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  1. PatrickM

    Whither Our Warriors-The Lowering of Standards

    Holy thread resurrection batman! This is what happens when you decide to work your way through the topics starting at the back I guess.  However I don't want to start a new topic because the argument is current and opinions are valid.  However, this topic is 3 1/2 yrs old, and enough time has...
  2. PatrickM

    The Sgt. Paisley Merged Thread

    Well, looks like there's definitely gonna be some penance for his actions... Although I suppose the true penalties and extent of offense will become apparent after court martial. OTTAWA (CP) - Charges have been laid against a former Special Forces soldier who disappeared while on leave in...
  3. PatrickM


    kincanucks, thanks for clairification on how the medical system works in regards to recruiting, it's obvious my knowledge about such things is pretty low however, i'm sticking to my guns on the lost medicals thing.  Two out of the last three troops to component transfer or attempt it were told...
  4. PatrickM


    No kidding.  It's scary how many troops in our regiment have been screwed out of component transfers for months on end because 'my medical file got lost'. Which leads to next questions: A)What does a Med Tech need to do/examine on a recruit's medical file that couldn't have been done by the...
  5. PatrickM


    I always knew I was more an exception than the rule when I enrolled in terms of processing time, but I never really understood why.  I walked in the documentation complete to begin enrollment process at CFRC Ottawa in late May 2002.  The following week I was invited to do the aptitude test...
  6. PatrickM

    Looking for Info on MAT TECH, ACS TECH, HULL TECH

    Thanks for info so far. Been to the Career profiles section of the recruiting page already thanks.  I understand the basic role of each of these positions.  What I really want to hear is some firsthand knowledge about those trades.  Kincanucks thanks for clarification.
  7. PatrickM

    Looking for Info on MAT TECH, ACS TECH, HULL TECH

    I've been with the Reserves for three years now, this April I'll be graduating from college with a diploma in Welding Engineering Technology (3 yrs program).  I'm 25 yrs old and looking at my options for related trades in the Reg Force, and I'd appreciate hearing from anyone in above listed...
  8. PatrickM

    Canadians' Drug Spending Surpasses Military Spending

    Oops forgot to post link. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2005/04/05/983334-cp.html
  9. PatrickM

    Canadians' Drug Spending Surpasses Military Spending

    Just read this article and find it pretty interesting.  Annual prescription drug expenditures are rising at a phenomenal rate, and passed the total National Defence budget a few years ago.  This means that a typical Canadian has more of his/her money directed toward drugs then they do defence...