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Alternative Snowbird Aircraft (merged)

Journeyman said:
Now that's incisive takeat its finest  :nod:Perhaps the headline should read:
This just in: Sqn member almost 15 years ago has nothing to say!
CF confirms it has nothing to say either.
This is what j-school calls "localizing a story" - take a national story, and find a local angle to it to make it relevant to readers/viewers/listeners in your particular backyard.

Obviously, there's no guarantee your best local contact will have much to say of import - when they don't and you have to fill spacer/time, that's called "feeding the goat"  ;D
milnews.ca said:
This is what j-school calls "localizing a story" - take a national story, and find a local angle to it to make it relevant to readers/viewers/listeners in your particular backyard.

Obviously, there's no guarantee your best local contact will have much to say of import - when they don't and you have to fill spacer/time, that's called "feeding the goat"  ;D

I'd have to say that the goat has a malabsorption disorder...there's diarrhea everywhere.

medicineman said:
I'd have to say that the goat has a malabsorption disorder...there's diarrhea everywhere.

In the interests of full disclosure, in another life, I was as guilty as any other small- to medium-market reporter of having to feed the goat.  Ideally, localizing a story makes a big national issue make more sense re:  what it means to people who read your paper/watch or listen to your station.  Your mileage can vary, though.
dapaterson said:
Well, once the Boeing MMA Bobardier Q-400 Maritime Patrol Aircraft with 3 hours of endurance comes along, we can just repurpose the Auroras for a display sqn...

Sorry.  Fixed it.

Hey Dapaterson,
                          The Argus had them all beat but we traded down to the Aurora.  LOL
The idea that F18s will replace the snowbirds is nothing short of laughable and obviously a little too optimistic. Costs range 15-20 more than 40 year old tutors ...  Try getting that one by parliament.

That being said, many would have you believe the slow speed of the jets can be considered a strength.  Perhaps ...

But I need to be frank,  the blue angels show is nothing short of impressive. Next to them would be the red arrows. Their show is phenomenal. They pace those jets through some remarkable maneuvers.

When patrol aircraft / SAR helicopters have a tough making it through the procurement process, one can only imagine how the request for 12 or so jets for our air demo team would go over. Apoplectic to say the least. I believe there was a site dedicated 10 years ago for new jets. From what I recall, the idea was shot down pretty quickly . No pun intended.
Here is what the Indian Air Force is planning for their aerobatic team:


India requests more Hawks for aerobatic display team

By:  Craig Hoyle London

5 hours ago 


India has formally launched a process to acquire replacements for the Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL)-built Kiran trainers which equip its air force's Surya Kiran aerobatic display team.

UK company BAE Systems on 14 September announced its receipt of a request for proposal from New Delhi for a planned further batch of 20 Hawk advanced jet trainers to re-equip the team. If completed, the deal would follow two previous orders for a combined 123 Mk 132 examples, and push total sales of the single-engined type beyond the 1,000 airframe mark.

BAE Systems

"The aircraft, to be built by HAL in Bengaluru, will fulfill the Indian air force's requirement for its prestigious aerobatic team," says BAE, which adds that the order would also cover its provision of associated "materials and equipment".

Local production of the trainer is already performed in Bengaluru, and BAE says "Hawk trainers already in service with the Indian air force are performing well."

A contract would also represent good news for Rolls-Royce, which supplies the Hawk 132's Adour 871 turbofan engine.

skyhigh10 said:
ngth.  Perhaps ...

But I need to be frank,  the blue angels show is nothing short of impressive. Next to them would be the red arrows. Their show is phenomenal. They pace those jets through some remarkable maneuvers.

Apparently the South Korean black eagles display team with new T-50s is really impressive, better than the Red arrows; they do a lot of different formations and maneuvers with a fairly fast, maneuverable trainer. 