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  1. S

    Talk about Racist and Sexist!

    My understanding is that the student council made this decision on their own.  They are following in Queen's steps with the politically correct.  I don't even want to discuss the thought police at Queens right now.  I think their original intentions were okay but they never thought this all the...
  2. S

    How do I let go?- Deployment Worries

    Thanks for all the great advice, and thoughts.  I do really appreciate it.
  3. S

    How do I let go?- Deployment Worries

    Thanks, I think I was just having a bad night last night. I know what I have to do, but sometimes emotions bubble over into real life and we all can suffer that down fall.  I know who I love and what I have to do, I just must learn to being more open to change. Either way unless either one of...
  4. S

    How do I let go?- Deployment Worries

    Last year I started dating a wonderful guy, obviously in the military and I love him very much.  He is about to be waiting to be deployed and has been told it is happening soon.  We had some long talks, and thought his time in Canada should be well spent with his daughter.  He is moving back to...
  5. S

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Well I can say this is the dumbest thing I ever said and it was this morning. "Did I really drink that much last night?"  Followed immediately by "Never again"
  6. S

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Ha, no it wasn't me, although I will be at the college tomorrow and saturday.
  7. S

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    If I ever plan on any ear nibbling from Mr. I gotta go with AV on this.  >:D
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    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Well, let me put it this way, even my special someone is a loggie.  You all think you are "normal". ;D
  9. S

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    HAHAHA Mine is only 10, but I swear to all that is holy, he will end up in logistics with his warped brain.
  10. S

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    For my humiliation only..... "mom will I grow a hair on my lip just like you before I get a beard?" My son might be dead tomorrow.
  11. S

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Today I was in the office at 7 am.  My boss scheduled a TCC at 5:30 p.m.  He asked me to take notes, I said "I'm gone at 3 and good luck with my attendance"  Thank God we get along really well.
  12. S

    Would you like to put a ‘Support our troops’ ribbon on your own vehicle?

    I've had my vehicle keyed and two magnets stolen.  My magnets were from the legion, not that it should make a difference.  I just got a new magnet 2 weeks ago and it's still there.
  13. S

    POLL: Do you think Canadian soldiers should be in Afghanistan?

    Can I go back to the original question? Yes, they are there and need to be there.
  14. S

    Anyone here have a MAC?

    To be honest with you when I signed up for this board, it took me about a long time before I could see the board.  I couldn't get past accepting the Terms of Agreement.  I don't know what I did to correct it, I think I just upgraded my Safari. I have Firefox but I haven't used it in a while...
  15. S

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Studying, not absorbing a thing.  I think it's time for bed.
  16. S

    The Fate Of The Kokanee Ranger Is In Our Hands!

    I sent the link to a buddy of mine in AB, just thought I would rib him a little.  The following is the response I got.  I know! That commercial is running constantly. I am expecting a follow-up shortly. Are they airing that commercial out your way? I was over at a friends place when we first...
  17. S

    What CF aircraft have you flown/taxi'd in?

    I'm pretty sure it was a Kiowa, It was 1982, and I rarely fly with CF
  18. S

    Anyone remember this show?

    Nothing beats McHale's Navy How about a Sing A Long http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8E8trKZGbE&feature=related
  19. S

    Go Habs, go!

    Habs came through once again.  Barely but good enough for me.
  20. S

    No peace from war: Mother fights for soldiers suffering PTSD

    I may be out of line here, but my ex husband has PTSD and not military related.  He has been on an "emergency" list since november for a psychiatrist over this.  The Ontario health system is failing not just a certain group, but all Ontarians as a whole.  I worked as an addictions counsellor for...