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A Columbine Father Speaks Out

You are inferring a lot in your post that, no one here, has claimed. From the top of your soap box, you have failed to listen and made up your own meaning. This apocalyptic vision of everyone armed, even children in school, is yours and yours only.

I don’t think we think very differently, I just think that you misunderstand, maybe on purpose, what I am writing. Maybe you are more interested in “listening to yourself talk”, who knows? Who cares?

In the end:

Just to clarify I'm not 100% against allowing people to carry CCW permits, I think they should only be allowed in rare cases when a person has been directly threatened or for certain professional's if needed. But handing out CCW permits to anyone who wants one isn't responsible […]

This is 98% of what I am saying. Here is my version:

I'm not 100% against allowing people to ATC, I think they should only be allowed in cases when a person has been threatened or for certain professional's. But handing out CCW permits to anyone who wants one isn't responsible.
Well this thread certainly took to life since I last looked...

I disagree that only "professionals" should be allowed to carry -- I know a lot of civilians who have never been mil or LE with a much greater degree of skill and training that the average LE or MIL user.

  I do however agree that a user wishing to CCW should be mandated training in according to both Use of Force laws and the safe use of a firearm. 

Secondly I will point to one issue of Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" he noticed (and promptly ignored it cause it did not serve his misguided rant) that in Canada there is proportionally MORE firearms (as in per capita) than the US -- yet you dont see the rivers running red in Canada.

Secondly US gang violence (and for that matter Cdn gang violence) typically occures with illegal weapons to which none of the handwringing crowd like to admit that it is really not affected by gun laws.

Secondly Gun violence in Britian SKYROCKETED when their laws cramped down on Firearms and basically outlawed a large portion of types (semi-auto) firearms.

Lastly -- a car has much more destructive power than a firearm. 

After lastly - I fully believe that the Lords Prayer in Schools was a good thing -- I went all thru school with it and the National Anthem being played on the PA.  I will proudly note there never was a mass killing in our school at that time.
  Those who chose to ignore the fact Canada was created as a Christian national are welcome to abstain from prayer -- but not to infringe my rights to enjoy my right to religion.  IMHO Canada is slowly being posioned by "multi-cultural diversity" - which is fine in soem instances but not to the point if weakens the very fabric of the nation.

I spit on PET and his social engineering fiasco

Secondly I will point to one issue of Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" he noticed (and promptly ignored it cause it did not serve his misguided rant) that in Canada there is proportionally MORE firearms (as in per capita) than the US -- yet you dont see the rivers running red in Canada.

The difference being Canada has better gun laws and more social programs than the US, theirs a reason why social democracies such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, all tend to rate higher in areas of health, welfare of the child, etc. than the US.

Secondly US gang violence (and for that matter Cdn gang violence) typically occures with illegal weapons to which none of the handwringing crowd like to admit that it is really not affected by gun laws.

The vast majority of those guns were obtained legally, and to compare state by state gun laws is futile [I don't remember being stopped by customs at the Michigan/Wisconsin border]. The vast majority of developed nations have law restricting handguns because their really is no acceptable reason to own a handgun unless you happen to be a collector or a target shooter.

Secondly Gun violence in Britian SKYROCKETED when their laws cramped down on Firearms and basically outlawed a large portion of types (semi-auto) firearms.

The United States still has 40 times the amount of people killed by firearms than compared to England and Wales. Even then a large proportion of those were air weapons, and the new recording system used in Great Britain was believed to have inflated those statistics. Recently the rate has been dropping. The majority of developed countries maintain that some firearms should be more thoroughly regulated, especially handguns since they really don't serve any practical purpose. Even then the rate has remained relatively static. But part of the reason the rate is so much higher in the US is because of the proliferation of firearms, and it doesn't matter if a state decides to limit the amount of guns a person can buy, that person only needs to drive to a nearby state and pick up a firearm. As well at most gun shows one can easily buy a firearm.

Lastly -- a car has much more destructive power than a firearm. 

Most people don't buy a car to use it as a murder weapon, a handgun has no useful purpose besides killing people.

After lastly - I fully believe that the Lords Prayer in Schools was a good thing -- I went all thru school with it and the National Anthem being played on the PA.  I will proudly note there never was a mass killing in our school at that time.
  Those who chose to ignore the fact Canada was created as a Christian national are welcome to abstain from prayer -- but not to infringe my rights to enjoy my right to religion.  IMHO Canada is slowly being posioned by "multi-cultural diversity" - which is fine in soem instances but not to the point if weakens the very fabric of the nation.

