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2 Jul 10: Explosion at Trois-Rivieres CFRC

We the tax payers have lots of money  to pay  for clean up. damages, and the police invastigating the crime. Whatever they  are protesting or complaining about or what  ever the reason was the bombing. I just want to say thanks for taking mor eof my tax money  to clean up after your actions.
I am sure glad no one was injuried or worse. I guess no one thinks there might of been cleaning staff working late or some homeless person sleeping near by that  could of gotten hurt.

Hope they  made their point and stop now and I hope they can do the time when they  are caught and punished for this crime
It's not a crime....just a form of expression.          ::)

It seems a group calling itself "Résistance internationaliste" claimed responsability.

Quebec provincial police are currently investigating a group that has claimed responsibility for bombing a Canadian Forces recruitment centre in Trois-Rivieres.
The group, known as Résistance internationaliste, reportedly sent an email to media Friday stating their opposition to Canadian military practices.

From the National Post
Inky said:
It seems a group calling itself "Résistance internationaliste" claimed responsability.

Quebec provincial police are currently investigating a group that has claimed responsibility for bombing a Canadian Forces recruitment centre in Trois-Rivieres.
The group, known as Résistance internationaliste, reportedly sent an email to media Friday stating their opposition to Canadian military practices.

From the National Post

It didn't take them long to get into Wikipedia:

International Resistance Initiative
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This article is an orphan, as few or no other articles link to it. Please introduce links to this page from related articles; suggestions are available. (February 2009)

The International Resistance Initiative (IRI - French: Initiative de résistance internationaliste) is an alleged terrorist organization that first surfaced in December 2004.[citation needed] Based on communiqués believed to originate from the group, the IRI appears to hold socialist, environmentalist and anti-American views. The group has claimed responsibility for three attacks, all on Canadian soil.

Contents [hide]
1 Hydro tower bombing
2 Car firebombing
3 Canadian Forces recruiting office
4 References

[edit] Hydro tower bombing
In 2004, shortly before U.S. President George W. Bush's visit to Canada, a Hydro-Québec electric tower near the Canada-U.S. border in the province of Québec was damaged by explosive charges detonated at its base. The CBC reported that a message, purportedly from the IRI and issued to the La Presse and Le Journal de Montréal newspapers and the CKAC radio station, stated that the attack had been carried out to "denounce the 'pillaging' of Quebec's resources by the United States."[1]

[edit] Car firebombing
On Friday, August 4, 2006, a car belonging to Carol Montreuil, a spokesman for the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute, exploded in the town of Thérèse-De Blainville near Montréal, Québec. After having initially concluded that the explosion was the result of an electrical malfunction, the Sûreté du Québec provincial police force ordered an investigation by its anti-terrorism branch when a number of media outlets received an email from a source claiming to be the IRI. The email stated that the group had carried out the attack in protest against the actions of oil companies, in particular the alleged funding of "an imperialist army which is committing barbarous acts", an apparent reference to the war in Iraq. The CBC reported that the same email also contained accusations against the oil companies of consumer abuse and environmental degradation.[2] On August 18th of the same year, the Sûreté du Québec confirmed that the car was indeed firebombed, as claimed by the email. [3]

[edit] Canadian Forces recruiting office
The IRI has also allegedly claimed the responsibility of planting a bomb at a recruiting station of the Canadian Armed Forces in Trois-Rivières, Quebec. At 2:37 a.m., on July 2 2010 a call was placed to the Trois-Rivières municipal police force stating there was a bomb at the recruiting station. At 3 a.m., the bomb exploded, but no one was injured according to local newspaper Le Nouvelliste. [4]
The Wikipedia entry dates from 2006 - with 10 updates today (and counting).
what do you guys think about media coverage?
I was at the gym over lunch time watching RDI (french cbc news channel) and CBC news at the same time. The odd thing is that the english channel made it their top story talking about it every 5-10 mins with comments form the Qc prov. police while RDI only talked about it once in the hour that I was there and it was only a 45 sec-1min thing with no comments from police, only comments from the major who was telling them to go to the police for info.
The Union negotiations between the nurses union and the goverment  was RDI's top story.....
Quote from the article:
"is opposed to Canada’s military practices"

    I have to wonder exactly which military practices they could be referring to. What?...range practices?.....parade practices?
.....Oh....I see,
a type of coverall statement making for a no-win situation. It seems any reason is good enough
for these nut cases.

