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Lawsuit could make designated drivers liable for intoxicated passengers

Brutus said:
I see an increase in popularity of the 'neighborhood pub' coming.

With the changes with the legal limit in BC, a neighborhood pub in my area purchased a 24 seat shuttle bus. They have about a 5-6mile radius where he'll pick you up and drive you home if you request it.  I've used it a few times.  Can't complain!

Rafterman1 said:
With the changes with the legal limit in BC, a neighborhood pub in my area purchased a 24 seat shuttle bus. They have about a 5-6mile radius where he'll pick you up and drive you home if you request it.  I've used it a few times.  Can't complain!

That's a great idea! What's the name/location of the pub?

If you can get picked up for walking while intoxicated, and you can be charged as the host of a party if one of your guests is too intoxicated and leaves, that really means one thing.  We are being legislated into becoming "INHOSPITABLE" as a society.  The inmates are running the asylum. 

Think I'll go down into my basement and hide under the stairs and get hammered. 
love_my_soldier said:
You can also end up in jail for the night if they think you are to intoxicated to walk home. Alot of the people that end up at my work, get lock up just walking home.

If you think that you are over the limit and you decide to just walk home,
make sure that you don't go walking over any bridges.
You may find yourself arrested for being drunk in a public place :nod:
Now when the guys pick up a "older" lady at the 20/20 and she jumps out we can get sued? Now I'm gonna have to coinvince the gals to get in the trunk at the end of the night....I'm gonna have to get some smoother talking.

This law will destroy the sex life of the plus 35 crowd.
George Wallace said:
Think I'll go down into my basement and hide under the stairs and get hammered.
I'm on my way (to getting hammered, that is)

Viva la Friday!!!!!!!!
George Wallace said:
There is a requisition form and a waiting period.

I know about the waiting period.....now about that requisition......
mariomike said:
I am surprised to hear that.
Since 1971 Toronto Police have been permitted to transport public inebriates to detox centres.

Yeah the detox center seems to be lock up lol.. Unless you aren't and idiot and you have someone willing to pick you up and take responsibility for you.
In Manitoba we have the Intoxicated Persons Detention Act (IPDA). It allows police to transport people who are drunk (or stoned) to detention.
ModlrMike said:
In Manitoba we have the Intoxicated Persons Detention Act  (IPDA). It allows police to transport people who are drunk (or stoned) to detention.

In Ontario, Detention Centres are provincial jails.

Manitoba: Intoxicated Persons Detention Act: "Where a peace officer takes a person into custody under subsection (1), if there is a detoxication centre in the community, the peace officer may take the person to the detoxication centre and deliver him into the custody of the person in charge of the detoxication centre.":

Edited for spelling.

In NB they call it sec 2 and they go to detention, but sometimes they are nice and drive them home or let them find a drive home once they get to detention but usually they only do that for first timers.
Brutus said:
It is not possible now, in BC, to have even 1 drink and be assured that you won't be nailed by this STUPID law. I'm all for hammering folks that are clearly intoxicated and driving, but this punishes those that are acting responsibly (according to most I think), and not the chronic drunk driver.
The new addition is definitely ridiculous. The people killing others because of drunk driving will not be the ones driving around at <0.08. The law is not going to discourage the alcoholics from drinking (the old one didn't), all it is going to do is prevent the law-abiding citizens from going out after work and having a beer.

Unfortunately, the other side effect that this is causing is all of the pubs that now have to close down because their income has seen a significant drop.
Brutus said:
That's a great idea! What's the name/location of the pub?

Yeah, quite a few people use it.  I see less and less vehicles at the pub when I go to get pie eyed :cheers:.  The name of the joint is The Westsyder Pub in Kamloops. 
Brutus said:
A friend of mine just got nailed under the new BC Provincial MVA drinking and driving law. For those of you unfamiliar, if you are caught with a blood-alcohol content of 0.05-0.07 (the Crim Code limit being 0.08), you get a mandatory:

30 day impound of your car (~$800)
90 day suspension of your DL ($150 re-licencing fee at the end)
Responsible driving course (~$800)
ignition lock for 1 year (~$1700)
cab ride ($100)
fine ($500)

Totals around $4000. I am in no way excusing drinking and driving, BUT, she was under the legal limit set forth by the Criminal Code. This new law was passed through the majority BC Legislature and even the solicitor general is calling on cops to 'show discretion' (they should have written that into the law...the cops have no choice).

It is not possible now, in BC, to have even 1 drink and be assured that you won't be nailed by this STUPID law. I'm all for hammering folks that are clearly intoxicated and driving, but this punishes those that are acting responsibly (according to most I think), and not the chronic drunk driver.


