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Al Qaeda is Eyeing MySpace, Facebook, Friends Reunited, PalTalk


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Al Qaeda is Eyeing MySpace, Facebook, Friends Reunited, PalTalk


Al Qaeda is Eyeing MySpace, Facebook, Friends Reunited, PalTalk
By Shelley Smith

Great Britain’s Security Service MI5 requested its British troops to remove personal details of themselves off popular social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and Friends Reunited due to discovering that they were being monitored by Al-Qaeda operatives. In the January, 2008 Free Republic article, ‘Al-Qaeda eyes MySpace Pages’, Gordon Thomas writes about the concern expressed by the MI5 chief Jonathan Evans in a document titled ‘Personal Security’. Evans asks for security service personnel to be aware of the monitoring and gathering of personal details that can be formed into intelligence used to launch terrorist attacks against their colleagues, or family members.

Though access to many of these social websites may be for members only, all one needs to register is an e-mail address. Al-Qaeda operatives are using hundreds of false accounts to access personal information. And what are they finding?

Thousands of military and security personnel who have posted detailed information about themselves, their careers, personal pictures and family members, date of birth, locations of where they are living, photos of colleagues and weapons.

In the United States Islamic extremists are utilizing technology. Radical Muslims are attempting to bring Islamic religious law into the United States and had murdered a New Jersey man and his family. Others have been victims by operatives systematically tracking individuals through PalTalk.com and other websites. An individual who lives overseas had his computer hacked to obtain his photograph, his real name and the city where he lives, while other individuals are having their personal information being exchanged through extremist websites in order to facilitate harm. With this new wave of activities it is important to maintain OPSEC.

The U.S. Department of Energy, Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC), who conducts Cyber Security programs, has posted the latest Vulnerability Bulletins to share with U.S. interagency personnel.





With that load of encouragement to keep all my profiles in each of these websites running, it makes me wonder what they aren't monitoring.  How do we know forums like this aren't being watched?  It's easy to make false profiles, and with that can come in the...what are they called...trolls?...well who ever basically. 
Sounds like technology is working against us! 
It may work against us, and always will from time to time.  But at least we can use the technology against them, like they could against us.
Not this site, as it is geared towards good people, and tries its best to mind Opsec and Persec...but there are ways that dedicated people can treat the potential baddies like mushrooms.
Yea, technology seems to be a double agent....and is definitely against me sometimes!  [the fact that i believe the way technology is heading towards artificial intelligence (well we are already in the beginning stages of that), will actually lead to the demise of the human race, no way relates to what i mean here ;)]

It was just a random thought I had while reading this: we are potentially unsafe on any internet page

And isn't Facebook, Myspace...etc...all suppose to be related to 'good people' as well.  I don't think they made the sites for terrorist organizations to monitor, it just happens.
deej96 said:
Yea, technology seems to be a double agent....and is definitely against me sometimes!  [the fact that i believe the way technology is heading towards artificial intelligence (well we are already in the beginning stages of that), will actually lead to the demise of the human race, no way relates to what i mean here ;)]

It was just a random thought I had while reading this: we are potentially unsafe on any internet page

And isn't Facebook, Myspace...etc...all suppose to be related to 'good people' as well.  I don't think they made the sites for terrorist organizations to monitor, it just happens.

You are as vulnerable as you make yourself.  Even if you are not a potential target for terrorist groups, you are a valid target for identity theft or scams. 
Most people are not aware that they cannot delete their account off of Facebook.....you can, line by line, blank out stuff in your profile, but cannot delete the account.
Actually, if you go in Account, there is an option to deactivate your account.

From Facebook :

Individuals who wish to deactivate their Facebook account may do so on the My Account page. Removed information may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time but will not be generally available to members of Facebook.


From Websters:
\di-ˈlēt, dē-\
transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
de•let•ed; de•let•ing
Latin deletus, past participle of delēre to wipe out, destroy
circa 1605
: to eliminate especially by blotting out, cutting out, or erasing <delete a passage in a manuscript> <delete a computer file>

transitive verb
: to make inactive or ineffective <deactivate a bomb> <deactivate a chemical compound>
— de•ac•ti•va•tion  \(ˌ)dē-ˌak-tə-ˈvā-shən\ noun
— de•ac•ti•va•tor  \(ˌ)dē-ˈak-tə-ˌvā-tər\ noun

And to drag us back on topic ( if only briefly)

One hopes that the cave dwelling goatshaggers surfing crackbook are as swamped by meaningless sooper dooper freind requests, and other assorted crap as I am. That'll teach em. >:D
I posted it before in the facebook, youtube, etc. thread, and I'll post it again here:

Some very basic steps to take:

1) Set your profile so that only friends can see certain things (notes, photos, events, personal details, etc.) Me, I have it set up so that only those who are my friends can even see my profile.

2) Avoid putting too many of your address details. Rumour has it that collections and other types are actually using facebook. Also, it's just a safe PERSEC thing.

3) If you're going to mention that you're in the military on your profile under employment, I would suggest you not specify your unit. Not that it would matter for those who are in, it's not too hard to find, but it's another PERSEC thing.

4) Avoid the questionable groups. It sounds like common sense, but, as mentioned, that's not common anymore.

5) WATCH WHAT YOU SAY!!! Especially when you identify yourself as a soldier. The difference between here and facebook? Here, you are a screen name (you should still watch what you say here) but on facebook, those statements you make are attached to YOUR NAME. Can be bad JuJu if you cross the line, and your unit or CoC hears about it.
If it's any consolation, you're far more likely to die from rectal cancer than 'Al Queda assasination due to Facebook postings'. So, eat your bran flakes, drink lots of water, and keep posting stuff on Facebook.
Joined the rectal cancer group on crack book did ya old buddy?  ;D
daftandbarmy said:
At my age you can't be too careful!

We're the same age. Maybe I'd better join  :-\



Edit to correct link
daftandbarmy said:
If it's any consolation, you're far more likely to die from rectal cancer than 'Al Queda assasination due to Facebook postings'. So, eat your bran flakes, drink lots of water, and keep posting stuff on Facebook.

It makes you wonder who comes up with these end of the world 'immediate threat' concepts...

daftandbarmy said:
If it's any consolation, you're far more likely to die from rectal cancer than 'Al Queda assasination due to Facebook postings'. So, eat your bran flakes, drink lots of water, and keep posting stuff on Facebook.

Here's an idea:  If OBL and AQ are using Facebook to target us, why don't we use Facebook to target them?

Like I said... just an idea.
Haggis said:
Here's an idea:  If OBL and AQ are using Facebook to target us, why don't we use Facebook to target them?

Like I said... just an idea.

Already on it boss, check my last link in this thread >:D
Danjanou said:
Already on it boss, check my last link in this thread >:D

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I posted from work, where we can't see YouTube.  ... y'know, the department that fun forgot.