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  1. R

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    Agreed, the industry may be so far gone it is unsalvagable. Unlike the past, when there was enough infrastructure left where expensive improvements were enough to bring it all back up to standard. This time it may need to be rebuilt from scratch. It's too bad. I believe as recently as 10 years...
  2. R

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    This would require a change in strategic thinking by the government, but makes a lot of sense. Canada needs ships for the Coast Guard, Fisheries Dept, RCMP and the Navy. With the strategic will, government ships could be building all the time, keeping all fleets relatively current and keeping...
  3. R

    HMCS Huron To Be Sunk

    Gentlemen: "As an estimate, two Harpoon hits would be required to disable a destroyer, four for a cruiser and almost eight for a conventional aircraft carrier." http://www.pakdef.info/pakmilitary/navy/antiship.html Also worth a look...
  4. R

    HMCS Huron To Be Sunk

    In the early 90's I was a crewmember of HMCS ALGONQUIN while conducting a heeling trial alongside in Halifax. While I don't know the specfics of what went wrong (not my part ship) the event went horribly awry and the ship started to flood uncontrollably. Major factors in saving the ship were...
  5. R

    Canada Considering Sending Phalanx to Afghanistan

    Possible advertized CIWS targets: " ...  standard and guided artillery; .... " and "these adapted weapons could also provide defensive options against the kinds of rocket attacks encountered in Round 1 of Israel's recent war with Hezbollah, Iran & Syria...." ...
  6. R

    Canada Considering Sending Phalanx to Afghanistan

    Now we're talking! Navy Shooter, you remember correctly. I believe it was consider far to politically sensitive for a Navy ship to be seen escorting the offending fishing boat into Newfie John. Remember that there was a Spanish frigate sent to the scene. Any more 'provocation' from Canada was...
  7. R

    Canada Considering Sending Phalanx to Afghanistan

    Just a few examples of distinctively Canadian naval roles in modern crisis (from personal experience): Gulf War 1: Ships rapidly deployed in support of our allies. The ship I was on went through the Suez Canal in a convoy containing Canadian, USN, RN and civilian ships. Canadian units...
  8. R

    So you're posted to a NAVY base and you're ARMY.

    I had the pleasure of working with a bunch of different Army folks lately (SCF ITEE). The funniest thing I've seen in a while was how excited a couple of them got when told they were were going to be on one of the ships for a "Fast Cruise". It took me a few minutes to figure out that they...
  9. R

    Cabinet to decide navy deployment, O'Connor says

    There are a number of issues driving where/when/how the navy can make commitments: 1. Force disposition: East coast = 2 x Iroquois class, 7 x Halifax class, 1 x AOR,  3 x Victoria class, 6 x MCDV. Total = 19 West coast = 1 x Iroquois class, 5 x Halifax class, 1 x AOR, 1 x Victoria class, 6 x...
  10. R


    00299 NAV COMM East Coast I've been around long enough that I learned to type on my 3's course using a manual typewriter  :o 
  11. R

    Naval Communicator Vs Sig Op

    Training and career progression as it exists 'right now' for regular force NAV COMMs: Basic training (duh    ;D ) QL3 (Junior CISN Operator course) - Communications security, Basic communications (radio frequency type), basic crypto (how to load the more common equipment), basic message...
  12. R

    Naval Weapons Tech

    ;D True. Remember however, one of our ships fired a torpedo within the last 4 years without any human interaction at all!!  :o  Hence the importance of that maintainance.
  13. R

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    "In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it." Erwin Rommel. Witnessed: Chief (Purple in the face after watching the young seaman completely messing up his task): "OH MY GOD Ordinary Seaman! You are a &#@%ing sausage!" OS: "Yes chief." Chief: "DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU ARE A &#@%ING...
  14. R

    Strangest request since I've been home.

    Bravo Zulu Piper! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bravo_Zulu
  15. R

    Naval Weapons Tech

    No, you just keep the weapons functional, and given the variety of high tech systems on a ship (missiles, robotic cannon, etc) it's a challenging job. But someone else actually pushes the button/steps on the pedal to make it go boom (or swish!).
  16. R

    Standing Contingency Task Force: A Canadian Marine Unit?

    The landing force will be made up by the R22eR. The entire force sails shortly, trials in Halifax harbour then off to points south. On the way US Marines will mentor the army guysin shipboard life (Wadder Training) and amphibious operations. The entire plan is pretty ambitious, but on...
  17. R

    Standing Contingency Task Force: A Canadian Marine Unit?

    Good day. The Integrated Tactics Experimental Exercise (ITEE) of the SCF is due to take place very soon. The USN has loaned an amphibious ship (and crew) to Maritime Command. This ship, loaded with a company of R22eR, vehicles, a truely 'joint' command element (navy, army, airforce) will be...