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ADHD, ADD, and why we can't get in rants......

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kubota99 said:
I don't understand how one can say that... The CF makes you sign a paper, saying you will never discriminate anyone for any reason what so ever, and here you are saying that the CF discriminate the ones who aren't "fit" at their eyes to play in the sandbox...

Let's look at it this way, let's say you have blue eyes, and that blue eyes make you talk a lot, and seem distracted once in a while, but that in fact you aren't really... and the CF don't take blue eyed persons, well just because blue eyed people take medication juste TO BE NORMAL. Don't tell me that's not discriminatory! You don't NEED to take the meds, you won't die without them, you'll be yourself!

Anyways, I'm just so confused to why they don't take the time to see if yes in fact the ADHD is as bad as it sounds like. Some ADD's are as normal as non ADD's... They only talk a bit too much once in a while, and have sooooo many qualities non ADD's don't and will never have...

The CF has the legal aurthority of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of this country, backed by Supreme Court of Canada decisions, to discriminate in hiring due to bona fide requirements for mental and physical fitness to do the job as determined by them.

As for the "you'll be yourself" - I've seen folks with ADD be themselves by not taking their meds - and put themselves and others at risk at worst or became administrative burdens at best.

I was going to say something in the other thread you've been in, but I'll say it here and sorry I'm often blunt when I tell people things they don't want to hear, but here it is- you have a problem, the CF has determined that said problem does not meet their requirements for medical fitness, so you have to live with that OR prove to them that you are in fact able to function at the capacity required by the CF, in a safe manner to yourself and others. 

The burden of proof is on you...if you want to get in, do a trial of discontinuation of your medications if you're on any, work hard to control the behaviours that were considered problematic, then get reassessed by a health professional that knows you and reapply in a year.  If you really want this job, you'll have to do some hard work to get it.

As for something you mentioned in a previous thread, don't blame your ADD on getting you disqualified by mentioning it - your honesty saved you having release proceedings initiated if it was found out you lied on your application about not having any predisposing medical issues.

Ahhhh I feel like I'm digging my own grave by answering to this...

But, I'm done with this topic and have spoken with people that made me open my eyes to opportunities and what I should do from now on...

I also want to add that everything I have said earlier about myself, even if publicly posted here, is my personal matter and should therefore not be laughed at or put up against me... All I'm asking is for no sarcasm regarding my sayings... Thanks in advance :)
Thanks for the reply! I'll have to agree with you, some ADD's just do crazy stuff when off their meds... I'll follow the correct steps to try and prove I can do it! In no way I meant to annoy, or piss anyone off here... I'm glad I've gotten answer from you guys!

Now, I've received answers from so many different users, I get it, ADD's aren't likely to be "liked" because they endanger others...  :facepalm:

the 48th regulator said:
I am glad for the discrimination!  God for bid someone experiencing these types of symptoms was protecting my freedom. Now back to my secret society where we wear robes, and burn effigies of ADD sufferers on a stick.....



And for that hate speech about ADD's... Really?
Why do you have two threads going about this?

Stop playing the victim and saying how you are facing discrimination, etc  At this time you do not meet the medical standards for joining the Canadian Forces.  Lots of others have been turned away for reasons similar to yours and other reasons(such as vision).  Do what the Medical Staff/CFRC said,  reapply in the future and take it from there.

No doubt you are frustrated over this,  but the reasons for it are out of your control at the moment and complaining online isn't going to change that.  Take the hit,  and move on.  In the meantime you can work on upgrading education,  working out, volunteering, etc make your application that much better in the future - provided the medical section signs off saying you are good.
While I am not going to say that ADD isn't a serious issue or is not, it varies from person to person.

My father has been an RCMP Officer for over 30 years and is diagnosed with ADD (I am assuming a mild form of it). I have friends from high school with more severe cases... but in all; generalizing occurs a lot in medicine. I was born with a rare condition (physical not mental health related) that initially disqualified me from the application process (as some people are debilitated by it), I fought against it and had medical professionals (including Military Doctors) state on record that my issue (which I will not go into detail about, as I believe it is irrelevant to my capabilities) is Asymptotic (does not effect me), when I went to my medical, I told the personal about this, and he believed it shouldn't effect me either, long story short, I passed the medical, even when it came back from Ottawa (I believe that is where they send it).

Believe it or not many people have "conditions" that do not effect them, IE; Arthritis loads of my friends have it from hockey (I played Junior level hockey) and loads of my former teammates suffer from joint problems. They are still highly effective athletes.