I agree with the national anthem being played in school's, but I don't support allowing the Lord's Prayer to be recited by the staff to students.

Sigs Guy said:
Most people don't buy a car to use it as a murder weapon, a handgun has no useful purpose besides killing people.
::)  So I guess Olympic Bullseye pistol is a breeding ground for gangland slayings
  Your other figures are so out to lunch that your above statement says it for me that its not worth my efforts to refute you - your closeminded on the issue and I shall further ingore all transmisions from your C/S.

I agree with the national anthem being played in school's, but I don't support allowing the Lord's Prayer to be recited by the staff to students.
  Us evil Christians indoctrinating the world I suppose?
FWIW -- it was played on the PA as a recording - staff was not required, nor where the students, to recite if they wished not too.  But I cant recall any godless heathens in my classes either  ;D
  Us evil Christians indoctrinating the world I suppose?
FWIW -- it was played on the PA as a recording - staff was not required, nor where the students, to recite if they wished not too.  But I cant recall any godless heathens in my classes either 

Here here! +1

If one doesn't agree don't recite it
  Us evil Christians indoctrinating the world I suppose?

I don't think Jesus was really concerned about whether or not the Lords Prayer will be recited in schools.

  So I guess Olympic Bullseye pistol is a breeding ground for gangland slayings
  Your other figures are so out to lunch that your above statement says it for me that its not worth my efforts to refute you - your closeminded on the issue and I shall further ingore all transmisions from your C/S.

What issues do you have, they show that the US which has a large abundance of weapons tends to have a higher murder rate and more gun violence then countries which do not.

Sigs Guy said:
What issues do you have, they show that the US which has a large abundance of weapons tends to have a higher murder rate and more gun violence then countries which do not.

He doesn't, his issue is that you blame the guns for the murder/violence, .......how many in Rwanda died from a good old knife?
He doesn't, his issue is that you blame the guns for the murder/violence, .......how many in Rwanda died from a good old knife?

I've said before that to blame the guns entirely would be a fallacious argument as their are a number of factors, however a firearm is part of it. As for people dying in Rwanda from a machette, how many people died in Sierra Leone from a good old AK-47. My issue is with the notion that we have to be armed in order to be safe from the predators when it simply isn't true. I especially take exception an argument that without guns we'll become a police state.
I don't think Jesus was really concerned about whether or not the Lords Prayer will be recited in schools.

Why are you? Be alittle different if kids where punished or expelled if they didn't recite it, but having those that do wish to recite it in the morning, this is a bad thing?
Bruce is correct in that the firearms are only the means to an end. Denied a pistol or other firearm, a violent person intent on harming will simply find another way to achieve their goal. That said, firearms are the most efficient means currently available to kill.

What the US has, in perhaps far greater levels than any other developed country, is a variety of social dysfunctions coupled with ready access to firearms (legal and illegal).

While I really don't see the need for everybody and their dog to possess a vast basement arsenal, I also believe that the only folks who would be impacted by the laws, are the law abiding folks. The criminal element will always find a way to get more guns.

And yes, the notion that without privately held weapons, we would become a police state is pathetic. It merely represents a radical argument with no real means (from a historic perspective) to back itself up.

My ideal, would be to see a balance struck, whereby legal and responsible ownership is possible, and illegal possession or use is harshly punished. For years, as a military history buff, I've wanted to collect weapons from prior conflicts, yet it's just far too prohibitive these days.

BTW - does anybody know what the ratio of firearms related murders to non-firearms murders is? I've read about more stabbings than shootings, but they don't seem to get the same press.
- From Statcan website 2005 Crime stats

Shared in blah blah blah - its the gov't data

The overall crime rate dropped 5% in 2005. Decreases were seen in most crimes, with the exception of the serious
crimes of homicide, attempted murder, assault with a weapon, aggravated assault and robbery.

Homicide, the most serious of all criminal acts, includes first and second degree murder, manslaughter and infanticide.
Following a 13% increase in 2004, the homicide rate increased by a further 4% in 2005.

The rate of offensive weapons violations increased 5% in 2005.

