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Applying for the Royal Westminster Regiment!


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Hello all, Id like to start by saying this is a great site for any questions a person might have when considering a future with the Canadian Forces........Im a 25 yr old male whos is about to apply for the Royal Westminster Regiment in New Westminster as Infantry and im pretty psyched about it, Im the type of guy who loves a challenge and i geuss im posting (finally) to see if there are any other westies on here that could possibly give me some more insight on what i can expect from the unit such as the level and difficulty of training, how often they parade, maybe even what type of peeps are a part of it .........I may be jumping ahead a little bit as I havent been accepted yet........but what the heck figured id ask anyways! Any input is greatly appreciated and a thankyou to those whove inputted all the informative posts for us who have alot of questions.............. :cdn: 
Good stuff.

There's a lot of info on this site about joining the Reserves... search around and you'll find answers.

When I wrote the CFAT for the Army Reserve in Thunder Bay, almost 2/3 of the applicants failed. Definitely focus on getting in first rather than worry about what to expect!
Yes, I agree Im on my way to drop off my application tonight..........Here we go...........
The Royal Westminster Regiment:

Parades on Thursday nights, 7pm-1030pm. One weekend per month. In addition you can expect that you will be offered (if available) a space on a weekend BMQ/SQ, or barring availability, you will likely be offered spaces on summer run courses, although they're fulltime.

You can expect that the training will be challenging, much like drinking from a firehose. That being said, in the reserves, it's largely what you make of it. Have a professional attitude and you'll probably become a professional.

Best of luck.

Thanx Hollywood, Well I went ahead and dropped off the old application on Dec 07 havnt heard back yet...........Could anyone tell me if the process will be slowed becuase of the holidays?? I understand theres a BMQ being held in january and i was hoping to make it in by then.....Im hopeing im not too late but well see.......Happy Holidays everyone :cdn:
Yes, the process will be slowed a little by the holidays. That being said, you can phone the recruiting center to ask them if they have any information for you. It's likely that you will do the bulk of your enrollment in the new year. Stay on top of the recruiting center, make sure you get to your appointments and bring the appropriate documentation with you whether or not you will need it, and you will be ready.

Review the aptitude test example questions and make sure you prepare for your interview. The Unit should phone you periodically for an update, as the process is largely up to you until your file is returned to the Unit for enrollment.

Good luck.
Sound advice and I intend to do just that.............I geuss I was just hoping to get the PT test done before the holidays kicked in (snacks and all the damned beer drinking) but I geuss im gonna be cuttin that out this year, thanx again hollywood!
HollywoodHitman said:
Yes, the process will be slowed a little by the holidays. That being said, you can phone the recruiting center to ask them if they have any information for you. It's likely that you will do the bulk of your enrollment in the new year. Stay on top of the recruiting center, make sure you get to your appointments and bring the appropriate documentation with you whether or not you will need it, and you will be ready.

Review the aptitude test example questions and make sure you prepare for your interview. The Unit should phone you periodically for an update, as the process is largely up to you until your file is returned to the Unit for enrollment.

Good luck.

Well, the advice I got for you is to keep in touch (if you've even met) the unit recruiter there. He/She will make sure you get into the unit successfully. I've done all my testing and still waiting for a call, unfortunately it's the holidays and like HollywoodHitman mentioned above, it's slowed. The recruiter at the unit is your best friend, keep in touch with him/her, along with the recruiting centre after the holidays. Hopefully your application will be processed quickly. The key to this whole process is persistance. So keep hassling them  ;D. Good luck.

By the way, PT is held during the first week of BMQ now. Not during the application process. But stay fit anyway!  ;)
Hey RECRUITED, I'm im the same situation as you, except ive already have done my CFAT but unfortunately failed with a PASSING mark (didnt score enough on the math section so they couldnt put me through).

But now I have to go ahead and put in another application for them to open my file again, but when i first put my application in it was a 3 MONTH process before i got any kind of call back for my CFAT, so dont expect it to be very speedy. But for sure make sure you KEEP CALLING to keep them on your file. :cdn:

Also on thursdays you can go as a visitor and train with them doing PT, and sit in on some classes so that way it will give a better idea what the Royal Westmister Regiment it like. :salute: