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Lawsuit could make designated drivers liable for intoxicated passengers

Old Sweat said:
I've never seen you sober.

Even at work in an operational theatre, tisk tisk...


Disclaimer - I may have been selectively cropped out of this photo getting my drunk on.
Petamocto said:
Even at work in an operational theatre, tisk tisk...


Disclaimer - I may have been selectively cropped out of this photo getting my drunk on.
There, just made the disclaimer a bit larger.  You know, for us older folks!
bdave said:
Some burglars have successfully sued those they were trying to steal from because they sustained injuries during their attempt.

That's why companies have to leave a light on in the building at night.
But that lady must be crazy to jump out of a perfectly serviceable vehicle  ;D
I transported drunks, druggies and crazies for a living in the city.
When they jump, if they injure themselves, the two questions on the Incident Report are:
1 )  Was the crew aware that the patient might jump?
Only if you knew they had a history of jumping, or they told you they would. But, with people like that, you never know what they will do in a confined, moving compartment. Fight or flight. Or both.
2 )  Did the crew make an effort to prevent it?
We always drove nice and slow in the curb lane with people who were a potential threat to themselves, or more importantly, us. The main thing is to be prepared to stop the vehicle ASAP.
It seems the defendant is being held to that standard. As I said, maybe his liabiliaty insurance will take care of it. Either way, if they are common law, the money should stay in the family. After the ambulance chasers take their cut.
Old Sweat said:
I've never seen you sober.

The Technoviking does not get drunk, alcohol experiences the Technoviking until he releases it from his system.
Seasonally appropriate:

Australian DUI Commercial - the most intense commercial that I've ever seen 
AND PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE EVER AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Baden  Guy said:
PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE EVER AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My opinion: Majority of people will never learn until they experience/witness the bloody aftermath of tragedy firsthand. 
Rafterman1 said:
My opinion: Majority of people will never learn until they experience/witness the bloody aftermath of tragedy firsthand.

I wonder if what people witness from rubbernecking, and the six o'clock news, affects their driving habits?

A friend of mine just got nailed under the new BC Provincial MVA drinking and driving law. For those of you unfamiliar, if you are caught with a blood-alcohol content of 0.05-0.07 (the Crim Code limit being 0.08), you get a mandatory:

30 day impound of your car (~$800)
90 day suspension of your DL ($150 re-licencing fee at the end)
Responsible driving course (~$800)
ignition lock for 1 year (~$1700)
cab ride ($100)
fine ($500)

Totals around $4000. I am in no way excusing drinking and driving, BUT, she was under the legal limit set forth by the Criminal Code. This new law was passed through the majority BC Legislature and even the solicitor general is calling on cops to 'show discretion' (they should have written that into the law...the cops have no choice).

It is not possible now, in BC, to have even 1 drink and be assured that you won't be nailed by this STUPID law. I'm all for hammering folks that are clearly intoxicated and driving, but this punishes those that are acting responsibly (according to most I think), and not the chronic drunk driver.

love_my_soldier said:
I know in NB if your under 0.08 then it is a 24 hour suspension.

It used to be that way here too, but they replaced that reasonable piece of legislation with this...garbage. Retaurants are suffering more from this than they were when the HST came in.
I'm volunteering with Operation Red Nose this year. If legislation was passed to make designated drivers liable, this would most likely affect one of the more effect methods of getting drunk drivers off the road.
Would it also apply to Municipal Transit workers?  If I am going out I take the bus.

Then there are Cab drivers.  If I can't find the bus stop I take a cab. 

If I had my bicycle and had someone else take it home, would they be liable as well?  I know you can be busted for riding a bike intoxicated.

When will the madness stop?
You can also end up in jail for the night if they think you are to intoxicated to walk home. Alot of the people that end up at my work, get lock up just walking home.
I see an increase in popularity of the 'neighborhood pub' coming. That way, you can go and drink to your liver's content and cab it there and back for 20 bucks.

What's next? Lining up a guy at 0.07 and just shooting him? Jeez, it seems you're better off getting really wasted and taking your chances with a lenient judge (getting nailed under the CCC rather than these 'administrative' penalties).

Not that I'm advocating that!
Province's (Manitoba) new laws hike penalties for impaired driving
By: Larry Kusch  2/12/2010 1:00 AM
Article Link

Currently, a 24-hour suspension can be imposed for driving with a BAC of .05 per cent or higher, failing a physical co-ordination test and for refusing or being too impaired to comply with a demand for a breath, blood or physical co-ordination test. There is no opportunity to appeal such suspensions.

The proposed changes would see the province adopt tiered, short-term suspensions of 24 hours for a first violation of driving with a BAC of .05 to .08 or failing a physical co-ordination test, 15 days for a second violation, 30 days for a third violation and 60 days for a fourth or subsequent violation.

"We know that the evidence tells us that at .05 somebody's ability to drive is already impaired," Attorney General Andrew Swan said Wednesday after introducing the proposed Highway Traffic Act amendments.

Swan said there are about 40 repeat offenders in Manitoba each year who are caught drinking and driving with a BAC of between .05 and .08.

Suspended drivers will be allowed to challenge the grounds for the tiered suspension and apply for a conditional restricted driver's licence if the suspension is upheld but will result in undue hardship, such as job loss.

The province is also amending the law so it can suspend the motor vehicle driver's licence of people found guilty of operating a boat, train or plane while impaired.
GAP said:
Swan said there are about 40 repeat offenders in Manitoba each year who are caught drinking and driving with a BAC of between .05 and .08.

How can you be a repeat offender at 0.07 if you are not offending in the first place?
love_my_soldier said:
You can also end up in jail for the night if they think you are to intoxicated to walk home. Alot of the people that end up at my work, get lock up just walking home.

I am surprised to hear that.
Since 1971 Toronto Police have been permitted to transport public inebriates to detox centres.

mariomike said:
I am surprised to hear that.
Since 1971 Toronto Police have been permitted to transport public inebriates to detox centres.

Oh, that sounds like FUN!