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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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And that's the problem we've run into with amalgamated sub-trades. No one can guarantee you get what you want, unless what you want is Core or CST which are very under manned.
Well core seems to be what I was looking for in the trade, so I think/hope ill be in pretty good shape. I guess all I can do for now is hurry and wait for some phone calls!
Pat.Sim said:
Well core seems to be what I was looking for in the trade, so I think/hope ill be in pretty good shape. I guess all I can do for now is hurry and wait for some phone calls!

You're putting the cart before the horse but looking for information and preparing is never a bad thing.  My question is, "Has your CFRC even contacted you yet?"  ACCIS I believe is an "in demand" occupation, so the onus is now on you to get the ball rolling, you don't want to miss the bus!
No they haven't, waiting about a week before I give them a call. I just want to make sure I am actually applying for what I "think" I am applying for. I have posted and asked questions in all my trade selections. (if I couldn't find answers already)  ;D
Pat.Sim said:
No they haven't, waiting about a week before I give them a call. I just want to make sure I am actually applying for what I "think" I am applying for. I have posted and asked questions in all my trade selections. (if I couldn't find answers already)  ;D

Call your local CFRC who has your application!

From my view, if you have to ask the question , "I just want to make sure I am actually applying for what I "think" I am applying for."..............

Something is not quite right...
DAA said:
Call your local CFRC who has your application!

From my view, if you have to ask the question , "I just want to make sure I am actually applying for what I "think" I am applying for."..............

Something is not quite right...

ACISS has terrible literature and people in the trade don't even know what it is half the time, can't expect a recruiter to know. I'm still waiting for the Eyrx missile that the recruiting video promised I'd fire.
The reason I said I "think" is from what iv watched/read/heard, I wasn't sure if there was even really a need for a "tactical radio operator" anymore considering it seems like all the coms are part of your headgear. With that being said, I really do not know much (if really anything) about military coms. So that is why I am asking questions!  ;D
The main problem I see happening is if Spec Pay is implemented and back paid to Oct 1st (like it should be) will the core trade people get that if they worked in positions of IST/CST? Likely not.
Want to piss a bunch of Sigs off? FORCE them into computer help/IST positions and then label them on paper as core and half the room gets back pay and the other side doesn't.

IF one line of the trade does get spec pay or gets it back, I know there are going to be a lot of Sigs refusing to do the job that is usually filled by the spec trade.
Oh, you need help with a laptop/dwan machine? Call IST
Oh, your radio needs more trouble shooting then general button mashing on the front plate? Call CST
Oh, there needs to be a 100% check on all 25 LAVs of the engineer squadron done in 2 days? Call the CST

I have no problem looking like a dick when it comes to the guy beside me, doing the exact same job, but getting more pay. I can't even believe how there are Cpl tech's making spec pay still while the Cpl beside him, who got in a month behind, is doing the EXACT same job is getting 550+ more money a month.

Boggles my mind this whole system.
ixium said:
The main problem I see happening is if Spec Pay is implemented and back paid to Oct 1st (like it should be) will the core trade people get that if they worked in positions of IST/CST? Likely not.
Want to piss a bunch of Sigs off? FORCE them into computer help/IST positions and then label them on paper as core and half the room gets back pay and the other side doesn't.

IF one line of the trade does get spec pay or gets it back, I know there are going to be a lot of Sigs refusing to do the job that is usually filled by the spec trade.
Oh, you need help with a laptop/dwan machine? Call IST
Oh, your radio needs more trouble shooting then general button mashing on the front plate? Call CST
Oh, there needs to be a 100% check on all 25 LAVs of the engineer squadron done in 2 days? Call the CST

I have no problem looking like a dick when it comes to the guy beside me, doing the exact same job, but getting more pay. I can't even believe how there are Cpl tech's making spec pay still while the Cpl beside him, who got in a month behind, is doing the EXACT same job is getting 550+ more money a month.

Boggles my mind this whole system.

No imagine how pissed off that tech is seeing the core guy being promoted at a far faster rate and receiving incentives that way?

I can work my ass off as an IST and get 4 MOIs and not stand a snowball's chance in hell to get ahead to the next level. It would be nice if they put the spec pay in place like they said they would to offset the fact that techs were not going to see the same rate of promotion as core would.

No one likes working for nothing.
rmc_wannabe said:
No imagine how pissed off that tech is seeing the core guy being promoted at a far faster rate and receiving incentives that way?

I can work my *** off as an IST and get 4 MOIs and not stand a snowball's chance in hell to get ahead to the next level.