Population 31,021,251 31,372,587 31,669,150 31,974,363 32,270,507
Homicide2 553 1.8 582 1.9 549 1.7 624 2.0 658 2.0 4 2
Attempted murder 725 2.3 678 2.2 707 2.2 671 2.1 772 2.4 14 -20
Assault - Total 236,957 764 235,710 751 236,802 748 234,259 733 234,729 727 -1 -2
Level 1 191,147 616 189,185 603 188,667 596 184,883 578 182,049 564 -2 -8
Level 2 - Weapon 43,094 139 43,793 140 45,222 143 46,643 146 49,653 154 5 25
Level 3 - Aggravated 2,716 9 2,732 9 2,913 9 2,733 9 3,027 9 10 4
Other assaults 12,260 40 12,454 40 12,534 40 12,811 40 12,818 40 -1 -14
Sexual assault - Total 24,044 78 24,499 78 23,514 74 23,036 72 23,303 72 0 -25
Level 1 23,563 76 23,973 76 22,983 73 22,449 70 22,736 70 0 -24
Level 2 - Weapon 320 1 373 1 359 1 397 1 396 1 -1 -39
Level 3 - Aggravated 161 1 153 0 172 1 190 1 171 1 -11 -47
Other sexual offences 2,689 9 2,756 9 2,565 8 2,614 8 2,741 8 4 -29
Abduction 674 2 605 2 559 2 637 2 584 2 -9 -55

Okay I dont know how to do tables, however if you follow the link you will notice the major metropolitan areas have had crime increase -- and they are statically areas with lower per capita legal firearm ownership.

I'm not going to post all the data -- as well the URegina has a website that has copied of all homicided by type of offence -- but you need to be student or staff (I tried to access it)

I would like to point out that in Iraq automatic weapons and explosives are illegal -- but that does not seem to stop the insurgents from shoot at me with them...
(I'm not suggesting we should be allowed to have explosives in Canada BTW -- well it would be cool  ;D)

Staff Weenie said:
That said, firearms are the most efficient means currently available to kill.

No, they're not.

What was the worst mass murder to ever take place fully on Canadian soil, and what means was used?

Most would pick the ecole polytecnique killing by Ghamil Gharbi, son of an Algerian woman-hating wife beater, and who preferred to be known as  Marc Lepine.

They would be incorrect.

It took place at the Blue Bird Bar in Montreal on 1 September 1972. Thirty-seven people died. The weapon was a quantity of gasoline and a match. It is extremely hard to find any info about it - I only knew about it because a friend's sister was one of the victims. Had a firearm been used, though, we'd still be subjected to sickly annual memoria.

That was far less labour-intensive than shooting that many people. Apparently more politically acceptable, too.

What the US has, in perhaps far greater levels than any other developed country, is a variety of social dysfunctions coupled with ready access to firearms (legal and illegal).

The social dysfunction statement is correct, however the "ready access to firearms" is only incidental. Problems stem more from a background of slavery and racism which still keeps large numbers of citizens out of main-stream society. Those thus marginalized, especially the youth, tend to seek outlets for their frustration and compensation for their poverty elsewhere - drugs and the attendant violence as gangs protect and invade each others' turf. During Prohibition, alcohol fuelled gang warfare.

We are starting to see similar problems here, with race-based drug gangs. And as long as moronic politicians looking for nothing more than votes continue to focus on one particular implement sometimes used in some crimes rather than the crimes and criminals themselves, the problems will continue to grow. If somebody does not believe that, and/or if somebody thinks that Canada is homogenously safe, I invite that/those person(s) to take a leisurely stroll through the Jane-Finch area or some of the other choice locales in Toronto

It is not the availibility of firearms that is a factor. It is the motivation of those carrying them. The firearms themselves are neutral, inanimate objects. While a firearm can indeed be used to kill an innocent person, a firearm can also be used to defend an innocent person (and usually without a shot being fired; criminals are not so stupid that they cannot appreciate the concept of personal risk).

And reducing lawful access to firearms of any sort has no effect on criminal access to firearms whatsoever.

Jamaica has very restrictive firearms laws and its murder and violent crime rate puts that of the US to shame. It's also an island, which in theory makes it easier to control firearms access but in actual fact only disproves the notion that criminal access can be controlled by restricting access to anybody. It's simple supply and demand. If there is a demand for firearms in the underworld, there WILL be a supply - the only questions revolve around specific source(s), means of smuggling, and price.

While I really don't see the need for everybody and their dog to possess a vast basement arsenal, I also believe that the only folks who would be impacted by the laws, are the law abiding folks. The criminal element will always find a way to get more guns.

