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  1. J

    Front-line Army Wife

    I think the wife who is writing the blog has courage to voice her opinions as well bare her heart and supporting her husband yet again for his second combat tour! But from the look at the lastest blog sounds like her husband won't be completing his second combat tour as she has become so ill...
  2. J

    I require some help with gathering homecoming photo's

    A email that I recieved from Major Hughes by posting this I am hoping that some of you will know this is for real and that I really do require photos to make this happen I can't do it alone! Thank you Mandi Mandi; Thank you so much for offering to put together a video for The Partland...
  3. J

    I require some help with gathering homecoming photo's

    THANK YOU for your advice and I hope that I have now submitted it properly!  I am glad there are ppl like you to point out what could have been a awful mistake on my part. THANK YOU
  4. J

    I require some help with gathering homecoming photo's

    I am looking for pictures or video of family members greeting returning soldier's. I am making a 3 min video that will be shown at a public function in Ottawa at the CDS Military Family Fund Gala night Nov. 3 The deadline to send in photo's by is Oct 12th, 2006. All those who send in photo's in...
  5. J

    Editorial Edmonton Sun - To give hope

    Maybe 2 PPCLI will be noticed in a year from now when they send out about 600 ppl to Afghanistan. CBC National hadn't included it either on their "Road Stories" The losses from any base hit everyone in the military across the board. Even if 2 VP is not talked about as often we still feel...
  6. J

    Military families against Afghan mission speak out

    The following is a letter written from my husband once he left his FOB for good and was in KAF before coming home at the end of his tour (Jan-Aug/06) I think the email says it all. I AM PROUD OF HIM AND EVERY SOLDIER!!!! looks like living in the sticks has it drawbacks lol. Is that mean that...
  7. J

    Now I know but do you?

    I had two interviews in total one locally and then one in a major city. I asked my questions in the first one thinking I was covering my bases. Turned out to be not case so sh*t happens. The CF pays a couple of hundred for someone like me to travel to the city for the appitude testing, 2nd...
  8. J

    Now I know but do you?

    I am a spouse but husband is now home from Afghan (6 weeks) My husband said the biggest lesson I have to learn if I want to join is "I am nothing and shut the f*** up" I mean no disrespect here and I honestly mean it when I say this forum is good to learn such a lesson from. As a wife I have...
  9. J

    Now I know but do you?

    I was told medical was the hardest part about applying. I asked questions as I had medical issues that if I was wasn't qualified then why apply. It was far more disappointing to learn after all travel and testing and thinking I had covered my bases prior to applying! Nothing is easy and I didn't...
  10. J

    Now I know but do you?

    quit my whining OMG how about you learn to read properly Sir. Who is asking front desk about allergy treatment what I was stating is the recruiting personnel who work at the front desk and provide information to  ppl who are interested in joining should be aware of what MEDICAL issues will...
  11. J

    How to help husband back from Afghanistan

    actually husband is 2vp and he volunteered to go with 1vp to Afghan (Jan-Aug./06). He trained with you all in Wainwright last year. I don't know of any reintegration briefings here yet but he still on leave. Thank you though for your posting.
  12. J

    How to help husband back from Afghanistan

    As a wife (7 years and 3 tours) what is the best way to help my husband who has just returned from Afghan? He was in a FOB the last 4 months and saw alot as well did alot. He has some anger issues as expected. He is infantry and will remain infantry so please don't suggest he OT. We have...
  13. J

    Poem in support of troops in Afghanistan

    Proud of My Canadian Soldier The father and husband that he is, asked me if he could go. The soldier who knew where he belonged would do so. I asked him once "please don't go, we need you more." The look in his eyes shamed me to the core. My Canadian soldier knew where his duty lay. I hide my...
  14. J

    Now I know but do you?

    had the allergy since I was 12. The more times you are stung the deadlier the allergy. Age doesn't matter our son has same allergy since he was 2. Only know of this "new" treatment and there is hope. Glad to hear someone has had treatment and it worked. The personal at the front desk at CF...
  15. J

    Now I know but do you?

    Long story short I made the decision to apply for the reserves this summer while my husband was in Afghan. I had wanted to join before but with our family situation it wasn't right until now. Anyways I apply and started the interviews. I passed apptitude testing and could go any trade, passed...