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  1. future-fighter

    Any one want any info?

    Why is it so hard for the Gun plummers to fix our Air Rifles?
  2. future-fighter

    Cadet Pay Rates as staff

    as a staff cadet you get 60$ a day
  3. future-fighter


    I agree that cadets are not part of the CF but you should still show respect to evrybody
  4. future-fighter

    Best Memory With Your Corps/Sqn

    My favorite time with my squadron was when we all were having a Christmas get together and we were having secret Santa. The reason why this was my favorite time was because for secret Santa my friend gave me a burger from Burger King. It was hilarious! ;D ;D ;D
  5. future-fighter


    that is an awesome shirt!
  6. future-fighter

    What camps should there be?

    they did at one point have a lifeguard course.
  7. future-fighter

    More training nights

    I would love more training nights! I'm hoping that my squadron (807) will have more. Thats just my thoughts though and don't think that a lot of people from my squadron will agree.
  8. future-fighter

    Camp Experiences

    Get lots and lots of water! You can never get enough when you are outside all day! :cam:                          :fifty:
  9. future-fighter

    Pranks at camp. (Backdown)

    Well one day while I was at camp we had people run through our barracks and then they stole all our pillows. We had to sleep without pillows the whole time we were there.
  10. future-fighter


    I think if you don't get the answer you are looking for that you should ask your C.O.  :salute: