I'd be lying if I said I don't have any prejudices against women in combat roles, and I think most men have those same prejudices.
In my BMOQ, our platoon was actually split about half-half between men and women, but out of the 6 going into combat arms, only
1 was a woman.
That being said, the only female on the platoon happened to be the only future infantry officer. And the thing is, although she's got a ways
to go before she can be an effective combat leader, the same can be said for all of us coming off that course and she has definitely shown
the raw skills necessary for combat roles.
It's easy to let prejudices get the best of us. Warfare used to be all about who can swing that sword harder and faster and so it was reserved
almost exclusively for men. However, muscle strength, although necessary, is no longer critical. What is needed for modern combat
are skills like fast reflexes, situational awareness, on the fly adaptation ,good aim, mental stamina, etc. These are skills that can be taught to both
men and women.
My experience is limited, but I can tell you that there are some that view it as a BS PC move and some that view it as being only fair. Personally, I know
that after awhile in the field, I really stopped caring about the small details concerning the people around me that would drive me nuts in civvie life.
As long as the person next to me did their job well and didn't cause me extra grief, i liked them, and I tried to do the same for them.