However on the flip-side some people have conditions that DO effect them. Terrible vision, colour vision (for CV1 trades) and even Arthritis can be debilitating (a former teammate of mine, can't even play sports anymore), as medical understanding progresses more progressive decisions are made (for accommodation) for instance my father who has a $hIT tonne of responsibility in his job does NOT require medication; anyways I hope I can give some insight through this little speel hehe.   

That all being said, I am NOT a member of the Forces and I am NOT any type of medical professional, however I have been around the block with being "disregarded" because of a medical condition that is benign and does not effect me what-so-ever, and I assume SOME ADD/ADHD cases are similar. ALSO I do not want to discuss the specifics of my medical condition, that is for me, my doctors and the military medical professionals to discuss.

EDIT: Sent early wanted to modify it.
canada94 said:
While I am not going to say that ADD isn't a serious issue or is not, it varies from person to person.

My father has been an RCMP Officer for over 30 years and is diagnosed with ADD (I am assuming a mild form of it). I have friends from high school with more severe cases... but in all; generalizing occurs a lot in medicine. I was born with a rare condition (physical not mental health related) that initially disqualified me from the application process (as some people are debilitated by it), I fought against it and had medical professionals (including Military Doctors) state on record that my issue (which I will not go into detail about, as I believe it is irrelevant to my capabilities) is Asymptotic (does not effect me), when .

Believe it or not many people have "conditions" that do not effect them, IE; Arthritis loads of my friends have it from hockey (I played Junior level hockey) and loads of my former teammates suffer from joint problems. They are still highly effective athletes.

However on the flip-side some people have conditions that DO effect them. Terrible vision, colour vision (for CV1 trades) and even Arthritis can be debilitating (a former teammate of mine, can't even play sports anymore), as medical understanding progresses more progressive decisions are made (for accommodation) for instance my father who has a $hIT tonne of responsibility in his job does NOT require medication; anyways I hope I can give some insight through this little speel hehe.   

That all being said, I am NOT a member of the Forces and I am NOT any type of medical professional, however I have been around the block with being "disregarded" because of a medical condition that is benign and does not effect me what-so-ever.

Benign, based on your non medical oppion.

If you had an episode, in the middle of he Firefight, and your battle buddy dies, how would you explain to his widow and little children?

"Listen kids, what I have is known to be benign, and that episode I had, that caused your dad to die, is a one off.  Sorry your daddy is no longer here, but hey, I am still around which proves that ADD sufferers can still serve, that is a good thing right?"

Yeh, benign.....


the 48th regulator said:
Benign, based on your non medical oppion.

If you had an episode, in the middle of he Firefight, and your battle buddy dies, how would you explain to his widow and little children?

"Listen kids, what I have is known to be benign, and that episode I had, that caused your dad to die, is a one off.  Sorry your daddy is no longer here, but hey, I am still around which proves that ADD sufferers can still serve, that is a good thing right?"

Yeh, benign.....



True, my medical opinion.

But I wouldn't trust your's over mine (or vice versa) I trust medical professionals  (Unless of course you are one, then I am sorry).

And if we are talking about "my" condition that is not mental health related, I have been cleared. But the side of mental health; my father who has been in life and death situations, and has made tough decisions, has never had an episode.

The whole message I was attempting to convey (I know my story was wordy) was that;

Some people do not need medicine and are truly unaffected by a condition. Maybe my father was misdiagnosed and I am completely wrong, however I doubt so, he's been tested multiple times. On the other hand I completely agree, if someone is having out-burst, especially if they are dependent on the medication, then no, they simply are a hazzard in that working condition, they would be a hazzard in a lot of working conditions let alone the military/ policing.

-Skeletor- said:
Why do you have two threads going about this?

Stop playing the victim and saying how you are facing discrimination, etc  At this time you do not meet the medical standards for joining the Canadian Forces.  Lots of others have been turned away for reasons similar to yours and other reasons(such as vision).  Do what the Medical Staff/CFRC said,  reapply in the future and take it from there.

No doubt you are frustrated over this,  but the reasons for it are out of your control at the moment and complaining online isn't going to change that.  Take the hit,  and move on.  In the meantime you can work on upgrading education,  working out, volunteering, etc make your application that much better in the future - provided the medical section signs off saying you are good.

Thank you for your answer. And I'm not comparing ADD or what not to anything else, as the ADD itself isn't the problem. The problem is me taking meds, nothing else... Now I am aware of what I have to do, and will make sure that if I have any questions at all, to ask them here.

