupational Authority of the ACISS trade, the Commander of the Canadian Army, has requested that the decision to assign all of ACISS to the standard pay group as of the Military Employment Structure Implementation Plan (1 Oct 2011) be rescinded to at least allow former LCIS technicians to have their Spec Pay reinstated as of 1 Oct 2011.  I have asked the Acting DPPD for a SITREP on where this one stands and have equally asked the Deputy Commander of the Army to engage at his level.  I will provide an update as soon as I get one.

I can also share with you that the CDS and CAF CWO were asked about the ACISS "pay freeze" while conducting a Town Hall during a visit to Op IMPACT.  The details and the letter requesting rescindment of the decision to place all of ACISS in the standard pay group have been provided to CWO West.  I suspect he will engage on this one as well.

I will provide further information as I receive it.  I completely understand the frustration the soldiers of our Corps have over this issue and am working within my sphere of influence to see this progress as quickly as practical.

Please pass this information to the members of the RCCS within your respective organizations/formations or areas of responsibility as an RSSO if applicable.

CWO Richer for dissemination on the CWO and regional Sr CWO net as well.

Colonel Sean Sullivan

My pay is now 7% lower than "what it should be " .  In my mind, that is not an insignificant amount.
Lets see if CWO West can get something done.  Again, I find it absolutely unacceptable this has dragged on for 5 years.

In other news. New CANFORGEN out authorizing recruitment allowances for ACISS.  Apparently, its better to invest in people we done have yet, than invest in the people we already have.