Here's what I said on the thread just split off... I would like your opinions. I am curious to see if I am the only one with this opinion on politicians in general:
I think maybe you are all missing the point - there is not a single politician who has been upfront. None, Nyet, Zip, Ziltch, Nada, zero. My point - it is the nature of the beast, and the sooner we all recognise and acknowledge that, the better off and happier we will all be. Do not expect a politician to be your friend, to acknowledge your work, to tell the truth all the time, or to not be politcially expedient. This goes for large "P" politicians, and for small "p" ones as well. The party apparatchiks at 101 Colonel By Drive are included.
For every "up front" politician you name, I, and anyone else, will easily be able to think of a lie, untruth, mis-direction, or flip-flop. THIS IS NOT ALL BAD, by the way. That's what they do, and what we expect them to do, and what they need to do to govern in our system. Just be aware and never think that one is "better" than another.
If you look for the "ideal" politician, you will not find one, and you will inevitably be dissapointed and bitter. Rely on yourselves and your compadres, and you will be fine - heck - happy even
If this sounds jaundiced - too bad! It is based on 25 years of observation, 7 years of experience in teh forces, and a lot of being dissapointed until I learned. Ask a member of the airborne regiment what they think about politicians (in uniform or out)... Just remember to stand back...
Cheers all