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  1. B

    What have you won thus far in the Roll Up the Rim?

    I have won like 6 coffees and 2 donuts so far.. but I'm wishing for the car but that will never happen..haha
  2. B

    Anyone else have an obsession with future postings?

    There is also http://canadianmilitarygirlfriends.socialgo.com/ which is my favorite site... and http://canadianmilitaryspouse.ning.com/ which i also go on alot..
  3. B

    What have you won thus far in the Roll Up the Rim?

    I never knew that roll up the rim started. I buy timmies 3 times at least a day and never seen one of them yet.
  4. B

    Military - Family Life Balance

    My son was 3 when my husband joined the CF and it was extremely hard on him. He started hitting kids in daycare and he went from being completely toilet trained to having accidents all the time.. well these problems slowly went away.. But then everytime his daddy comes home they start up again...
  5. B

    Lawsuit could make designated drivers liable for intoxicated passengers

    In NB they call it sec 2 and they go to detention, but sometimes they are nice and drive them home or let them find a drive home once they get to detention but usually they only do that for first timers.
  6. B

    Lawsuit could make designated drivers liable for intoxicated passengers

    Yeah the detox center seems to be lock up lol.. Unless you aren't and idiot and you have someone willing to pick you up and take responsibility for you.
  7. B

    Lawsuit could make designated drivers liable for intoxicated passengers

    You can also end up in jail for the night if they think you are to intoxicated to walk home. Alot of the people that end up at my work, get lock up just walking home.
  8. B

    Lawsuit could make designated drivers liable for intoxicated passengers

    I know in NB if your under 0.08 then it is a 24 hour suspension.
  9. B

    Military - Family Life Balance

    When my hubby left for BMQ in january this year we had the worst communcation ever, but now that he is away we have the best communcation.. We talk on MSN whenever we can. Even tho you can't be with each other sometimes things can get even better.. I think it is like the saying distance makes...
  10. B

    The adventures of bekkamgov and her Boyfriend

    well my boyfriend and I are getting married in December. We are going to be moving in together after he is finished his training and gets his permanent posting. In the mean time I'm living with my parents and his things are at his parents. I know that they CF will help with moving expanses but...
  11. B

    A question about SQ

    I don't live with him I live across the country from him.. Only reason I know about it is because I found the papers in his bookbag when he was home. He told me he had to go to court for having no insurance but I think it is really unlikely..
  12. B

    A question about SQ

    Ok...If they have been notified and he is suppose to be leaving on monday for SQ.. Yet he hasn't heard anything about his court date being cancelled or his SQ being cancelled..
  13. B

    A question about SQ

    He was arrest by the military police.. I don't understand how military law works, but i do know how civilian law works since I work in corrections..
  14. B

    A question about SQ

    The thing that gets me is that they cancelled his court date in September when he could go. Then he thought it was done with and then this court date come out of nowhere..
  15. B

    A question about SQ

    It is my husbands court date.. I'm not sure if his unit know about his court date.. I know that he went to talk to the MPs and he told me that they said he had to go. I think his court date is for DUI. He won't really talk to me about it.. He just told me he might not be able to go to SQ.
  16. B

    A question about SQ

    First of all I searched on google and this site and found nothing. I was wondering if you are scheduled for SQ but have a court date scheduled well you are there. Can the MPs keep you from going to SQ?
  17. B

    I've always wondered... (fun game)

    Why do they make fitted sheets so hard to fold???
  18. B

    The adventures of bekkamgov and her Boyfriend

    Mine would I haven't been allowed to take a sick day or vacation for the 2 years I have been employed there.
  19. B

    The adventures of bekkamgov and her Boyfriend

    Can my employer keep me from going to an appointment with the recruiter if I have to work that day?
  20. B

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    That is so true.. I remember my mom telling me when I was a baby our house got shot up in a drive by and a bullet almost hit my dad, and I live in saint john New Brunswick. people think it is a little historical city.