For the "re-apply next year", I don't know how it works for the pilot branch, I'll have to ask my recruiter.

Thanks again for your feedback!
canada94 said:
True, my medical opinion.

But I wouldn't trust your's over mine (or vice versa) I trust medical professionals  (Unless of course you are one, then I am sorry).

And if we are talking about "my" condition that is not mental health related, I have been cleared. But the side of mental health; my father who has been in life and death situations, and has made tough decisions, has never had an episode.

The whole message I was attempting to convey (I know my story was wordy) was that;

Some people do not need medicine and are truly unaffected by a condition. Maybe my father was misdiagnosed and I am completely wrong, however I doubt so, he's been tested multiple times. On the other hand I completely agree, if someone is having out-burst, especially if they are dependent on the medication, then no, they simply are a hazzard in that working condition, they would be a hazzard in a lot of working conditions let alone the military/ policing.


Do you know what the DSM-IV manual is?  In fact they have updated recently to DSM-V so with Google fu you may be able to find it fast.....

Unfortunately, your "Mental Health" condition is covered there, as is Kubotu98whateverhisnameis  (That will get me another report).

THat is the criteria for what you have, that is what the parameters DND agrees on, and that is what has been decide to exclude you.  Fuck, if you have bad teeth you can be denied!!!  Understand what everyone has been saying??? IT is not a matter of excluding a clan of misfit toys, it is about not being liable, or capable of maintaining you, and your condition in the environments we ask troops to go to!!!

We can't even afford freaking Mental Health professionals to support those that suffer from OSIs let alone little billies like you two, who can't pay attention to a a teacher!!!!

Is that mean enough for you two???  Did it hurt your feelings??  Geez, that should be another criteria for not letting you two in!!!

Breath breath breath......
recceguy said:
Maybe you should have just stopped there.

Tomorrow is another day.

I don't know if that was sarcastic, but I'll have to agree to that... Tomorrow is another day, and I sure hope it will be a better one!
Near the end of my last year of high school (2012) I was diagnosed with ADHD by a psychologist and then went to see my doctor about it to get meds because the psychologist told me I should. She never wrote any official diagnostic on paper. So she just called the doctor to tell him about it. I was prescribed Biphentin. Took it for about 3 months max and haven't take them for over an year. I had originally went to see the psychologist just because I didn't have a lot of motivation for school at the time and was confused on what to do with my life and stuff (should of seen a counsellor instead..) and she ended up suggesting that I take a test to see if I have ADHD. I'm pretty sure I don't actually have it because I don't have most of symptoms. And If I have to be really focused or concentrated on something, I can do so just fine.
Anyways I had stopped taking the meds because I didn't like the side effect and I didn't really see the point in me taking them. I've always done decent in school (didn't need any medication for that) and got accepted to college and all.

I applied on november 20th and did my CFAT (passed) on december 11th.

Will this affect my chances at getting into the army?
shadesofgreen said:
Near the end of my last year of high school (2012) I was diagnosed with ADHD by a psychologist and then went to see my doctor about it to get meds because the psychologist told me I should. She never wrote any official diagnostic on paper. So she just called the doctor to tell him about it. I was prescribed Biphentin. Took it for about 3 months max and haven't take them for over an year. I had originally went to see the psychologist just because I didn't have a lot of motivation for school at the time and was confused on what to do with my life and stuff (should of seen a counsellor instead..) and she ended up suggesting that I take a test to see if I have ADHD. I'm pretty sure I don't actually have it because I don't have most of symptoms. And If I have to be really focused or concentrated on something, I can do so just fine.
Anyways I had stopped taking the meds because I didn't like the side effect and I didn't really see the point in me taking them. I've always done decent in school (didn't need any medication for that) and got accepted to college and all.

I applied on november 20th and did my CFAT (passed) on december 11th.

Have you discussed this with your Recruiter at all?

Will this affect my chances at getting into the army?
ModlrMike said:
Is the search function broken?

Well it wasn't working actually, it said ''An Error Has Occurred!''.
But anyways, I guess I'll look around more online. I just like to ask myself cause sometimes other eople may have mention ADHD but their situation might be different them mine and therefor the answers might not apply to me. Some say if you have been a year without meds it's fine others say your disqualified either way.
shadesofgreen said:
Well it wasn't working actually, it said ''An Error Has Occurred!''.

ADHD, ADD, and why we can't get in rants......