Yea, that pissed off a lot of people; wasn't it only a small number ISTs even getting promoted last year?

ixium said:
IF one line of the trade does get spec pay or gets it back, I know there are going to be a lot of Sigs refusing to do the job that is usually filled by the spec trade.
Oh, you need help with a laptop/dwan machine? Call IST
Oh, your radio needs more trouble shooting then general button mashing on the front plate? Call CST
Oh, there needs to be a 100% check on all 25 LAVs of the engineer squadron done in 2 days? Call the CST

I have no problem looking like a dick when it comes to the guy beside me, doing the exact same job, but getting more pay.

Would you actually do that?  At the places I've worked, that attitude wouldn't last long if someone acted like that; especially in positions where you could be the only Signaller in the Coy/Sqn or tasking.
-Skeletor- said:
Yea, that pissed off a lot of people; wasn't it only a small number ISTs even getting promoted last year?

Would you actually do that?  At the places I've worked, that attitude wouldn't last long if someone acted like that; especially in positions where you could be the only Signaller in the Coy/Sqn or tasking.

Why the lack of promotion in the IST side? I'd assume its because a lot of Sigs choose that when the option came up a while ago thinking they were getting spec pay right away. People not leaving the trade kind of hinders promotion as well. Seems core Sigs go onto different things instead of staying in the CF/ACISS.

Of course I would. At least in garrison. If there was a time sensitive thing in the middle of the field/ops...well I'm not stupid.
Do you go and do other trades jobs that you aren't officially qualified to do?

Can I, as Core, go and take radios apart and replace a board (which is extremely easy)? No. it's not my job. And not allowed.
Can I, as Core, go and add an account onto a tacnet server at night when the shift guys are sleeping? Again, no.

Just like I'm not going to go do the mechanics jobs, any officers jobs, ATIS job or any other job out there. I'm not properly trained and it's not my job.

Like rmc_wannabe said, no one likes working for nothing.
ixium said:
Of course I would. At least in garrison. If there was a time sensitive thing in the middle of the field/ops...well I'm not stupid.

So, if someone asked you to help them connect to a printer on DWAN, you'd walk away and tell them to call help desk?

ixium said:
Do you go and do other trades jobs that you aren't officially qualified to do?
Just like I'm not going to go do the mechanics jobs, any officers jobs, ATIS job or any other job out there. I'm not properly trained and it's not my job.

When it comes do doing things that I can do, I'm going to do it.  Obviously I'm not going to go around doing things thinking I'm a jack of all trades and try to do everyones job that I'm not qualified for.

ixium said:
Can I, as Core, go and take radios apart and replace a board (which is extremely easy)? No. it's not my job. And not allowed.
Can I, as Core, go and add an account onto a tacnet server at night when the shift guys are sleeping? Again, no.

If someone asks for help, and you know what to do why not help them out instead of blowing them off and tell them to call someone else. Just because a Core person isn't IST doesn't mean they can't do some basic stuff on DWAN(if they know how to), or set up a work station, record asset numbers, etc. Plus there will be times when a Core person may be required to help out IST, CST, LST or vice versa.
You will do exactly as you are directed if it's within your scope of trg and is not going to constitute a safety hazard. If you do not have the requisite qualifications, you will seek out a qualified soldier to assist, without delay.

You signed an initial PDR and you will adhere to the desciption of your duties....period.

The Army is not a union, nor is a fair all the time. If you don't like it...get out.

I've dealt with attitude cases like this before...they don't last long.
Exactly. I signed the part ones. I know what my job description is.  If it's not in there then I shouldn't be doing it, especially when I'm not officially trained and it isn't part of my job AND there is a spec trade guy sitting in a shop who's job it actually is.

-Skeletor- said:
So, if someone asked you to help them connect to a printer on DWAN, you'd walk away and tell them to call help desk?

Yes, I would. You're not supposed to be hooking printers up to DWAN willy nilly.
Field printers are the only printers that units will have that haven't been installed into the buildings DWAN access by contractors.
The field printers are not allowed to be hooked up unless they are in the field.

Quick Edit: My experience is with 1 Bde, maybe the others have random printer hook ups allowed
ixium said:
Yes, I would. You're not supposed to be hooking printers up to DWAN willy nilly.
Field printers are the only printers that units will have that haven't been installed into the buildings DWAN access by contractors.
The field printers are not allowed to be hooked up unless they are in the field.

What I meant was, user type stuff.  My example was someone needing help on their DWAN account to select a printer that is already on the network, etc.

