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I require some help with gathering homecoming photo's


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I am looking for pictures or video of family members greeting returning soldier's. I am making a 3 min video that will be shown at a public function in Ottawa at the CDS Military Family Fund Gala night Nov. 3
The deadline to send in photo's by is Oct 12th, 2006. All those who send in photo's in return will receive a DVD copy at no charge!
Please email video and/or photo's at the following email address as it will accept larger then normal files

kids4us19 INSERT AT SIGN gmail.com

if you wish to see some of my video work please visit the following link that will direct you to my youtube site


Thank you in advance

Sorry to butt in but I would highly suggest you remove your e-mail... Alot of programs out there that scan the internet for e-mail adresses and then spam the living heck out of you.

May I suggest writting it like

you AT you DOT com
THANK YOU for your advice and I hope that I have now submitted it properly!  I am glad there are ppl like you to point out what could have been a awful mistake on my part.

A email that I recieved from Major Hughes by posting this I am hoping that some of you will know this is for real and that I really do require photos to make this happen I can't do it alone!

Thank you



Thank you so much for offering to put together a video for The Partland Brothers "That's My Home".  The video will be shown during the CDS Military Families Fund Gala on 3 November 2007. 

It is important that all the pictures used have permission to be released in any form.  DND will remain the owner of the video once completed.

If you send me your addr, I will have a CD of the song couriered to you.

Thank again for your assistance in this endeavour.

AB (Anita) Hughes
Military Families Fund
Fundraising Chair
Tel:  613-996-3310
Fax: 613-992-3945

(7NT - DD10)