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Search results

  1. spoon man

    Troops Out Now - Guelph

    I found this in the second paragraph of that website, "The war violates the UN Charter and international law and no amount of justifications change this fact." Last time I checked ISAF was established by a resolution (1386) of the UN Security Council. Maybe someone should clear that up for...
  2. spoon man

    Fall '08 TV Shows - Your picks?

    NHL and nothing else.
  3. spoon man

    Armoured Recce Vehicle

    IMHO, from the picture the Puma looks analogous to the LAV
  4. spoon man

    Any Way I Could Enter Reserves With This Situation

    I am also a  co-op student and I am in the exact same situation you are in. Since my trade is combat engineer and I am studying mechanical engineering, I can use my trades training as co-op experience. Depending on what your studying this may or may not work for you as well, you'll have to...
  5. spoon man

    RMC Class of 2010

    Suck it up buttercup. There are people who are doing engineering degrees at civi u, working in the reserves, doing private flight training and still find time to do extra curriculars while seriosuly hitting the gym.
  6. spoon man

    Bizarre Babbling About Firearms

    I prefer the laser cannon myself... I think your talking about an anti-materiel weapon.
  7. spoon man

    having trouble adding reps

    I would suggest adding some resistance to some of your sets. If you have one of those yoga balls, you can prop your feet up on it so that you are inclined while doing your pushups. This will also work some core musucles becasue you have to stabilize the ball. If you don't have one of those...
  8. spoon man

    V for Vendetta

  9. spoon man

    Canada's Black Watch (history - merged)

    Let your chain of command know what you plan to do, and you shouldn't have any problems. You won't have to redo your application.
  10. spoon man

    CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

    I'm in first year engineering, passed ASC for pilot and ANAV last April, and have most training completed for Private Pilot Licence. I'm on a Co-op program, every 4 months I do a work term placement which is more than enough to pay for the next semester of school; so paying for my degree...
  11. spoon man

    Kitchener Waterloo Area - Need Advice

    Small world, I'm from North Bay now going to school at Univeristy of Waterloo. Congrats on the job at RIM.
  12. spoon man

    Please post if you have received an offer from RMC.

    I recieved an offer for Infantry with engineering/science degree. I turned it down to go to University of Waterloo engineering and join the reserves.
  13. spoon man

    Reserve BMQ

    Attached to your joining instructions there should be a list of everything that you will need for the course, issued or not.
  14. spoon man

    Holy Moly! BMQ Weekend Pre-Course?!

    I believe that there is also a pre-BMQ in Kingston, instead of being conducted at the unit.
  15. spoon man

    Living at the RMC

    Congrats Paish. I stopped by the CFRC around 1 today, but was told that they didn't have the results yet. Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow.
  16. spoon man

    ROBO Soldier in Iraq?

    No, walking is very inneficient. If it was possible to evolve rotational motion in a living organism nothing would walk.
  17. spoon man

    Lt. General Romeo Dallaire - North Bay

    I searched around the university website but found nothing, and I haven't heard anyting on the radio etc. Do I just show up and pay at the door?
  18. spoon man

    Lt. General Romeo Dallaire - North Bay

    Wow, I had no idea he was coming to town. I'll have to check it out. Anyone know where I can get more info?
  19. spoon man

    Aerospace Engineer (AERE)

    Aerospace is a branch of mechanical engineering. I know CFB North Bay has an EME shop, and I'm pretty sure its only air element up here. So yeah, I would assume its possible to work in the air element as a mechanical engineer.
  20. spoon man

    how smart do you have to be to be an air force pilot?

    I also have my sights set on becoming a pilot. I had planned on getting my degree in either physics or space science rather then engineering, just because I've always had a fascination with that sort of stuff. However, I have been thinking about mechanical or systems engineering as well. Does it...