Correct, save that nobody is advocating that everybody possess even one firearm. Nobody who collects, shoots targets, or hunts wants a crook or nincompoop next to them on the range or wandering about in the woods either.

"Need" is a common anti-gun red herring, as in "nobody needs a gun". It is partially true, but it's also completely irrelevant. Nobody needs a home theatre, a Harley-Davidson, a backyard pool, a Ferrari, Scotch, or anything else beyond oxygen, warmth, food, and basic shelter either. Not all of our desires are born of need, yet nobody questions them. Questioning my interest in owning firearms is no more justified than questioning any of my other purchasing habits.

And yes, the notion that without privately held weapons, we would become a police state is pathetic. It merely represents a radical argument with no real means (from a historic perspective) to back itself up.

Quite the contrary. No nation that has oppressed its citizenry has been able to do so without first disarming them. That was the driving force behind the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. The US Founding Fathers intentionally restricted the powers of the federal government in favour of the States and the people at large in order to protect them from domestic tyranny.

Just because something is highly unlikely does not mean that it will not or could not occur, otherwise I for one would have no insurance whatsoever, or smoke detectors, or life jackets, or wear seatbelts etcetera.

My ideal, would be to see a balance struck, whereby legal and responsible ownership is possible, and illegal possession or use is harshly punished.

Yes, precisely. We had that once.

For years, as a military history buff, I've wanted to collect weapons from prior conflicts, yet it's just far too prohibitive these days.

Do it regardless. It's worth it. Pyss Off a Lieberal - Buy a Gun.

BTW - does anybody know what the ratio of firearms related murders to non-firearms murders is? I've read about more stabbings than shootings, but they don't seem to get the same press.

Firearms are historically used in about one-third of Canadian homicides. Nobody needs a gun to kill somebody else. There is no shortage of other methods. And where downward changes are noticed, they are compensated by increases in other methods although much of this can be accounted for by normal statistical variation - we're dealing with small numbers so blips can be significant.

Suicide is also means-independent. A decrease in shooting has been accompanied by an increase in hanging.

This is why weaselly organizations (sorry, weasels) like the Coalition for Gun Control only talk about reductions in gun deaths as a result of stupid Lieberal legislation as there is no corresponding reduction in overall deaths. Essentially, we have blown around two billion bucks simply to increase rope and knife sales.

Nobody has yet been able to prove a link between firearms laws and reduction in violent crime or suicide. Studies that purport to do so usually fail to account for other variables. A continuing overall decline in murder can be linked to an aging population, improvements in trauma medicine, the replacement of ambulance attendants with paramedics, and the increased ability to contact emergency services through cellphones and the 911 system.
Sigs Guy said:
a handgun has no useful purpose besides killing people.

Then I have wasted a pile of money over several decades, as none of my firearms have ever killed anybody.

As far as I know - I do not know the specifics of the histories of my WWII stuff in sufficient detail to know that they never went beyond a unidirectional range.

Certainly, none have during my ownership of them.

Either my firearms or I are clearly defective by your reasoning.

I've thoroughly enjoyed punching holes in paper etcetera, though.

Very few police weapons are ever used to kill anybody either. They're carried to protect innocent life largely through deterrence - or are our police failing to use their handguns properly?

I am guessing that a dramatic rise in police shootings would not make you happier despite your theory of the purpose of handguns.
Teflon said:

Here here! +1

If one doesn't agree don't recite it

Yes, lets create an atmosphere of alienation for the kids that don't recite it.  That's what we want, MORE social division in the classroom  ::).  You give kids more credit then they deserve if you think it won't happen.  And hell, isn't that why those two kids at Columbine went on their little killing spree, because they were being outcasted and ostracized by their peers for being ' a little different'?  Well what do you think the kids who pray will do to the kids that don't?  Same reason the rich kids didn't hang out with the poor kids, and so on and so forth.

Anyway, I think some of you older folk who haven't been in a public school for years may forget just how divided the various social cliques are in school.  You already have the jocks, nerds, popular kids, greasers...do you really need the religious kids in there too?  Jeeze, lets try for a little more unity and a little less division.