Hi Brutus- I see what youre saying here but rest assured you will not blow 0.05. Its not physically possible. A beer or one ounce of liquor and hour will raise you about 0.01 and thats ABOUT the same rate you clear alcohol. Its been a while since my courses so this cant be taken as gospel but its around this area. I recall on my course I drank a ridiculous amount of alcohol over an house and I still couldnt hit the legal limit. You are significantly imparied at 0.08. You are dangerous according to studies after 0.05. The criminal code section was designed before the vast majority of those studies were completed so the limit hasnt been updated.

Now since you kinda just get screwed when you blow 0.05 to 0.08 with these new laws I dont really support them. In my active drunk driver chasing years buddy got a 24 hour notice and a ride home. It seemed like it worked fine to me, of course thats personal opinion. The chronic offenders are always at 0.2- always. 9am or 9pm. These types of laws dont seem like they target the guys that they need to.

But my point is that you can still have a beer after work and not get nailed. As for the public intox- if you arent a danger to yourself or others, and there is someone at home who can take care of you you shouldnt wind up picked up for public intox.

If you are screaming at the moon or punching signs as young service people often do for some reason you cant expect police attention. LOL. I know I got it when I was in and I acted that way. Be polite say "I have cab money and a cellphone and a room mate at my house. Im going to bed. Sorry" and 90% youll be good to go. Thats how I get away with massive drukenness when Im on vacation anyways. And it works on me when im working. All of this shouldnt be taken as legal advice as the numbers vary by body type and gender. The police vary by night and personality. Its just in general. Dont call me to court to defend you lol!!
love_my_soldier said:
In NB they call it sec 2 and they go to detention, but sometimes they are nice and drive them home or let them find a drive home once they get to detention but usually they only do that for first timers.

It's about protecting people at risk. There is liability involved if left lying in the gutter.
Transport either by ambulance to a hospital, or if  mobile, over the age of 16, and their condition may be safely managed in a non-medical setting, by police to a detox centre, if available, or police station.
Read about the Davies Commission in British Columbia. The Frank Paul Inquiry has been going on since 1998, and is not yet over. They are still talking about criminal charges:
Container said:
Hi Brutus- I see what youre saying here but rest assured you will not blow 0.05. Its not physically possible. A beer or one ounce of liquor and hour will raise you about 0.01 and thats ABOUT the same rate you clear alcohol. Its been a while since my courses so this cant be taken as gospel but its around this area. I recall on my course I drank a ridiculous amount of alcohol over an house and I still couldnt hit the legal limit. You are significantly imparied at 0.08. You are dangerous according to studies after 0.05. The criminal code section was designed before the vast majority of those studies were completed so the limit hasnt been updated.

So you know, different people have different processing capabilities. This is in no way true for the majority of the population.
For evidence, my university Drama society held a 'test your breath' night a few years back. The idea was to help people realize what their limits were and how fast you could reach them. Alcohol and a breathalizer was provided, and you would drink then blow a half hour or so after you finished each drink. (games and movies went on in the meantime)

One girl hit .06 after having one rum and coke. I didn't hit .05 until about four beer in. The kidneys operate very differently in different people and so the rate you can metabolize alcohol is very different.

This law, and it recently had an equivilant pass here in Halifax .05 is the new legal limit I believe? (If someone knows the exact law feel free to share) down from .08.

I would argue that it is ridiculous simply on the grounds of it simply stops people who used to drink responsibly from drinking at all and does nothing to those who would not that they did not already have coming. If you are going to drink and drive and not care, chances are your BA is going to be significantly higher then .05-.08.
"So you know"  That runs contrary to the vast majority of studies.  That one lady would be the exception to the rule- and there are people for whatever reason fail to metabolize alcohol at the same rate as everyone else. How would I be able to speak for every person on the planet?

The overwhelming majority of people metabolize between 10 and 20 mg% of alcohol an hour. Gender and body size affecting the results.
Science says that people metabolize in general between 10 and 20.


Its interesting but of no value what happened at "know your breath" night in university.
Container said:
"So you know"  That runs contrary to the vast majority of studies.  That one lady would be the exception to the rule- and there are people for whatever reason fail to metabolize alcohol at the same rate as everyone else. How would I be able to speak for every person on the planet?

The overwhelming majority of people metabolize between 10 and 20 mg% of alcohol an hour. Gender and body size affecting the results.
Science says that people metabolize in general between 10 and 20.

Could you give a reference to some of these studies?