57Chevy said:
Quote from the article:
"is opposed to Canada’s military practices"

    I have to wonder exactly which military practices they could be referring to. What?...range practices?.....parade practices?
.....Oh....I see,
a type of coverall statement making for a no-win situation. It seems any reason is good enough
for these nut cases.
Well, if they (whoever they are) are against parade practices, then they certain aren't members of The Royal Canadian Regiment!  PROPATRIA!
Clearly the work of GOVERNMENT AGENTS who wanted to deflect attention from the G20 summit protests.

Something something illegal and unjust war something something fascisim mumble, harper mumble mumble out of Iraq  Afghanistan  Haiti Toronto NOW!
How can people protesting a 'violent military' deal with the cognitive dissonance inherent in using violence to protest?

My mind is realing at such a logical leap of faith.
CollinsRN said:
How can people protesting a 'violent military' deal with the cognitive dissonance inherent in using violence to protest?

My mind is realing at such a logical leap of faith.

When dealing with people like this, logic has nothing to do with it. 
A short update from the Gazette:

the group lashed out at Canada's military practices and ideals, the war in Afghanistan and police "violence" at last weekend's G20 summit in Toronto.

"This operation against the recruitment centre is our resistance to the army brainwashing and eye-catching soliciting of young people confronted with the vacuum of a demeaning society," the group wrote.

Sgt. Eloise Cossette of the Surete du Quebec confirmed a group has come forward to claim responsibility for the explosion.

"We are investigating that particular organization, but at this point we are not ruling out any other possible suspects," she said.

David Harris, a former chief planner for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, noted incidents such as these tend to become more common as violent fringe elements take to the streets to show their discontent.

"This is a concern because there seems to be some developing trends of illegal violent activity that mascarades under a political mantle," said Harris, now a lawyer involved in criminal and national security matters. "Unfortunately I suspect we are going to have considerably more of this kind of thing as we find radicalism propagating itself."

Harris said he has no knowledge of the Resistance internationaliste, but added: "One has to ask, if we aren't dealing with levels of alienation that say something somewhat profound about our society . . . Why do people feel that they would be justified in making war against their own society?" he said.

(Repetitive portions removed)
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Group+claims+responsibility+bombing/3227237/story.html#ixzz0sYMZAXbr

          (Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act)
If this group is going to set off any more bombs, I insist that they be done via suicide vests.....

I wonder how many would take up the challenge.... ::)
57Chevy said:
.....dealing with levels of alienation that say something somewhat profound about our society...
Is that lawyer-speak for society isn't meeting their sense of self-entitlement?

Bad, bad society  ::)
Looking into this 'group' gets interesting:


Who are we?
Resistance International is a young country , composed mainly of schoolchildren , against racism , sexism, capitalism and war launched by the MAS -LSP . We operate in many cities. We are active in the anti -globalization , anti -war ... Since this season, has launched a new IR camapgne environemental on the crisis by organizing local actions all across Belgium in the framework of the national demonstration on December 8 in Brussels.
More ... 

Schoolchildren?  Or are we talking of people with the mentalities of schoolchildren?
Apollo Diomedes said:
Clearly the work of GOVERNMENT AGENTS who wanted to deflect attention from the G20 summit protests.

Something something illegal and unjust war something something fascisim mumble, harper mumble mumble out of Iraq  Afghanistan  Haiti Toronto NOW!

GAP said:
If this group is going to set off any more bombs, I insist that they be done via suicide vests.....

I wonder how many would take up the challenge.... ::)

Well since it is likely a small group of people daring (or lacking in brain activity) enough to actually bomb something in Canada, I feel that the suicide vest idea is a great one and the problem would sort itself out quickly.  Ideally they blow themselves up in a shed somewhere by accident.  But beggars can't be choosers.
Whatever individual or group who committed this BOMBING, they need to be caught before innocent people are killed or wounded. They will re-offend.