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  1. Trimmen

    I'm in!!....Well 99% of the way at least

    It means that your  NCM/Officer (whatever applies) with out an assigned course. Your in! Consider yourself an official candidate without pay and an assigned course if you will. Now go and get drunk!!
  2. Trimmen

    I'm in!!....Well 99% of the way at least

    So, I received the word last week that I've been placed (informally) on a course for Aug 18Th. I have applied for DEO Infantry and have been waiting for almost 2 years, but its Finlay happening. I just wanted to thank the Army.ca staffers, the members and particularly Michael O'Leary for all of...
  3. Trimmen

    CFPSA PSP- certification

    Thanks for that Hatchet Man, I'll do that......if I don't get in when I expect to, your suggestion would seem to be the most viable option as opposed to lingering in the private sector
  4. Trimmen

    CFPSA PSP- certification

    I see....... Thanks Gunner, thats what I wanted to hear. I didn't feel that my including these specifics on my background would matter much either, its just so easy to second guess yourself after the fact.....
  5. Trimmen

    CFPSA PSP- certification

    As a side note, I want to become an Infantry officer....
  6. Trimmen

    CFPSA PSP- certification

    thanks, I used to practice physiotherapy...I didn't like it at all, however, I did like the fitness management, instruction and development aspect of it..as a Hobey. As far as my fitness...I, obviously have created my own program based on the highest CF standards (JTF2, Divers and rangers I...
  7. Trimmen

    CFPSA PSP- certification

    I'm tying to find out how CFPSA PSP fitness instructors are certified and what primary Canadian civilian organisation governs it. I'm currently a civilian certified by the CSEP- as an exercise physiologist, NSCA-strength and conditioning specialist (special interest in Tactical S&C), ACSM...
  8. Trimmen

    False Alarm.......

    Thanks Kyle, And don't get me wrong I appreciate that the military has to consider a plethora of factors prior to selection. But isn't that what basic training is for? Academic institutions and private sector civilian companies, and they deal with 10s of thousands of applicants. The...
  9. Trimmen

    False Alarm.......

    I received a voice mail from the recruiter on Wed Nov 7 informing me that there may be a position as a DEO Infantry officer. By the time that I replied to his message (about 3 hours later), the position had been filled. Talk about competitive.....mind you it was for only one position and who...
  10. Trimmen

    DEO Infantry and Armoured slots not available until Feb 14, Artillery however...

    DEO Infantry and Armoured slots not available until Feb, 2008. Artillery positions, however, are available immediately. I was just told this by the recruiting officer about an hour ago. I've applied for a position as DEO Infantry, this process has been lengthy no doubt, but positive for me. The...
  11. Trimmen

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Forgive me in advance if this topic/question has already been covered.  ??? I'm confused; I'm looking at the IPC's for the Officer rank specs on the DND site, and the rank of Captain seems disproportionately larger than the other mid and senior ranks. It would seem to me that the CF are...
  12. Trimmen

    READ THIS...China now has the capability to destoy orbiting satellites

    *China first launched a manned space mission in 2003 - the third nation to do so after the US and Russia *Chinese astronauts aim to perform a spacewalk as early as next year *Until now, the US and Russia have been the only nations to shoot down space objects *China insists its space programme is...
  13. Trimmen

    READ THIS...China now has the capability to destoy orbiting satellites

    Japan has expressed concern, as have the US and Australia. BBC News, It is thought that the Chinese used a ground-based medium-range ballistic missile to destroy a weather satellite that had been launched in 1999. Correspondents say this is the first known satellite intercept test for more...
  14. Trimmen

    The Closing of CFB Chilliwack & No Regular Force Army Battalions in BC?!

    That's What I'm talking about! What about the possible threats a posed by a natural disaster an its implications to the population. And what about the threats that the population could pose to itself. And a side note.....Aside from BC, where in Canada (in not anywhere) can one ski and swim on...
  15. Trimmen

    The Closing of CFB Chilliwack & No Regular Force Army Battalions in BC?!

    So the 3rd battalion (3PPCLI) was "moved" to Edmonton.......The former Chilliwack BC base was bulldozed and is currently being transformed into a sub division. But let me get this straight, 1 Battalion in New-Brundswick, 3 in Quebec, 2 in Ontario, 1 in Manitoba (for some reason), 2 in Edmonton...
  16. Trimmen

    In the line of duty: Canada's casualties - British Artcle

    Great article.  I resided in Holland fore five years and spent time all over Western Europe. Most Europeans, save one exception, know nothing about our country other than Mounties, Moose and Hockey (I'm completely serious). The one exception to this generalised Euro amnesia are the Dutch. They...
  17. Trimmen

    The Closing of CFB Chilliwack & No Regular Force Army Battalions in BC?!

    During the 80's and the 90's military spending cuts lead to the decommission of a BC based Reg Force Army Battalion (as I'm sure all of you know).  With the current restructuring and generalised boosting of the CF, I'm curious to know about the possibility and/or plausibility of the reformation...
  18. Trimmen

    CBC today "NATO chief rejects claim Canada bears Afghan burden"

    You have a great point and I understand that NATO needs troops in every region in order to maintain balanced and strategical stability.....but I also believe that there are more dangerous areas than others. Take 4000 of those dormant European troops and put them in the battle for example. Does...
  19. Trimmen

    CBC today "NATO chief rejects claim Canada bears Afghan burden"

    CBC Feb 23 2007 "The secretary general of NATO had a message for Canadians on Friday: Contrary to what they may believe, Canadian troops are not facing more danger in Afghanistan than NATO soldiers from other nations. On a short tour of Kandahar Airfield Friday, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer addressed...
  20. Trimmen

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    So Canadians support the war on terror and are willing to commit troops, however, if any degree of risk were involved than Canadians should not commit? Correct me if I'm wrong but the results of this pole provide distinct evidence that suggests the majority civilian Canadians are either...