One other thing to add to those who use the defense that they had prayer in schools and never had to deal with gun toting lunatics in the halls.  Well, here's one for you----How many schools do you think exist in the United States and Canada this very moment that don't have prayer in school, and have never had a shooting  in the school?  I'd like to think more than you can count on one hand.  I went to schools with no prayer and NEVER had a gun related incident.  Did it occur to any of you that these incidents might be (gasp!) isolated incidents?  Something to think about.
I went to schools with no prayer and NEVER had a gun related incident.  Did it occur to any of you that these incidents might be (gasp!) isolated incidents?  Something to think about.

So Lord's Prayer in school = guns in schools?  ::)

I went to a school that had the Lord's prayer in the morning and we never had a gun related incident either, as a matter of fact the Catholic school still has the Lord's Prayer and they havn't had a gun related incident either

I dont consider myself overtly religious (god knows I'm not a great Christian at times) however "back in the day" I'm only 37 - it was a clear Canadian value.  Perhaps if we still accepted these values we'd have less cliques (I doubt it -- since we had cliques when I went to school) however the effects where not as whined about.

Well if the guns in schools are isolated incidents (and I think your right) -- its nothing to be concerned about.  Let those of us who enjoy our freedom to own firearms continue to do so. 

Teflon said:
So Lord's Prayer in school = guns in schools?  ::)

I went to a school that had the Lord's prayer in the morning and we never had a gun related incident either, as a matter of fact the Catholic school still has the Lord's Prayer and they havn't had a gun related incident either

Wow, I wish I'd seen this response sooner to comment on it.  Clearly my point went way-way-way over your head if you made such a silly inference that I even remotely suggested that having the lord's prayer meant guns in schools.

By your logic, me owning a cellphone keeps bears out of my house.  I don't see any bears in my house, so it MUST be true, right?
Either my firearms or I are clearly defective by your reasoning.

Not really, as I've said I have no gripe with collectors, only the people that feel the need to carry firearms around with them on their hip everywhere when their is no need for it. When did Canada become Sierra Leone?

Very few police weapons are ever used to kill anybody either. They're carried to protect innocent life largely through deterrence - or are our police failing to use their handguns properly?

Yes police, exactly my point. We had a similar discussion on blueline.ca and a firearms instructor said that he was 110% opposed to CCW for the simple reason that the people that want it are usually the last people who should have CCW. You can play with stats all day, its not gonna do much since they are inconsistent. The issue of deterrence is fairly mute since we have seen the crime rate drop despite our lack of guns. As for police carrying them for "deterrence", their only used as a last resort, police in New Zealand don't carry weapon's [do have tactical teams] and I haven't seen that country turn into a hell whole.

I am guessing that a dramatic rise in police shootings would not make you happier despite your theory of the purpose of handguns.

Not really, police use their handguns responsibly and have a good reason for needing them. Lets get this straight we will never see CCW in Canada, very few Canadian's want it so its mute either way. To further support this point, the following post from earlier is why I oppose giving CCW out freely.

The anti-gun lefties will tell you, "Well, why not just call the cops, they'll protect you." Let me ask you this: If the cops are to protect us from the criminals, who will protect us from the cops?

As for religion in school, their really isn't a need for religion in school. If you'd like prayer in school I'm sure that their are more than enough private schools out there. But if we include Christian prayer, shouldn't we also include Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and other religious customs as well. Sweden is one of the least religious societies in the west and they don't have the same amount of school shootings as compared to the US which has a large evangelical influence.
Sigs Guy said:
The issue of deterrence is fairly mute since we have seen the crime rate drop despite our lack of guns. 

This is in the top three of stupidest things I have read on army.ca milnet.ca. Lets see if even ONE of the many LEO's [ in any trade] come here to back this statement up,.......tick, tick,...

The CONVICTION rate maybe, due to bargains,  charges getting thrown out for reasons normal folk can't understand, judges not wanting to rock the boat, etc......
This is in the top three of stupidest things I have read on army.ca milnet.ca. Lets see if even ONE of the many LEO's [ in any trade] come here to back this statement up,.......tick, tick,...

The crime rate has been dropping over the past two decades, if you want to provide statistics to the contrary by all means go ahead. However the same trend has been seen in the US with crime rates dropping from two decades ago. The drop in the US can largely be attributed to the legalization of abortion as well.[One theory that has been floated in the book Freakonomics if anyone has read it]


Either way its odd that Police Officers right across the country aren't calling for every civilian to be armed with a gun to protect themselves from the criminal horde. As well don't insult a persons intelligence simply because you disagree with a point made, show a source to the contrary.