I am aware that you can't just randomly plug a printer into the network, etc unless it's been OK'd. Also, a civvie may get things ready at ASG but a Sig can do the actual physical install in the building.  Setting up a printer and workstation isn't exactly rocket science.. even as a Sig Op/ACISS Core, I managed to figure it out  ;)
ixium said:
Can I, as Core, go and take radios apart and replace a board (which is extremely easy)? No. it's not my job. And not allowed.
Can I, as Core, go and add an account onto a tacnet server at night when the shift guys are sleeping? Again, no.

I've changed HUBs before, and that's a "CST" job. All MES did was create "This is my job, not yours" again, when we're supposed to be working together. Day before MES, Sig Op adds tacnet accounts without any issue. Day after MES, same mbr, now ACISS Core, is no longer allowed to do that because "that's an IST's job". Absolute BS.
Maybe It's just me, but I think Puckchaser and -Skeletor- are showcasing the difference between signals close support and those who live in a "signals" centric word without thinking of WHO we support.

If I can do it to help out someone, I don't give a Kentucky fried frig if its in my part one. I don't care if some dude in an office across the building gets more money. If I can get results without actually breaking the rules or doing something unsafe, I'm gonna do it.

You think the crewman with a broken headset cares I'm not a tech? If I know how, I'll fix the *******.

Battle captain messed up the Fiber to his NIC? I'm not a lineman, but I got a terminating kit and some knowhow, I'll set it up.

Yeah, I'm a mod-monkey rad fingerer, but I know how to image systems and join them to networks, so I'll even help out the ISTs.

People who say "it's not part of my job description" are the same kinda people as the supply guy who won't give you something you need because they only have two left, and if they give you one they'll only have one left.

That's the kinda person who gives their trades a bad name, and they can go fornicate themselves with a giant cactus.

Yeah, the whole spec pay thing sucks. No promotions for ISTs sucks, but don't use that crap to come up with excuses to not help people out. Find solutions. You'll feel better about yourself, and you won't be a complete dick.
Pat.Sim said:
The reason I said I "think" is from what iv watched/read/heard, I wasn't sure if there was even really a need for a "tactical radio operator" anymore considering it seems like all the coms are part of your headgear. With that being said, I really do not know much (if really anything) about military coms. So that is why I am asking questions!  ;D

I've been doing this a long time, and the comms are not part of your headgear. There are some small systems that "resemble" a headset for a computer with a small boom mic, but in a majority of cases this in not true.
I fully understand what you are saying but there has to be a point where as an individual you draw the line. Since I have been in the Military, it has been a "make it work" attitude and when you complain about lake of resources weather it is man power or resources you get the "don't like it , get out" People need to feel valued instead of being taken for granted all the time. Pay raises and promotions is a why of valuing a persons work and abilities. I am being paid as spec Cpl maxed out a lvl 4. I have been promoted to MCpl but my pay is frozen. If they decided to stop spec pay, I will not see a pay raise until I reach the rank of WO. Do you think that is fair, that I take on the extra responsibility without a pay raise. There is no other business that I could think of where the work force would accept that. I feel the reason that people have the attitude of "its not my job" in the ACISS trade is because they are in the same position as I am and feel screwed over. If TB decides not to give us spec pay, it would be based on our job description and AOR. I would really like to know how my AOR has changed from LCIS to ACISS that would deny me spec. I guarantee that I will still be expected to do all the things I did as an LCIS tech regardless of what they call me now.
"It's not my job" has been around since well before ACISS. ACISS just didn't do anything to fix it.

Yep, your pay is frozen. Is that fair? Nope. Unfortunately we don't get to make that call. However, whenever you have your next townhall, bring it up to your CO and RSM. And every townhall after that. Heck, call the ombudsman. Work within the system to change said system. Stomping your foot and saying this sucks doesn't accomplish much.

Sigs is a special trade, in which people could care-less how and why we make things work, they just want them running 24/7. We don't get awards for accomplishing our work, but we sure here about it when something fails, even if its completely out of our control. To get the whole "value a persons work/abilities", you're going to have to change an entire culture in the CF, not just within the Branch. The reason you're going to here "don't like it, get out then" is because bad attitudes destroy morale and unit effectiveness. If you're constantly complaining about how you're hard-done-by, well maybe you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and see if the Branch is really the place for your skills. I personally would rather have a slightly less qualified person with lots of initiative and a positive attitude than someone with every course under the sun but is an absolute pain to deal with. Sometimes you need to "get the job done" and leave the complaining for the mess after work.